Heather Kuzma


Milltown, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
4 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Brookview Volunteer Fire co., East Brunswick, New Jersey
Years With Department/Agency
Day Job:
Library clerk
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My family has been involved in firefighting since the 1900's. My Great-Great Grandfather, My Grandfather, My father, My Uncles and cousins! It's in my blood! I am proud to be a firefighter!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Being able to help others and just everything about firefighting and firetrucks
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Safety issues and lack of volunteers

Comment Wall:

  • Joel Swanson

    Welcome to FFN, Heather!
    Glad to have you on board here...
    Take Care Out There, now!
  • badassdog

    hay wecome to ffn
  • Joel Swanson

    Thanks for the ADD, Heather!
    Glad to see your keeping up a family tradition.
    It's a biz to be proud to be a part of, definitely
  • Ron Maddox

    Welcome to FFN. Be Safe and Have fun
  • Jim aka Bick

  • Ross

    I was wondering if you knew a Eric Breidenstein he moved up here and I believe he was from down there nice truck stay safe
  • Jim aka Bick

    Oh yea Heather I am definitely a big Linkin Park fan
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Heather,
    Just setting here stranded in an Iowa snow storm.
    I'm afraid it's been a bad weekend for our department.
    Our fire chief''s 9 year old son passed away, unexpectedly, so we're in shock here at the station.
    We had a busy week this week for calls, too.
    So, hoping for a better week ahead.
    Hope All is Well with YOU!
  • Joel Swanson

    Thanks Heather, we've got our work cut out for us to get through this, but this is a good family to be in when things like this happens.
    Sorry, too drop that one on you.
    So what's going on in your area, department or exciting in your life?
    Looks like you have a long family history in the fire fighting world, impressive. I know my father & grandfather were firefighters, then I'm not sure because our family came over from Sweden. They were farmers, thats about all I know.
    Well, Take Care, we're freezing here in Iowa.
  • Chuck

    Your last name isnt very common but, I know an Amy Kuzma. Hmm
  • Joel Swanson

    Well, the funeral went off here with a big turn out from fire/ems/police, along with family & friends.
    They had the funeral & burrial in Colorado today.
    While I was at my day job, one of our EMT's was injured seriously on a rescue today and became the second patient.
    We had a nasty snow storm last night, I had to go rescue one of our fire fighters who went off the road on her way home.
    So, we're ready for some warm weather and better times. Usually life around here isn't so dramatic. It's just been one of those years so far.
    So, what's new with you? I guess I got a bit windy, I should of sent this as a message.
    Well, looking forward to hearing what's happening in your life!
  • Jim aka Bick

    Hey Heather not too much going on over here in Burlington County how r u doing tonight?
  • icvfd28

    hey... no problem. how are things?
  • Ross

    Hi there thing are going good up here in maine just having a lot of snow thing are calm right now but it is only time before we get busy again hope you are well you take care and stay healthy
  • Jojo

    good really busy:(
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Heather,
    All are doing better. They're both back on their feet. The EMT is still taking it slow from her fall on the ice. The fire fighter who injured his leg in the house fire call, is doing pretty good. We've been running medicals mostly, it's too early for the grass and field fires to start up again. When we have several days of warm or hot weather that's when the fire calls will start coming in.
    How's things over your way?
    Take Care Heather!
  • Jim aka Bick

    Hello Heather ,I am doing just fine and how are you doing tonight? Are you getting any work in your town?
  • Jim aka Bick

    Yea we had the same big winds on saturday night too we ran about a dozen calls but nothing major.So how are you doing?
  • Jim aka Bick

    We are all doing ok here just waiting on the big one as they say.
  • krylyn

    hey heather-
    so hows it goin? we've been quiet here in central illinois. the field and grass fires are startin up now so we will prolly get busier.
  • JOE

  • Frederick Pettengill Jr.

    I am fine,How are you?
  • krylyn

    i was right! we have gotten busy! I just cant figure out why people set fires to grass when we have 35mph winds..and next to the interstate too! how you doin?
  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Heather,
    No the weather hasn't decided whether to be warm or cold. It snowed a little again this morning, so the dry and dead grasses and fields are still wet. When it warms up for several days and stays dry, thats when it will cut lose.
    How bout you, what's happening for you?
  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Heather !
    I just got home after working a 12 hrs. shift and will go to bed soon & do another one again in the morning. 03:30 hrs. to 15:30 hrs.. It's our spring celebration at Iowa State University, called Veishea. It also is ISU's 150th Birthday this year as well. In years past we've had riots that end up spoiling the fun. This year it was snowing and snow's in the forecast for tonight as well.
    Then we have a historical assignment we're working along with that, that is six weeks long, so we are over worked right now. Then I run fire & medical calls on the FD in between, when I'm home.
    What's new with you?
  • icvfd28

    not too much here... things have been pretty quite for a while... which is good... how about you?
  • Ross

    Thing are not bad around here right now we know that could change hope you are well and you stay safe
  • Jim aka Bick

    Hey Heather whats up not too much going on here on my end have been very busy with work and had some computer problems here at home so I have not been on too much lately. How are you doing and how are things with your department going?
  • Ashley

    hows it goin?
  • Brian Davis

    doing well, staying busy with extreme heat here fighting brush fires, other than that expecting some rain this weekend. How about you?
  • Patrick Perry

    thankees for sending me a frend request
  • Patrick Perry

    nutin chillin do u have an aim let me know
  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Heather!
    I was wondering about you the other day.
    I was going to give you a shout to see what you've been up too, since I haven't heard anything out of you.
    However, I know how that goes.
    Things have picked up. Mostly medical calls, but at least we're getting paged out.
    Things are hot here and drying out, so we should be seeing some fire calls this fall.
    Good to hear from you.
    Take Care Now!
  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Heather!
    Thought I'd give you a shout while I have a minute. Sorry I didn't get back to you right away. This gets to be my busy time of year at work. Student's are back and it get very busy.
    There for awhile we were running alot of medical calls. In two days we had three heart attack calls. That's pretty busy for a small town squad. Not to mention our medical squad was on-duty at the Farm Progress Show in another town, several days in a row. So we have the second out equipment we have to put on one of the other trucks.
    How about you. What are you doing for fun this fall?
    Take Care & give me a shout when you can.
  • Dale

    hey, i just got home from a wedding, doing okay, how are you?
  • Dale

    the wedding was alright, bride fell and bumped her head,

    we get alot of medical,

    none of the good stuff, fire, mva
  • Dale

    yeah she was fine the next day, but a wicked headache,

    and that sounds like a pain in the butt kinda call
  • Joel Swanson

    Happy Thanksgivings Day, Heather.
    From our family to yours.
    Have a Safe, Happy and Healthy One!
  • Mark Ross

    pretty good weve been really busy 48 calls in one weekend
  • Dale

    ey not much, sorry i havent beem on here much, i had a featured disccusion pretaining to on route to calls, it was pretty cool

    how are you?
  • Mark Ross

    yeah i am you have a facebook or a myspace im on them more
  • Jim aka Bick

    I have been good Heather and how have you been doing? I have been busy on this end and don't get on here as much as I used to. Take care and be safe out there..
  • T.J. Bartholomay

    its going pretty good. planning on taken the lafd test feb. 28
  • Mark Ross

    lol you got a sn on aim ?
  • justin

    nm im in class now actuly emc gotta love it