
Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Bridgewater Fire Co.
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Firefighter I
ICS 100, 700
Wilderness first aid/CPR
Haz-mat awareness
Confined space rescue
Day Job:
Special Education Teacher
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I have always wanted to be a firefighter and though about joining a while ago. Finally I actually went down to the station and got an application.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping people who are in need

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  • Steve

    Thanks for the add...maybe we will see each other on a decent fire sometime.
  • Lt. Raymond Oliver HPFD 6505

    How's it going girl. my name is Raymond Oliver from Hawk Point Missouri HPFPD 6540
    Have a great day
    Do it safe out there,If it's too safe do it twice,Whatever it may be. Ha Ha
    Raymond Oliver HPFD 6540
  • Lt. Raymond Oliver HPFD 6505

    Not bad Thank God It's getting warmer finaly.How about you weather good?

    Hows it going
  • Bobby King

    Hey hun, how are things going? I hope your well. Have a great weekend.
  • ben

    its good to see someone so close to the cave here.hope to run into you on a call.
  • Bobby King

    Hope you have a good week and be safe.
  • wmason

    hello how is everything?
  • wmason

  • nick276ff43

    Hello SiS...Hope all is well and safe...Have a great Easter
  • wmason

    i cant wait til sring either. its never going toget warm.
  • Bobby King

    Hey hun, how are things going in Va. All is well here, We been slow sofar today. Well happy Easter and have a wonderfull week.
  • ben

    where were you on the big wreck on 11 last nite.66mph and a big ass tree.not a good was ok tho.well hope to run with you soon.
  • ben

    i dont think its to bad.i have said it myself.they also had a fire at HFD and heard it on the scanner.i dont think it was to bad.well be safe on break and dont party to
  • ben

    i hope soon
  • Brad Duncan

    hello Meghan how are things going
  • Brad Duncan

    i am not to bad very busy at work end at my dads place fixing the house up a lot of stuff end not much time to doing in
  • ben

    welcome back.i hope you had fun.well still waiting to see you on a call.
  • Brandon

    you will never know you see me on a ambulance in bridgewater or on a nice green engine
  • wmason

    hello welcome. how i everythinggoing?
  • wmason

    your going to to fine on your ff1 test i have faith n u .
  • wmason

    dont worry sweetie can do it .i wish u all the luck ok. let me know how u do ok.
  • James

    I was the 1st on ffn from the valley but now there is few of us that i know of. Glad to see here! BE SAFE!!
  • Jerry Moore

    just wont to say hi
  • ben

    hey girl.i havnt heard from you in a are things?was you on that buss wreck?hit me up.
  • ben

    no i was pulling a 48 hour shift at HFD. we listened to it. im sorry i missed it but the ot pay is good. we will meet sometime im sure. prob on 81. well hope to hear from you soon.
  • ben

    its not that bad.we get to sleep some.well sorry you didnt get to play.mabe next time.
  • Bobby King
    Have a great weekend.
  • Bobby King

    Hey, been pretty busy around here doing station work. Hope your doing good. Have a great weekend.
  • Bobby King
    Hope ya doing well. Have a great week
  • Brandon

    hey thought i would stop by and say hey and hope things are going well .
  • Brandon

    im doing ok it could be better but i am taking what ever the world is giving me
  • Brandon

    I really hope so.
  • Patrick Trimble

    Hi Meghan. This is Pat, I just met you a couple of weeks ago at Bridgewater. I just joined this site and saw your site and thought I would say hi.
  • Bobby King

    Hey, hope ya doing well. Have a wonderfull week and be carefull out there.
  • Patrick Trimble

    I will let everyone know you said hi. Have fun at camp.
  • Brandon

    i'm doing ok could be better, the valley, ummm it's starting to get guiet again and dont mind my spelling. thats the scary part of the valley thats when the big wrecks happens.
  • Brandon

    oh if you know a dustin wampler from co.15 career staff thats my lil brother
  • Brandon

    yeah it is good but sometimes its not . sorry you didn't run any calls but you was busy with school and I will tell dustin.
  • Brandon

    thats cool, you mite just see me at the lawn party with the cave or bwater rescue
  • Brandon

    i just got done talking to dustin and he said HI.
  • Brandon

    hey girl just stoping by and say hey and hope everthing is going well.
  • Jasper Miller

    I got to know darren showalter,you know him????

    Jasper Miller
  • Jerry Moore

    hi how have you been doing i am ok i have not heard from you in a good time i hope ever thing is ok i hope to here from you take care talk to you later
  • Brandon

    hey girl it was nice seeing on the diabetic emergency last night, and plus ull mite see me tonite at the lawn party grounds.
  • Brandon

    it was nice to meet you to. I wasnt at the wreck bc i was with my gf that morning.
  • Brandon

    just to add to that i got some good just coming from verona bc i drove by with her .
  • Brian Gilbert

  • Brandon

    it was nice to see you back intown the other day
  • yves rollin

    Hi Meghan thanks for the add sister .Give me some news n be safe in the pit of hell ttyl