Justin Dunn

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, Driver / Engineer, Other Emergency Services Staff
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Bland, Virginia
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
FFI, FFII, Hazmat Ops, First Aid, CPR, EVOC Class 3, Instructor I and II, Rural Water Supply, Basic Pump, NFPA 1403, Driver Operator, Communicating with Children, Fire Attack Evolutions, Arson Detection, L.P. Gas, Vehicle Extrication, Farm Machinery Extrication,
Day Job:
Sheet Metal Fabrication
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Joined the fire department at the age of 16. My dad was chief of the fire department for many years prior to me joining. After I was in the fire department for a few years I joined the rescue squad.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Getting that, "thank you" from the person that you are helping. The Adreneline Rush is a good kicker too
Top Issues Facing Responders:
I don't know about the departments in bigger cities, but the biggest problem that we have in our department if getting members to participate in events such as training, fund raisers, and even fire calls

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  • Don Vuletic

    Rest In Peace Brother
  • John Rulli Jr.

    RIP brother
  • whacker

    May you rest in peace. My thoughts and prayers to the family and the depts
  • Jim Brunelle Jr.

    Rest in Peace Brother.
  • Kayla Bartlett

    Rest In Peace my brother... Good bless your dept and family.
  • Aaron Robbins

    Rest in Peace Brother
  • Bill Heizer F/F E.M/T.-P

    Rest in peace Brother, May the Lord hold your family and your dept in his hand to supprt them in this time of sorrow .
  • Randy

    Rest in Peace Brother, Godspeed and God Bless
  • Katie Moon

    God bless you, Brother. Rest in peace.
  • David M Ross

    God Bless and God Speed Brother. You will be missed. Rest In Peace Justin.
  • Brian Dill

    Rest In Peace Brother
  • Beth

    God Bless You and your loved ones.

    God Bless you Rest in Peace my friend
  • morris washburn

    I wish we were friends , but you are a brother to all of us . rest in peace my brother
  • Nancy Miller

    My thoughts and prayers to Justins family and the members of his dept.
    Rest in Peace Brother.
  • FireFighter Roger Hicks

    i'm sorry to hear about the death of a fellow brother firefighter Rest In Peace Brother
  • Malcolm Burden

    Rest in Peace Justin, the world is a sadder place without you.
    Our regards to his family,

    From The brothers in the London fire Brigade
  • Stephane M. Goulet

    Our hearts and condolances to the Dunn family, and to Justins fire / ems departments.
  • Knights of the Inferno FFMC

    Rest in peace brother. May God watch over the Dunn family and provide comfort in this time of mourning.
  • ray parsons

    My prayers go out to the Dunn family and, his F.D., Rescue Squad family. Rest In Peace.
  • Donny

    Rest In Peace Brother You Have Served your Fellows Well!!God be with you and your familty in this difficult time
  • Jim Seargent

    When the Chief of Chiefs sounds the tones, you have to respond. Following seas on your trip, my prayers are with your family.
  • FiR3m@n

  • EMS_GIRL08

    R.I.P Our prayer are with your family and friends. From Giles Rescue Squad and
  • Beverly

    My prayers to all the members of Justin's family, his personal one and his fire/rescue family as well. You will have another guardian angel to watch over you.
  • Medicine Man

    My prayers go out to his family, friends and his brother and sisters that he worked closely with. The lord has you now and you are safe.
  • Trisha Lowther

    My prayers go out to his family and friends. RIP Brother.
  • Frank McNeil

    Rest in peace and thank you for your years of service. God bless and strenthen your family.
  • Zane P. Rist

    Condolences to the family and friends. God Bless and thank you for your service. R.I.P. Brother
  • rockymtfireman

    rest in peace brother
  • louis j urcinole

    our hearts and prayers go out to the Dunn family.from all your brother and sister firefighters at staion 44 seaside heights n.j
  • Chan Rivera

    our heats go out to the family from Ulster Co VFA of NY
  • lloyd

    RIP my brother, you will be missed by family and friends, but also all the people you would have helped in your career. May God be with your loved ones, friends, and brothers & sisters in the fire service
  • Sheri Caelwaerts

    May God's grace console the family & friends of this young man in this time of great sadness. You are going to be greatly missed. Rest in peace in God's loving hands.
  • Kevin Dunn

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Rest in peace brother
  • Allen Howard

    Rest with God little bro. Me and mine pray your family's left safe and blessed and that you are watching over them and us!!
  • Jenna

    I just wanted to thank all of you that have commented. Justin was my cousin and a fellow firefighter. Our family is really big in the fire service and he loved every minute of it. Thank you again for all of your thoughts and prayers.
  • Chris Pearson 141

    Rest in Peace Brother. You will be missed.
  • John LeBlanc

    Rest in Peace Brother. My thoughts and prayers to your familly and fellow firefighters at your station.
  • Jessica

    God bless you and your family. Praying for you, your family, and your firefighter family
  • Paul Acosta

    Rest in Peace brother. The gates of heaven are always open for the bravest.
  • Anthony Smith

    justin from everyone in hagerstown maryland rest in peace friend u will be missed by all of firefighter nation
  • C. R. Vaughan

    The bell has been struck and you have answered your last call. Well done young man and may you rest in Him who taught us to pray by saying:

    "Our Father, who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy name.
    Thy Kingdom come,
    thy will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. for ever and ever. Amen "
  • Rodolfo Guija

    Descansa en paz querido Hermano, que Dios te tenga en su gloria.
    Tus hemanos bomberos te decimos...Hasta pronto Justin! porque solamente nos llevas la delantera.
    Nuestra OraciĆ³n para el consuelo de tus padres.
  • Ron King (Fire Chief)

    My thoughts and prayers to your family and fellow firefighters at your stations. You will be greatly missed.RIP
  • Paul Lambert

    My thoughts and prayers are with the family right now in their time of need.
  • Dave

    My thoughts and prayers are with your family
  • Nicole Clark

  • Kyle Tischler

    Our thoughts and prayers are certainly with the family of Justin. Seeing anyone leave this earth is difficult, but seeing one of your own, that strikes a little closer to home. May God be with his family and friends. And we should all know that Justin is now working right next to the Great Chief up there.
  • SMOKEnPipesJim

    Rest in peace Justin, thoughs and prayers to his family and department to keep thoughts of him close to them in they're daily Lives, and to those who only knew him here. My Condolances...Jim