FF Schoen

47, Male

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Training Officer, Fire / Arson Investigator, Firefighter / EMT-Basic, Hazardous Materials Team Member, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Almost 10 including EMS
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Sunland Park Fire Department, Sunland Park NM
Years With Department/Agency
4 years and counting
My Training:
FFI, FFII, EMT-B, Hazmat Technician/Specialist, Driver/Operator, Rope Rescue Operations, Fire Investigations, EMS Training Officer and Liaison. I am currently attempting to establish our Spec Ops division.
About Me:
I have been in the field for 7 years. I attended the EPCC Fire Technology Academy and obtained my Texas Basic Firefighter through the Commission. I am a dual state EMT and Firefighter. I am currently working towards obtaining my Associates Degree in Basic Firefighting and Fire Science and then will be finishing my Bachelors of Homeland Security. God has me here for a reason, and thats to help as many people as I can until he calls me home.
Day Job:
This is it
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I wanted to be able to be the one who would help others instead of running away.

LIVE LIFE STRONGER THAN DEATH.... a wise person once told me this
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Running in when everyone else is running out thinking were crazy.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
I believe that tight budgets are one of the issues facing firefighters. The inability to correctly equip a department has led to firefighters being hurt and killed. I also believe that we are our own issues. Firefighters who do not wear their proper PPE during situations that require it.

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  • brenda caldwell

    Glad to have you home.How was santa? Bet that was a blast. Way to go. Maybe you will get what you asked for.lol. Would be nice.Bet you are jet lagged. Get some rest. I will check back later or tomorrow. Am tired worked late and took my senior daughter school clothes shopping. I HATE TO SHOP. Got enought to get her started Monday. Be safe, rest, Talk to you later my friend.
  • brenda caldwell

    noticed your friends with my oldest daughter on ffn also. Ratchel Allen she 's mine. Pretty Kool person.
  • FireCat

  • brenda caldwell

    Love the pics exspeciallty the little fuzzy friend.The mountains were beautiful. Cabin was cute, can see why you had a blast.Just got back from search and rescue didn't find him but things didn't add up either.
  • brenda caldwell

    Wow that was exciting for the first night back. Ice cream--lol. assume all went well. Joe and I are fine work work work. Had a busy day at work, lots of critters today. Glad things are back to norm. Be careful and I will check ya later.
  • Joe Caldwell

    just stop by to say hi take care and saty safe.
  • Ben Waller

    Thanks for the quick reply and for answering my questions. If you haven't already done so, you might want to post that additional information on your blog. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one that will have similar questions.

    If you guys don't have NFPA 1983-rated high angle rescue harnesses, you may want to look into getting them. Bailout harnesses built into bunker pants are better than nothing, but they're typically not rated for high angle rescue - or even OSHA-rated for fall arrest when working at heights.

    I'm glad that you guys had a successful rescue.

  • Joe Caldwell

    yes i seen the video on your page brenda told me about it. stay safe and dont look down (ha ha)
  • FireCat


    I would like to invite you to join my group that I just created called The Lighter Side of Life on the FFN.

    Hope to see you there!

    Have a blessed day,

    Cat :o)
  • FireCat

    Hi -

    I just sent you a formal invite, All you have to do is accept it.

    Happy to have you as part of The Lighter Side!
  • brenda caldwell

    We are doing good and glad to hear that you are as well. nope you didn't want a life with all those classes--lol. will keep you busy.Had a 10-50 last night and had to care flight the guy out. looking at the car the guy was lucky to be here. fliped it upside down like a pan cake. take care. talk to you later.
  • FireCat

  • brenda caldwell

    Seen you online and wanted to see how you are today. We were swamped today at work, did 116 invoices with 2 techs and 2 doctors. we kicked butt and had everyone out by 5:05. Am tired.have to be back at work at 6:45 in the morning and we will only have 2 techs again. plus I also have kennel weekend. Hope all is well in your area today and have a wounderful safe weekend.
  • brenda caldwell

    I will tell joe hi for you. I am off Monday YAH, don't feel bad it was your time off. I am on vacation the 8th of sept through the 14th. leave the 10 th-13th for bike rally in arkansas. my first. going with joe's dad and other family of his. I love his dad. god speed. be safe.
  • Tony P

    G'day, saw you on that non-operating chat room. Jumped over here and had a look at your photos - some great shots there! I like the night training shots, very colourful, and I agree, those places are our playground!
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Hey FF Schoen, Thanks for the nice words, this kind of thing isn't necessarily common but if you see one of these containers, hopefully now, you have these images pasted to your mental hard drive. See them and you'll have second thoughts. Photographs are such a more powerful medium when communicating your thoughts. But then again, I am a teacher who is very passionate about hazmat wmd safety. If you have any questions or need a hand, you will have my full attention. If I don't know the answer, then I'll find someone who does.
    And yes, I will be your wingman brother! Stay safe and have an enjoyable weekend with your family and friends. It's what it is all about, going home the next morning! Mike from Santa Barbara
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Hey, answer me this... when you clicked the wingman link in the email below, did you see the two bulls talking?
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Wanted to make it fun and interesting. Glad the link thingy worked. I try to spice up my emails and surprise folks from time to time with these kinds of treats. I consider it art. You'll consider it fun. TCSS, Mike

    One of my most favorite places to camp, right on the mighty chilly Colorado River just across the bridge outside of Moab, Utah. The cool thing to do here is attach a rope to a secure anchor point with a loop at one end tied around one wrist. You then swim out to the middle of the river and let the current pull you down stream. As the rope tightens, it arcs towards the shore and you pull yourself, hand over hand back to the shoreline. I have learned through the years to have more fun than most. My favorite saying is, "It's not who wins or loses that's important, it's more important where you go afterwards for pizza... it's all about going home in the morning". TCSS, Mike
  • Tony P

    It's nice to visit and get to know one's own country. Most of Aussie is vast open space, mainly desert! But I love the desert country - it's starkly beautiful.

