

Nashville, Ohio

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic, Firefighter, EMT - Basic, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
2 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Western Holmes County Fire District -- Nashville F.D.
Years With Department/Agency
2 years
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Level 1 Fire Fighter
Day Job:
Alpaca Shearer (seasonal)
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I want the chance to save a life some day. My older sister also is a FF/Paramedic.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I like helping other people. It is a way to give back to the community.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Keeping up on training and getting to the scene safely.

Comment Wall:

  • Leo Cartwright

    HELLO BRIAN; HAVE ADDED YOU AS A FRIEND. Alpaca shearer, well thats different.
  • Brittany

    Hiya, mug! Glad to see this page actually worked out for you... Enjoy all the fun and people. Talk to you later! Brittany
  • Brittany

    Yeah... people have been nice and talked to the weird person! We have to make time while you are HOME to watch the rest of Live Free or Die Hard. Can't watch the rest of it without you. Talk to you later buddy.
  • Ariel 683

    Doesn't your neck get tired from sitting sideways all the time? :-)
    See ya on the next call
  • Ariel 683

    Your picture is sideways :-) he he he
    How did the fit testing go? Did I miss many calls?
    see ya- Ari
  • Ariel 683

    You did it! Now I don't have to get a cramp in my neck if i look at you picture :-)
    Have fun, Ariel
  • Ariel 683

    he he he he..... that Veggie Tale music really stuck didn't it? I can't stop laughing...
  • Ariel 683

    Why aren't you on the run right now? I couldn't go because I was watching Ty...
  • Ariel 683

    I'm not kidding :-(.... elderly female with recent knee surgery fell down the stairs...
  • Jeremy Whitmore

    pumps are not my thing going in is, whats up?
  • Brittany

    Cool... you have my picture on your website!! Talk to you later, buddy. Enjoy fair week. I won't see you until sometime next week, I'm guessing. I did go up and stand by for the attempted 58... nothing. Saw Bridget Varnes, Jessica North, and of course you know 649... !!
  • Ariel 683

    Hey, whats up?
    How did you get my pictures on your page? Don't you know those have a copyright on them? Pain....LOTS OF PAIN :-)
  • Ariel 683

    Are you interested in t-shirts? let me know.... Western Holmes Forum
  • Brittany

    Well, you already heard my March of Death stories, and about how much fun I've been having in class. Nice pictures, glad you had a great training burn. Let's go over some of the Scott packs at the station either tonight or tomorrow afternoon. (I need to practice running through all the checks!) Anyway... I plan to take my computer with me throughout the rest of class. Hopefully we'll have internet service, too. Talk to you later!
  • Brittany

    Hey, buddy... here is your update... I have a ton of reading to do, my knees are raw, and I survived hauling 2 1/2" charged hose up the stairs x 2. It STINKS!! Don't ever do that!!!!! My arms were dead by the end of the day, but not too bad the next day. I must be toughening up just a little bit. Double squad calls Monday, huh? Cool beans, dude. Well, I gotta go... talk to you later, STAY SAFE, and BE GOOD!!!!
  • Brittany

    Hey you!! You'd better leave me a message or two this week. Also, check out my QUOTES!! I'm going to collect a lot of them throughout fire school, I think. Hope you enjoy!! Talk to you later, enjoy your week.
    p.s... be safe!
  • Brittany

    Thanks! I thought I'd share some of the neat quotes I've been hearing in Fire School. Did you see my post on the WHCFD forum? I survived day 1 of Search and Rescue!! I cannot tell you how THRILLED I AM AT THIS POINT!! Tomorrow is tomorrow, and I may hate my life tomorrow, but today was okay. Remember our maze in 36 hr class? Well, I went through one today. It was about like what I remembered. Fun more after the fact than in the middle... lol. I didn't run out of air on anything today, and I don't feel like I'm dying... sooooo, I'm happy!! Good luck with the building project, I know it will be probably up and finished by the time I get home. Oh well. Life is rough... lol! Have fun tonight at the EMS meeting, put in a good word for me, if you will. Love you, buddy!
  • Brittany

