
50, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Whitney, TExas
Years With Department/Agency
Day Job:
I own my own silk screening business
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love the interaction with the people in the community. This is my way of giving back. I look forward to more training and schooling so that I can be some asset to somthing.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
IS the dependence people have on you and saving lives if put in that situation

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  • dcltsc2

    whats new?
  • jim mullen is your One Stop Shop
    Get More at COMMENTYOU.comthanks and stay safe
  • Doug Walker

    hey just stopped by to say hey. Hope you have a great weekend. Be safe.
  • TraciB

    How far is Whitney from Ft.worth?
  • scott kauhn

    just thought id say hi stay safe nice pic also
  • Jason McMahon

    Sorry I have to say it! Nice Helmet
  • Brian Slack

    Just read your last blog, about fatalies, one thing to remember and this is what I tell myself and the people on my crew is that these victims would want the best possible treatment, and for these victims we are the best!
    Keep it safe and I hope to hear from you!
  • grant morse

    There is no easy answer on how to handle the dreams, and memories when it come to fatalities, The best way i have found is to focus my mind on the ones that were able to be helped. Try to think more about the calls when things went right and the people involved are still here because of what you and your brothers and sisters did.
  • TraciB

    I truly believe talking about it will be veryb effective in helping you process the whole situation. Take care-God Speed
  • Wayne Andersen

    To be honest, working a fatality call is probably the hardest thing you will ever have to deal with in your fire fighting career. I actually worked a fatality call were the victim was a good friend of mine. It was tough. But it is like everyone is saying below my comment is that you have to talk to someone, and you have to remember all of the people that you have saved. In Illinois were I live they have a program called CISD (Critical Incident Stress Debriefing). I dont know if they have that were you are from, but if they do I strongly recomend that you have your chief set one up for you.
  • TPot2522

    The deparment i am in is not a big department but i have delt with about 7 or 8 fatatlity car wrecks and a few other fatalitys but the best way to get over something like that is to talk to your fellow firefighters and just tell them what is going on our department makes it a requirement to go through a critical stress incident debreifing you might should talk to your cheif and see about getting them people to come and talk with yall about the 2 incidents most hospital have a team that will come to the department and talk with yall and it actuall helps but ttyl be carefulll and stay safe
  • scott kauhn

    have a good and safe weekend
  • Theresa

    Hey you just wanted to say hi and have a safe weekend!!
  • Blair

    HI Theresa,
    You can't make yourself stronger. You can try to accept that certain things just happen and sometimes it's beyond your control.
    Being able ot feel is a good thing, it makes your empathic and that's a strength in itself.
    If the dreams and images linger too long or start to affect your life; you may want to talk to a CISD person or a physchologist or consider stepping away from this profession...Just my two cents worth..
  • macon

    hello sexy
  • Mike S


    I have to say you ask a tuff question. It is not a case of making yourself stronger it is in a way making yourself come to terms with it and not bottle-ing it up. If you have been in this business awhile you will run a call that you can not get out of your head or you might even dream about and wonder if you could have done something different. The best advise I can give you is talk to your fire family and get it out. I am willing to bet it is bothering other members of your crew too. We have come a long way from the old days were we hide our feelings and look tuff. Hope this helps and if you need to talk look me up. I can say that a few years ago I had a call so bad that I almost walked away from this job. I am glad to say after getting help and getting it out I am still doing what I love. Best of Luck Mikey
  • Allen Wahlstrom


    Like Mikey said talk it out. CISD if you guys have it, if not your pastor, if you dont do church...find someone in the fire service who has been there.
    We all have that REALLY bad one and it gets in there and wont go away...been there too, you just have to talk it out. You did what you could and as sad as it is, stupidity is job security.
    Have a great nite and be safe
  • Allen Wahlstrom

    Hey I need t shirts made for off duty...can sned you line art. Do you take pdf or ai files for screens?
  • danny w furr

    Hell-o there Miss Therrsa .How are you ? Like to be add as one of your friends.Danny
  • William Reinhard

    Hi Theresa, What are you doing for thanksgiving?
  • Shawn

    Theresa, I just read your blog about your first fatality. Just thought I would let you know that those flash backs and dreams do eventually go away. It does take some time. Also talk to some one. Your department should have a Critical Incident Debrifing Team that are trained to help members of service deal with these kind of calls. Dealing with these types of calls are not always easy to deal with alone. You some times need to ask for help from trained people. I have been there and it took alot for me to get back on the saddle, but once I did I realized the ones we save will always out way the ones we lose. Also remember that as long as you do your best, then you should always feel good about the job you did. God bless and keep on responding.
  • Dustin

    Do you know any Wilsons in Whitney?
  • Damon Dyer

    Worked one with three people about the same way, It will get better for you it just takes time. I have worked several since and you just got to know that you are doing something good for the family.
  • dcltsc2

    whats up STAY SAFE GOD BLESS
  • Rich

    Have a very safe holiday

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  • Captain Hays

    Hay Theresa, Hope you and your family are having a safe and happy holiday season. You stay safe out there...
  • Papa S

    Hi Theresa, how are things in Texas ??
  • Randy Hill

    Hey Theresa, how are you doing? Write back and tell me more about the department you belong to?
  • FireMedic821

    Thanks for accepting! Stay safe!
  • Nick Baalman

    Hi Theresa! Read your comment about Your first fatalities. Get help, dont let it build up. Go to a CISD. Talk to your fellow Co-workers. Stay Safe!
  • tony

    hi, from a pa. firefighter.... stay safe
  • barka

    i wanna to say hi to you , i hope you are a good healthy in a good condition ,
  • tony

    thanks...stay safe
  • tony

    why no pics ????
  • tony

    thats cool, the pic you have posted.are you on the right or left
  • tony

    are you kidding ????????????????
  • tony

    ok....well your hot... no doubt about that
  • tony

    cant wait til you add more pics
  • tony

    hey T..hope you had a good weekend

  • jose elizondo

    thank for the comment, how have you been? i had a fire the other night.
  • Michael McCormick aka Dent

    hi there just read your blog post. Remember we have pride in this service as u are currently learning every run u make with your dept., and use that same pride when u get the chance to express yourself with your people of your dept. after those 2 fatals, wow back to back, i feel for ya that is alot to take in, just remember u can talk about it either one on one or in a group. Thats y it is good to talk, pride. keep up the good work firefighter
  • jose elizondo

    what up mama, had a pretty good structure fire last night had to DOA crispy criders.........
  • kevin

  • Randy

    Myspace Graphics
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    just stopped by to say hi looking nice
  • walt

    hi just stopped by to say hello
  • catfish

    just wanted to say hello
  • QB

    hey whats up
  • Bobby Shelton

    I like your style sis
  • Joe

    Hey Theresa. Hope you're safe from IKE