    Photography is a great hobby , and affordable now that we use digital. The amount of money I used to go through back when I used film!
  • brenda caldwell

    looks like that thing in the gulf is going to sit on top of our area and dump 12 to 15 inches of rain at least and some bad force winds. not looking foward to this. hope wherever you area is it's not bad. be safe my friend.
  • brenda caldwell

    I hope yo do not get any if so please be safe and stay in touch. will see what they say in the morning about this thing. Hey go to my page and go to the url for my page on my space and see what you think about my layout or background. let me know what you think.
  • brenda caldwell

    hey i fixed it so you can view it try again now.
  • Damon Dyer

    You got to admit is fun to read some of the stuff that gets put on here . I added the pic to see what is said about it and have some fun . I sure didn't see a brown haired kid there.
  • brenda caldwell

    stoped by to say hello and see how your days has gone good I hope. things are ok here so far, should start later tonight or tomorrow. think things will be fairly okay.did you work today? be safe.
  • FireCat

  • FireCat

  • brenda caldwell

    Hello my friend. How are you today? Good i hope. Well we are all fine we are getting alot of rain but thats all. Glad that thing turned.So whats new for you? Two more days of work this week then im on vacation till the 15th. yee haa.Can't wait those people I work are driving me crazy. I worked in the kennels today and ran the boss man out this morning, he did not speak to me all day. Didn't come back in the kennel either. how's work and classes?
  • FireCat

  • brenda caldwell

    Hey there. Glad things there are fine. All we got from th estorms was rain for three days stright and a little wind. Glad it turned and weakened. So rain there too. we needed it but enough is enough. Little rain this morning but stoped and turned out nice. How did palin do? I missed it. Joe says hello friend. be safe.
  • brenda caldwell

    Today was our anniversy. We have been toghther 20 yrs. YEAH!!!!!
  • brenda caldwell

    Is your dad going to be okay. I pray that he will. will keep him in prayers. The only dad I have is Joe's dad, he's a good man. I have work tomorrow then vacation. Yea I kinda really love my Joe. Joe is a good man as well. No one like him.
  • John

    WOW Good luck to you as well, and Thank you . Be Safe
  • Michael Vito

    hello, mabuhay from the Philippines, thanks for adding me Dennis. God Bless you!
  • Robert Nichols

    Hello I am glad to see your back on here.How was the trainning? I hope you had a great time.I had to go back into the hospital monday night blood counts dropped.I am home now got out of jail yesterday vampires LOL Thank you for your prayers and comments.I hope you have a GREAT blessed Day!!
  • FireCat

  • brenda caldwell

    just got off a structure fire. house was saved just hole in the wall to the outside. no one was at home. gonna go take bath. be safe.
  • brenda caldwell

    hey there. seen you on line wanted to say hi.moving my oldest daughter to tyler tomorrow. sucks.know i gotta let go, just dont want too.
  • FireCat

  • FireCat

  • brenda caldwell

    Hello my friend, we made it back from our arkansas bike rally, I added 16 new pics. you will have to check them out. took 245. our home and kids wew safe during ike got lots of wind and rain. it hit us in arkansas saturday night. got kinda bad but as is safe, had a blast and did not want to come home. how are you doing. fine i pray.
  • FireCat

  • brenda caldwell

    Just wanted to say hi. Have not talked to you in awhile. I hope all is well. Hows your family? Good I hope. Things here are fine. Went to the Neal McCoy angel network concert last night with my sister and my oldest brother. It was good. Have the pics on my space, Blake shelton and Jack Hanna was there also.Well take care.
  • Jennifer

    Hey you!!! =)
  • FireCat

  • FireCat

  • FireCat

  • FireCat


    1. When you are sad -- I will give you a shoulder to cry on and my ears to listen until you feel better.

    2. When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

    3. When you smile -- I will know you are thinking of something that I would probably want to be involved in.

    4. When you are scared -- I will rag you about it every chance I get until you're Not.

    5. When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about how much Worse it could be until you quit whining.

    6. When you are confused -- I will try to use only little words.

    7. When you are sick -- Stay the hell away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.

    8. When you fall -- I will laugh at your clumsy ass but I'll help you up.

    9. This is my oath; I pledge it to the end.

    Why? - Because you are my friend!
  • brenda caldwell

    Stoped by to say hello my friend and see how you are doing. Also hows dad.
  • brenda caldwell

    Hey Hey, Glad things are going good with you and your dad. I will fit in your suite case for Hawii lol. Joe is doing good, working two jobs as always, sucks sometimes. But all is well.Have missed talking to you so wanted to stop by.Be safe and take care.
  • FireCat

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