RUS fire 86.10


Russian Federation

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Type of Organization
Other Fire Department
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I like motorcycles,. Stunt riding. Hockey,., Off road 4x4, UAZ-the best russian car., Nascar., my VW Jetta CL 89" And of course the fire dept
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Why I Love Fire/EMS
This is much better than sitting in the office and look over the paper, you do not sit in one place, constantly deystvuesh, most importantly that you are helping people

Comment Wall:

  • Brandon

    Lmao = laughing my ass off
  • Eric

    Go Devils!!!
  • Doug

    Hello got your message, glad to be your friend. would you happend to know Genja, he is another friend of mine, but you two have some of the same pictures but according to your profile you both live in different cities? Oh by the way your picture no. 16 i believe are your trying to float the fire truck? or did the driver get to excited and was not paying attention to the road and landed in the water? stay safe
  • SMOKEnPipesJim

    I am not sure how well this will translate..LOL I might have "lost" the english version we shall see..JIM

    Чтение ваших ответов на чтение, Па Clymer улицу Видео, я согласен он, как представляется, медленно, но я не был там, 4 пожарной сигнализации в городе, что размер существенный, я ожидаю, 1 (большой проблемой безопасности жизнедеятельности ( ?), возможно eldery жительства или по уходу домой .. Здание это больше, чем кажется на видео, и в то время как мы "видим" кирпич, это может быть просто фасадом на "шарик кадр" здания (которое имеет отверстия от фундамента до чердак в каждой стене, что позволяет продлить огонь быстрее, то вы можете получить линий с целью остановить его, зачастую, если пожар получает на чердаке, как видно позже здесь, "Мастер Стрим" толкает огнем отступить этих пустотах и распространять его еще дальше, Баллонная кадр, поскольку они призваны были распространены в восточных районах, здесь, как дерево, где старые роста, так что стены Коты могут быть легко рамку от фундамента до крыши рафтеров много 2, 3 и даже 4 рассказа "дерева кадров" или "кадры", позже ", платформа" используется в строительстве, где слово лагах и пол оболочки заложены в основу, creatinga палубу, а затем шпилька стены поднимаются с каждого этажа, так что пустоты в стенах распространяться только с этажа на верхний этаж каждые 8 или 10 футов, я хотел бы добавить, что этот инцидент, возможно, были в течение крайне теплой погодой, которая может замедлить вещи вниз. Большие потоки Master ЕСЛИ Я имею в виду, что ваш смысл в вашей почте, будет настаивать огня по всей до аннулирования ... без хорошей естественной вентиляцией надеемся, что это является перевод
  • SMOKEnPipesJim

    NOT as bad as I expected ..
    Reading your responses to the reading, Pa Clymer street video, I agree he seems to be slow, but I was not there, 4 fire alarms in the city that a significant amount, I expect, 1 (major problem of life (?), Possibly eldery home or nursing home .. The building is more than appears on the video, and while we "see" a brick, it may simply be a façade for the "balloon frame" building (which has a hole from the basement to the attic in each wall that allows you to extend the fire quickly, then you can get the line to stop it, sometimes if the fire gets in the attic, as seen here at a later date, "Master Stream" is pushing the fire back down these hollows and distribute it further, Balloon frame, because they intended to have been distributed in the eastern regions, there is a tree where the old growth, so that the walls of Males can be easily framed from foundation to roof rafters lot 2, 3 or even 4 of the story "wood frame" or "frames", later ", the platform "is used in construction, where the floor joists and floor shell put on the base, creatinga deck, then up the wall stud at each floor, so that the voids in the walls extend from floor to top floor of every 8 or 10 feet, I would like to add that this incident may have been over very warm weather, which can slow things down. Large flows Master IF I have in mind that your sense of your post, would push the fire across to the revocation ... without good natural ventilation hope that this is a translation
  • Alexey Antonov

    Нифига тебе тут диссертации пишет. Молодец! Другой бы в жопу послал тебя с твоим замечанием, а он все подробно тебе разжевал. Он пока б/р делает, диссертацию по строительным конструкциям горящего дома у себя в уме составляет. Кстати, перевод довольно удачен, я сначаал в оригинале прочитал, потом увидел внизу перевод.
    Высокий класс подготовки у мужиков, стоит поучиться! Но некоторые их посты наивны до смеха...
  • rfdjumper

    Let me explain a little something before I try and translate. The City of Rearing is a city of around 100,000 during the day time, it consist of 22 IAFF Firefighters on the clock at any given moment (7 engines, 3 ladders, 1 heavy rescue, each truck has a driver and a firefighter). First alarm is 3 engines, a ladder and the rescue, and a chief. That's 10 people. The Clymer St Apartment was actually built as a mansion for a railroad tycoons daughter. It was later cut up and converted in to apartments after the railroads failed. In 1979 there was a fire which they rebuilt the facade to look original. The fire was dispatched around 1200 on August 4, 2008, structure fire with entrapment. The fire started on the first floor in a common kitchen. The occupant tried to put the fire out first. Then called her mother to ask her what she should do. 20 minutes after a simple grease fire was started she called 911. First engine on scene was 2 minutes, first ladder 3 minutes, first chief 4 1/2 minutes. Chief upon arrival struck the 2nd alarm, that brought 2 engines and a ladder. Thats 6 more men.

