Eric Glover

41, Male

Charleston, SC

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
City of Charleston Fire Dept.
Years With Department/Agency
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Iam a second generation fire fighter with the City of Charleston Fire Dept. I have been there for a little over 6 years. My father just retired from the fire service, I have two brothers, two cousins, and one uncle still active (so yeah its in the family)

Comment Wall:

  • Filiberto Rodriguez

    Welcome to the family where the language and reasoning importate the
    border is not in our work is to save lives regardless of color, religion or social position, much less. The important thing in our work does not need language to communicate, or borders to help.
    Greetings from Mexico

  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Eric, Welcome to the Nation. Glad you joined. Just jump in anywhere and get yourself involved. Plenty to do and be involved in here. Dont be shy. I have found this site to be very informative and useful. Be safe.

  • Leo Cartwright

    Hi there Eric; Leo from Australia, Paramedic; Welcome to FFN hope U enjoy the site and gather many friends during your stay. If you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends.
    I also collect Patches and badges; If U are interested and If U send me your postal address via my Email I will post you one of my State Ambulance Service Badge, (patch) for exchange of one of your service patches,
    My Email is (LECAR1@BIGPOND.NET.AU) and/or my address is:-
    Leo Cartwright J.P. 246 Kay Street; TRARALGON; Victoria; Australia; 3844

    Cheers Leo
  • Charleston Station 13

    didnt take you long did it slick