
35, Female

Keeling, Virginia

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Secretary / Treasurer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Keeling Vol. Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
FF2, Haz-Mat Ops, EVOC class 3
Day Job:
City of Danville 911 Dispatcher
Relationship Status:

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  • Floyd Aldridge Jr

    They are 19,16,14,12!! The oldest on will graduate from college around Xmas time with an AA degree in Graphic & Visual Communications from Gibbs College in Vienna VA. The 16,14 are High School with the 12 year old starting Middle school.
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Casey! I am interested in trading patches. I am an EMT-P from Montreal, Canada. I also have Montreal FD and Police patches if you are keen. Give me a shout when you can! Stay safe and happy studying!
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Kasey! I hope you are having a great day? Thanks for the add and for agreeing to swap patches. I will send you a Montreal FD along with my EMS patch for your collection if that is OK? How is the studying going? Stay safe.
    Daniel Garvin EMT-P
    4399 Viau Street
    Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada
    H9H 3B1
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Consider them on the way! I am glad to hear that studying is going well. It is difficult to burn both ends of the candel...so be careful and take care of your health too!
    I sprained my hand dealing with a violent patient last night and now I am on light duty for 10 days.....I hate working in the office!
    Stay safe out there.
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hi Kasey! Don't worry about when you send them out, I understand that people are busy. I hope that school is going well for you. My hand is better and I should be back on the rig within a week or so. I'll be ready for the next violent guy!! Have a great day and stay safe!
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    I hope the patches add something to your collection. I think I could handle Virginia for a while! Glad to hear that school is going well.....the only problem with a teacher forgetting about an exam is that they are sure to remember at the wrong time as well!! Stay safe.
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Maybe if she keeps forgetting you will have an exam free year??? Don't worry, there are always plenty of tests to pass! Keep the books open!!! Take care!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Kasey!! I hope everything is good with you? I got your patches today and wanted to say thanks!!! Good luck with the classes. Stay low and be safe!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Kasey! Glad to hear you caught a break again but don't get fooled...that exam is going to come sooner or later...keep studying!!! Glad you got the patches. Stay safe!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hi Kasey! I had a feeling that she would do something like that! Good luck with all three of them. Things are good here, I am back to work after a slight injury with a violent patient. We had a paramedic from Chicago ride along with us last night...as it turned out, we got nothing!!! It's always the same, when you want a big call...you never get it...when you want to sleep, it's hopping mad! Stay safe!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Well, I'm glad that you are not getting all the exams at once! Hope that you did OK with the Math...never my favorite subject! Isn't it funny...when you have an observer or a ride along, nothing happens....the next night...boom, all hell breaks loose! We had a fire call with two cardiac arrests the night after Kevin left to go back to the windy city!!! He was visiting Montreal and e-mailed me to ask if I could set up a ride along for him...I do that with a lot of friends in fire/police/ems. Here in Montreal, there are not a lot of teams that are English, so whenever a fellow paramedic, cop or firefighter is in town and wants to do a ride along, I am often asked to take them with me because I speak English. This could be a great benifit...I was once asked to take a rock 'n roll musician along with me, Shawn Phillips from Texas was in town on tour and he volunteers as a firefighter in Texas, so I was asked to take him with me....we are now good friends and he invites me to all his concerts and often visits with my family when he is in town. Who says this life is boring??? Keep smiling Kasey...it makes people wonder what you have been up to!!!!! Stay safe!

  • Niels Dehaemers

    hi !
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hi Kasey! Yeah, sometimes it is cool being friends with a famous person but in reality, they are just like we are...they eat, sleep and do all the other things we do every day! I am sure that your city would allow visitors to do ride-alongs if they asked. Most cities in North America do it and there are even those in Europe that do. It sounds like you get called out quite often? Are there many highways around you? We get all our big wrecks on the highway where the cars are doing in excess of 100 miles per hour. I got my first subway suicide jumper the other night. She survived but she was really chewed up. There is very little room under a subway car and she was run over by two of them. She will loose her legs and probably an arm. She had extensive head trauma as well. The whole time we extricated her, she was concious! Imagine the screaming and yelling she was doing. I know you will do well because you are always studying!!! I can't imagine what it must be like to own a firetruck! Where I work, we report to a station house and pick up our vehicle for the day, we are one of about 400 ambulances that go out in a 24 hour period. I never get the same rig, it is a different one every day. I hope to visit your part of the US one day. Take care and stay safe!!!

