Gary Ludwig


Memphis, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Memphis Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Memphis Fire Department - 1,992 personnel, 57 stations, 58 engines, 27 ladder companies, 33 ALS ambulances

Retired Chief Paramedic from St. Louis Fire Department after 25 years with City of St. Louis
My Training:
BA in Business Administration
MS in Management and Business
Licensed Paramedic
FireFighter I & II
PADI certified Open Water Diver
About Me:
Chair of EMS Section for International Assoc. of Fire Chiefs
Write monthly Leadership column in JEMS Magazine
Write monthly EMS column in Firehouse Magazine
Member – International Association of Fire Fighters EMS Standing Committee
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:

Comment Wall:

  • Bill Heizer F/F E.M/T.-P

    Welcome to the Nation Sir. I have read , with great interest your articles and have used the information to persuade change in the two departments that I work and respond with. Enjoy the site, give us words of wisdom and stay safe
  • Jeff

    Well, welcome to the EMS guru...from Knoxville, TN. Bout time you got to the good State. No all we need to do is to get you to move further east....where the hills are! Stay safe out there.
  • jack lambert

    welcome to ffn from new brunswick canada
  • Katie Moon

    Nice to see you here and looking so well! Time for you to add more photos, isn't it?
    Stay safe!
  • John B. McGinnis

    Hey Chief Ludwig,
    It's nice to see you still out there in the fire service. It's been years since I've seen you here in St Louis. I think about you when I see an incident on the National news in Memphis.
    I started a St. Louis Fire dept Blog: It has a Conservative leaning.
    There are quite a few St. Louis fire photos posted, If you have some Memphis photos, feel free to post them. My screen name is Eng6

    God Bless
  • luke

    hi there gary you might just be the man i need to speak to about becoming a full time firefighter in the usa im an australian but i keep hiting walls when it comes to trying to find out about how to do it well hope to hear from you and stay safe.