    The first engine reported fire blowing out of every windo on the first floor. The first line did an agressive interior attack and kicked the shit out of the fire in the kitchen with the 500 gallons of tank water . Water pressure in that part of town is terrible plus the property was up a steep incline. The supply line had to of been "hand jacked" about 500 foot to the closest hydrant. A second supply line was "hand jacked" from a block above through a lawn, over a fence to the engine. Initially it was thought that the ladder would not fit up the narrow driveway because of ornamental gate pillars at the entrance of the property. Through a lot of jockeying, the tower was eventually able to back up the driveway. A portable master stream was placed in service knock down the rest of the fire on the first floor.

    Upon arrival, the first ladders crewman, me, had smoke banked down the driveway with people still exiting the building from the fire escape. When asked if everyone was out, the response was "I don't know" I entered the building via fire escape to search the third floor. Third floor had light smoke throughout. but no fire. After searching the second floor, which had medium smoke but no fire. I went back up to the third floor to check for extention. I opened up the door to an apartment and I had fire in the ceiling area. I called for a line, it took a couple of minutes to get there. Upon checking for extension in the apartment, there was heat but not fire. I went in with the hose crew to start pulling ceiling, and trying to vent some of the heat out. Well the fire started popping up all around engulfing the entire apartment and the 1 3/4 didn't have enough gpm to put out the btu's. Needless to say we all bailed out of the apartment rather quickly. We didn't know it then but the fire had traveled from the first floor via voids left over from the 1979 fire reconstruction, and the entire attic area was engulfed in fire. At this time 3rd alarm was struck bringing 6 more men. Thats 22 men total. Crews were still agressively trying to put this fire out from the inside. My bottle was shot, I went out and changed cylinders. Chief asked me to get a saw and help open up the roof.

    Long story short, conditions got worse chief pulled every one out and it went to exterior operations.
    More pictures are availible for review at:

    Do you do interior firefighting in Russia, or do you just surround the fire with master streams?
  • SMOKEnPipesJim

    So iin many parts Of my size up, I was pretty close any fire in 90 degree (f)and 90% humidity as RFD told me and having been renovated with voids left that allow for verticle extension is as bad as a Balloon frame. MY Department serves a city also of roughly 100,000 but our manning is 4 on and engine 4 on a truck and 5 on our Heavy rescue , We run 9 Engines 4 trucks and the Rescue... When I was hired we had 4 more engines and one more truck and often I recall being extra assigned to ride with companies from out of town...on a few "bad nights" Manning in Many areas is a Major problem and topic of discussion, administrators see 22 firefighters per shift there they dont see 2 guys showing up with a couple more showing up a coupel minutes later, making for ineffective operations of any sort,,, at least with our 4 we can effectivly establish a water supply and begin to attack the fire at the same time with one unit
  • SMOKEnPipesJim

    Alexey wrote and the translator left some meaning out,and some words that do not translate, I think we all need to rememberThat both languages amd cultures have they're own idioms, English/ American is especially difficult to relate our Slang terminology and local customary idioms and meanings however the idea of what he said was true, ..

    He wrote "Nifiga you wrote here dissertation. Well done! Another would be to жопу sent you to your point, but he razzheval all the details for you. He has b / d did a thesis on the building structures burning house in their mind is. Incidentally, the translation is quite successful, I snachaal in the original reading, then saw the bottom of the translation. " ... Keep in mind we dont have meaning for razzheval or snachaal.. :) ...
    A high class training from the men, is to learn! But some of their positions naive to laugh ...
  • SMOKEnPipesJim

    Can I ask you a couple of questions?)

    1) Are you familiar with the brand name used in Seagrave FDNY what he estimated power? here 350-400 hp would be average we dont have bigger needs, I will have to do some research on the segrave's The have.. not 100 percent sure.

    2) How many liters of water in it is placed??
    500 US gallons x 3.785= 1892.5 liters
    750 " " " : " = 2838.75 liters

    3) What is the power of his pump? How many liters per second it can pump??
    We rate our pumps in U.S.Gallon per Minute, using GPM to Lps multiply Gallons per minute by
    1250 gpm pump = 78.75 Liters Per Second
    1500 gpm " " = 94.5 Lps
    2000 gpm = 126 lps

    How many meters of your ladder??? And tower ladder?
    ok again because u speak FDNY speak.. a ladder and they're tower ladders are 99% the same so... typical FDNY ladder is 110 feet =33.53 meters...either rearmount turntables or "tiller"Tractor trailer drawn which they still have a couple in specific neighborhood for access abilities eithe way the ladder's are called 100 feet.
    the tower ladders come either 95 feet =28.956 m 75 feet or 22.86 m

    there are other manufacturers who build platforms on 110' booms 33.53
    and even bigger as you well know But in NY a 120 m wont do anyone any good.. so why bother these... work and are useable...the one you have with what 5 drive axles would pretty much NOT be worth trying to get it to a scene in most of NYC so its what works best and effectivly for them.. I hope my math and conversions are correct I dont do that often so IF they aree stuid silly let me know if they do not make sense HAHAHA and it is 2:30 am Jim
  • Eric

    Hey man, thanks for adding me
  • Evgenie Frolov from Russia

    Привет брат!!!