  • Dennis Brown

    Hi Kasey would you like to trade t-shirts thanks from the jersey shore
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Well, I wouldn't mind swapping territory with you some times!! We get too bust at times and I wish for a break. I know what you mean about being disappointed when you get a false alarm but you are right....it is going to happen! Keep smiling!!!

  • Ben

    Hi Kasey
  • Dennis Brown

    Hi Kasey thats fine will swap just give info Thanks
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Kasey!! Not too much to report on over the last week. Kind of "run of the mill" stuff. We helped out a team on an arrest the other night, she weighed over 300 pounds and lived on the third floor. No elevator......what a work out to get her down. Sounds like a cool idea for haloween. If I were not so far away, I would show up too!!! Have a good one and stay safe.

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Sounds like you have a busy weekend planned! I can identify with doing the calls for the big people...we get them often enough, so often that our service has a special unit for obese patients. If we cannot evacuate without putting ourselves at risk, we just call these guys and they have the special equipment to do it safely. We once had a guy that weighed over 800 pounds. We called the specai,unit and then the local FD. Enjoy the spooky fun tomorrow night and think of us poor devils that are working!!! I hope to get a chance to one day visit your area and grab a coffee with you and some other crew members!!! Stay safe.
  • Ben

    hope all is good
  • Leo Cartwright

    Kasey; Leo from Australia, Paramedic,
    If U are interested and If U send me your postal address via my Email I will post you one of my State Ambulance service badges, for one of your service patches,
    My Email is lecar1@bigpond.net.au (LECAR1@BIGPOND.NET.AU)
    Cheers Leo
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hi Kasey!! I'm glad to hear that all went well with the Halloween trick or treating!!! Ha ha ha ha did you get much candy yourself? I scored some from my 14 year old daughter....I suspect that she will not be going out next year!! If I do get the chance to visit you....mountain dew works for me!!!! I love the stuff!! Take care and be safe.
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Sounds to me like your little feller had a febrile convulsion. This is fairly normal in children, when they spike a fever, the body reacts with a seizure to bring it down. There is no long or short term damage in this instance. I am quite sure that is what happened. It is also very normal for a person, child or adult, to be very tired after experiencing a seizure.

    I love tea!!! Glad you got some candy...sounds like you got more than me!!! Not fair!!!! Hahahaha. Stay safe Kasey!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Any news on the child? I am looking for candy on clearance but no luck so far!!! I'll let you know...


    Not too sweet I hope?
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    I am sure that he is fine. Yup...the stuff left over ain't worth buying. Eat that and your teeth will fall out!!! I'll stick to celery!!! Be good, have a great week!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Well, I am glad to hear that things turned out for the best! I agree that too much sweet stuff is hard on the teeth!! Sorry to hear that the fire was out by the time you got there.....have you ever taken pictures of the wrecks you respond to? Some are neat to post every now and again! Stay safe out there!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    That reminds me of a funny story...I bought a throw-away camers to do the same thing but I forgot I had it in my bunker coat and it stayed there for two years!!! The thing died before I even took one picture.....I brought my video camera once but the law does not allow us to film stuff...too bad, I could get some good ones!!! Stay safe Kasey! Talk later...

