Fire Chick

36, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
6 years fire 4 years emt
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
allison #2 allison ave.
Years With Department/Agency
4 years
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations

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My Training:
have had essent. cpr. hazmat awareness. and emt. and a few others i cannot remember at this point
About Me:
i like to do all kinds of things i am a risk takers anyother questions ask. i love firefighting and i am now 1st. Lt. and an emt
Day Job:
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
my name is heather..i became a firefighter 10-3-05...i grew up 2 houses away from a fire dept...i used to spend alot of time there wit my friends, since no one in my family was involed wit firefighting...the men and women there used to show us around the station and the trucks..they used to sit there and tell us stories about calls they have had and how everything works... after spending years there i knew that is what i wanted to do... never really thought about joining that station tho.. my cousin got a new boyfriend and he was envolved for years and me and her talked and she was going to join...she was trying to talk me into joining but i was still in school and working 2 jobs i knew it was going to be hard to take classes, but i joined and everything worked out wit my jobs to take the class....this year in '09 i have became i am now driving the brush truck to help out wit drivers and maybe one day the engine....that is a big MAYBE...i have took the time to become an emt also in '08 and it was the best thing for me..i plan to do this as long as i can....
Why I Love Fire/EMS
saving ppl and i am a risk taker
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Man Power,everyone has it

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  • William Hodges

    i love it. I volunteer and i'm about to go paid in Greensboro NC. Thats if I get the job though.
    How about you?
    Stay Safe
  • turk182

    What days are good for you let me know and I will try to get something set up.
  • Irons38

    thanks for your comments. hope your thanksgiving was a good one. stay safe ttys.
  • Irons38

    i was lucky enough to be at work LOL. Visitin family is my favorite thing to do....NOT!!!!! Good luck... You were up late the other night. sorry i missed you. hope you week is going well. ttys
  • turk182

    I have to wait until the first of the year before I can change it.
  • turk182

    He is still chief until the first of the year but in his absense I am running it. Do not forget the line officers meeting sunday night at 6:30
  • Irons38

    My week is going good. Congrats on the position and being able to drive the brush truck.
  • turk182

    We did not get dispatched to any calls last night. I was up there for training night tonight and there was not any reports on my desk.
  • turk182

    went to the odor investigation but missed the car wreck.
  • Irons38

    Nice new pics. Hope your weekend is good TTYS SS
  • turk182

    We had a odor investigation call on craftmore road when we got there we had to what for the gas company to get there they found two leaks in the line.

    The evening call was a wreck on redstone way we were just on stand-by.
  • turk182

    slept right threw it.
  • The God and Goddess

    Thank you for your comment.
  • anne potter

    Welcome to the nation..Great place to meet new friends.. Feel free to stop in and say Hi anytime...
  • turk182

    You missed a structure fire today!
  • turk182

    me too!
  • turk182

    Amy was one of the ones involved in the accident this morning.
  • turk182

    They were on standby and they were called out to this one. She is fine no damage to her car just shaken up a little.
  • turk182

    don't forget we have a meeting tonight and the essentials class starts tomorrow.
  • Jonathan

    thanks for the comment heather stay safe
  • turk182

    I do not know have not heard anything yet. If you get a chance to stop by the fire hall tonight or monday I need to talk to you about something.
  • Christopher

    Thank you for the wonderful comment!
  • Denise Co 29

    Hello from Pa as well
  • turk182

    We are going to the SUPER BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That teaches you to bet on the RAVEN'S!
  • Chief 29

    Looks like your team is going to the superbowl! I wish them luck!
  • turk182

    All I see the bet on both sides trick you fair weather fan you!
  • turk182

    Who me would I do something like that to my favorite Lt.
  • turk182

    When those pranks start I think that will be about the time we pull all the 5" hose off both trucks and repack it! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • turk182

    Be affraid be very affraid!
  • turk182

    Hey check out the CAPTION THIS PICTURE forum.
  • John Bierling

    Hey Heather, I’m a retired Fire Chief and understand the importance of health & safety for our responders. I joined FF Nation to share my incredible wellness story with everyone. My life was saved because of this program. Many of us need to get healthier. If you’re interested in more information about this life changing program please send me an email at:
    Thanks, John
  • turk182


    do not know if it will work but I have a bunch of steelers song but here is one.
  • turk182


    hope this is the one.
  • turk182

    I do not see that one I would send you the whole folder but it will not let me upload it.
  • turk182

    I sent it to your e-mail.
  • turk182 this is the link.
  • turk182
  • turk182

    If you go to the fayette county 911 home page and look on the left side of the screen you will see training click it and then you will see online course study thats where you want to go.
  • turk182

    So I hear you are betting on the Cardinals!
  • turk182

    What did I do? Oh wait I forgot you are supposed to be a Steelers fan and I let the secret out that you are a closet cardinals fan SORRY!!
  • turk182

    I could not bet on the cards I am die hard Steeler fan. and besides I betting on sports is against my good nature!

    I seen you at wal-mart buying a cardinals shirt so don't put the blame on me!!!
  • 5-15-Radio

    welcometo the group
  • turk182

    Yeah they do they are right next to the toilet paper!
  • turk182

    No I actually bought it for you so you would finally admit that you went over to the red side!
  • turk182

    Can you tell phillip and katie that the class for tonight is canceled and we will start thursday night.
  • turk182

    Good night

    YOU CARDINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • turk182

    Now that was just low!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I was just kidding no need to get mean!
  • turk182

    The Ohio teams come thats mean!!
  • turk182

    Republic and Allison #1 have a mvc.
  • turk182

    Did you see the video I posted.