    Day 2, down on paper. I don't feel like I'm going to die, unless it was from trying a new excercise one of the guys talked me into trying. My abs are going to KILL me tomorrow. I've also been in an airpack more than I've ever wanted to be in one before... and all I am saying is that I'm glad today is over. I had to do a dummy drag. My time was the slowest in my company's. Was actually one of the third slowest. Sigh. Must be that time again for my daily dose of humility... lol. I WILL get better, and I WILL beat the socks off some of these guys!! (Instead of just 1 of the guys.) Good luck on your buildling project. I'm hanging out on the computer instead of downstairs because the guys are going to be watching the movie Love Guru. I saw the previews, looked it up again on IMDB tonight just to make sure, and yep... it isn't something I particularly want to see... so... I'm writing you a novel to read!! Talk to you later, have a great day, and stay safe. I'd say be good... but I want there to be a reasonable chance you'll actually be able to do what I tell you to do... just kidding!! Love you brother!
  • Brittany

    Survived so far. We've got hands on with saws this afternoon, so who knows how that will go... lol. If I get back in time, can I go rollerskating too? Talk to you soon!!
    ps... love the pics... they must be from Colorado. They're beautiful!
  • Brittany

    Good for you, enjoy your 84 hour class!! (hope they let you take a Scott, but if they do...) Yeah, buildings just don't happen to build themselves.LOL. I survived the ladder maze, as you heard, today was super, super easy (thank God!) my legs are sore today, esp my thighs. They seem to think they were slightly overworked yesterday!! Talk to you later, buddy!
  • Brittany

    Thanks for the comment. For some reason, the computer/internet access down here really, really stinks. It is VERY finicky. So far... I've gotten my PPE donning drill time down to 1:15 (this am) and Greg (one of my classmates) beat the record of 37 seconds for PPE-- he did it in 34!!!!!!! SO EXCITED! We did Foam yesterday, and then had live burn that night-- that was soooooooooooooooo cool!!!! They got pictures, I think. I can't wait to see them! Today we did building construction. It took FOREVER and a day... Who knew you could make 9 or 11 pages last a FULL 8 HOURS!?!?! Then tonight we had Fire Prevention, which was more about how to inspect buildings, and what to look for. I was about OUT (sleepy) tonight. All afternoon, actually. I do NOT want to do fire prevention. I do NOT want to do wildland firefighting. Sigh. Wonder if it was just because all of these involved a long, boring night class?!?! Hmmm... food for thought... Tomorrow we do ventilation. 3 smiles. We'll see how that goes. Pray I can start that stinking chain saw how and when they want me to... Talk to you later, buddy. Take care, stay safe.
  • Brittany

    Hey... I got Week 3 and Week 4 on my page now!! Survived Ventilation Day. Not a hard day at all. Had trouble with the chainsaw, but the instructor I was worried would be there wasn't around. Talk to you later!
  • Ariel 683

    How was maintenance tonight? I drove by around 7 on my way home from work, but was too tired to do it this week. Did you guys put all that new hose on the trucks?
    Be Safe, Ariel
  • Ariel 683

    Yes we had our last lecture class last night.... Now just a couple of tests and reviews. :-) I was thinking about it though, and It does seem kind of late to have the trauma day at at 6:00 pm... It will probobly all have to be inside because it's been getting dark by 6:00.
    See ya soon, Ariel
  • Tanner Eskra

  • Brandon

    Thanks Brian
  • Jessica Loomis

    thank you
  • Ariel 683

    The clinicles have gone well, so far...... It was kinda slow during the day, but we got to start a couple iv's and see some things...
    Thanks for asking :-)
    See you on the next run...Ariel
  • Brittany

    Hope your ride time is going well and you have some cool stories to tell me when you finally drag your sorry rear end home!! And btw, drive safe. Hope you can find your way home! Just kidding. So far, it has been really quiet here-- nothing for this end of the county. Talk to you later, stay safe and be good. I know, I know... it's asking a lot.
  • Christian

    Thanx for the comment on my pics. I hope to get some more in the not too distant future.
  • Ariel 683

    Hey, thanks! Now if i can just pass the practical and national registry :-)
    Thanks for all your prayers, Ari
  • Shawn

    OK Brian - WHFD Forum ??? __ HELP where how do I find :)
    As you know - I am not that computer literate, (Well at least for this type of stuff) HELPppppppppppppp :)
    BTW - I did not forget about your letter and hope to have it done today.
  • Shawn

    Hi Brian - Just FYI, WHCFD is not in your list of Groups.
    Hope you and your family had a GREAT THANKSGIVING!!!
    Stay Safe!!!
  • Shawn

    Ooops hit it twice :)