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Me again...does the Lifeway Christian Store sell music CD's? I am a Christian artist and always looking for a way to market our product. We have recorded three CD's over the last 10 years and are going back into the studio in the spring to record number 4. You can check out our web site at www.aeternalministries.com See if you can guess which one I am!!!
  • Jonathan Spencer

    Hi Kasey, thanks for the friend request. I hope you be ok, see you
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Kasey! I should go and get another camera to start again. We had a wreck on the highway last night, a guy hit the back of a big rig and tore the roof right off his car! He got away with minor stuff bit if he had had a passenger, they would have been decapitated!
    Thanks for the info on the CD's. Do you know how I could get some information from the store? Thanks for checking out our site. Stay safe out there!!!
  • Dennis Brown

    Hi Kasey did you get your patch if knot let me know Thanks
  • Dennis Brown

    Hi Kasey thank you for the patchs i will take real good care of them in my collection
  • Dennis Brown

    yes i will take real good care of them thank you when we get are shirts in you on my list so you be safe and keep in touch hope your turkey was a good one
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Not a stupid question at all...I did not explain myself well. What I meant was that if there had been a passenger, they would have been decapitated. The entire passenger side of the car was destroyed and the roof was peeled off down to the seat! It would have been bloody.
    I will try to contact the store myself andlet you know what transpires. Stay safe and have a good one!!!

  • Bryan Saltsman

    hey whats up?? just thought i would stop and see what part of virginia that is my step bro lives in richmond petersburg area he is a marine corps recruiter
  • Dennis Brown

    ok sounds good im still waighting on ares to come in so let me know im a lg.
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Goes to show what some stupid people will do in a divorce......they vowed to love each other no matter what at one point!!! Never ceases to amaze me! We are getting snow and it's cold here...what's it like in your neck of the woods? Stay safe out there!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hi Kasey! Don't focus on the negatives...my wife and I have been together for 24 years and are still very much in love. If you work at it, it stays fresh. So far, no snow here. I would be happy to see no snow all winter! Our coldest months are February and March, so if it's coming, it will be soon. Stay safe Kasey! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    You are right, there are less and less couples that have been together a long time but that does not mean that it is unpopular. I believe that people today are led to think that everything should be instant gratification and when they see that a marriage is something that requires work on both sides...they back out. In my experience anything worthwhile is worked for. Nothing is for nothing...

    You were in a wreck? I am glad to hear that you were not hurt. Who responded to the call? I have not had an accident for a very long time. I hope to continue that record!
    Most wrecks that look real bad are the ones that people walk away from, it's the smaller ones that kill people. Don't you find?
    Your dad sounds like a very nice guy. I am sure you appreciate him. Take care of yourself and stay warm. I hope Santa is extra generous to you Kasey!!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Well, I am glad that you were not hurt more seriously than whiplash, although that can be serious enough when you are dealing with the pain right? It seems that dedication paid off when you kept looking for a place to fix your vehicle! I believe in determination!!! Good for you. That mixed up woman sounds like she may have suffered a brain injury...is that possible? I remember one wreck we did when the guy seemed fine physically but he had bumped his head and suffered a brain injury. I noticed that he was incoherant and asking strange questions so I decided to take him for an evaluation, we immobilized his for precautionary measures and enlisted the police to help because he was not cooperative. I told them he had an altered mental status and that could be a sign of a brain injury. The police told him that he would be arrested if he did not come willingly. I don't know how it works in the US but here, if a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol or they have an altered mental status, we can enlist the help of the law to force the person to be evaluated. It is a form of implied consent because they cannot make a decision for themselves in that state of confusion. God forbid, if we did let them go and something were to happen later on because of the state they were in, we would be held legally responsable. Big or small we take 'em all!!!
    We got a ton of snow yesterday and I had to shovel for three hours to clear it all away....yup, winter has arrived for a long stay!! Bless you Kasey. Keep smiling and be safe!!!
    Daniel ( :
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    I am surprised that the police would let someone go if they are under the influence of alcohol and cannot make a proper decision for themselves. Funny how the law is diffenent from place to place.
    You want snow??? You can have all of the snow that is in my driveway, yard, on my roof, and the whole neighborhood!!! I hate the stuff already....I had to shovel my driveway twice this week and the first time we had rain for four hours before and after it snowed.....everything is covered in ice and snow. Take it away!!!
    Wow, I wish I had time off like that. I get Christmas eve and Christmas day off this year for the holidays. Wonderful huh? My daughter is in college and she gets a month off! Not fair......enjoy yourself and be safe throughout the holidays! Merry Christmas Kelsey!!!

  • Jonathan Spencer

    Hi Kasey, It wanted in these so special days, to give the thanks for all it received, to build a place where can be with all my family and friends, those of fence and the from a distance. The ones that have accompanied me always and the of now. Those that I see each day and the ones that seldom Find. The ones that have accompanied me in the difficult moments, and the of the happy hours. Those to whom I know deeply, and those to whom I know barely by their appearances. To the ones that without wanting I wounded and the ones that without wanting they wounded me. The ones that owe me and those to whom I owe them a lot. The same old they recalled, and the ones that at times are forgot me. You want to recall to all the ones that passed through my life and to desire them some happy festivals, that can find the peace that need and to enjoy the love of their families and of those that love them. That the Hope, The Love and the Peace Flourish for all You…

  • Corey Hite

    my cousin goes to averette so shes living in danville! i go down to see her every now and then. im doing good. ive got my final training burn on the third and i test for my firefighter I and II the following week. im nervous.
  • Corey Hite

    im just worried what my dad will say. hes a vol. lieutenant at my station and a carreer lieutenant for salem and he also was one of the instructors. he'll be pissed if his own son doesnt pass
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Kasey!!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family! I hope Santa was good to you? We have had a ton of snow here and it has been mixed with rain!!! I could use 70 degrees about now...Ha! So, you worked Christmas? What a drag. I remember doing that long ago. I work New Years eve and New Years day but I don't mind because I don't really celebrate them. I'll package up some snow and send it your way OK?? Hey stay safe and have a great New Year!!!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Wow...Christmas eve and New Years eve??? What do you mean closed? We never close. I worked New Years eve and New Years day. I always take Christmas off. Yes, it was very nice, we spent the day with family and had a gigantic dinner!!! Well, it is cold here alright....we use the metric system and it is -34 degrees this morning!!! That's cold, even for us polar bears!!! I wish I could send you some snow...we have so much of the stuff and I hate it! I am working again tonight because I worked a switch out with a buddy who needed the day off. I am off to lala land!! Be safe and take care....talk later!

  • Corey Hite

    i hope so. i got called in to the forestry department this morning. ive got to go to a brush fire tomm. morning for mop up until 3:00 and my live burn is at 2:30. Im gonna be exhausted and idk if they will let me be late. i hope. im waitin for them to call me back.
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    OK, that makes more sense. We get a lot of freezing rain here too but it doesn't warm up...the snow is coming fast and furious, I am looking forward to spring already! I was glad to hear that you were not hurt after hitting the deer....was it a small one? Imagine, the deer took out the horse!! I would be very happy getting away with just a paint touch-up after hitting one. Did the deer live? Many of my friends hit Moose here...the outcome is usually the Moose wins unless it's at high speed....then it's really messy for both sides. Stay safe and watch out for those wandering wild life!!!

  • Corey Hite

    we got a good line around the brush fire the night before. and with the high humidity that night we decided to call it off. so i didnt have to go on the brush fire again. the burn was ok. our first burn was hotter i thought. im just nervous about the state test.
  • Corey Hite

    im a volunteer. we are a mixed department. carreer works 6a to 6p on the weekdays and we run 6p to 6a and 24s on the weekends and holidays. we have a 24 hr carreer medic unit as well. i work for the department of forestry as well. i am considered part time with them but its really paid on call for brush fires. im the one drinking the water. na we did a simulated DUI accident at the high school in our area. we landed the bird, called 3 DOAs, yea it was a wakeup call for some. we do it every year before homecoming weekend. so how about u? are you paid or volunteer? i didnt see any pics of u besides ur profile pic.