

Thomastown, Kilkenny


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Kilkenny Fire Service
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Recruits, B.A. Wearer, Occupational First Aid & Trauma Care, Swift Water Rescue, Driver/Pump Operator, National Incident Command System, Compartment Fire Behaviour Training, Confined Space Rescue
About Me:
I like going to the Cinema, enjoy TV, Music, Eating Out, Socialising, Travelling
Day Job:
Hospital Attendant
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Couldn't wait to! My Grandfather, my Dad & my 2 Uncles served in it, it's me and my brothers time in it now!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Do a job you love and you'll never have to work another day in your life!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Not being dispatched at the same time as other emergency services to certain incidents (which causes unnecessary delay to any casualties) and we usually get the brunt of it when we arrive!

Comment Wall:

  • Chan Rivera

    welcome to ffn from ny
  • Nessa

    same to ya ...stay safe
  • Firegirl

    No prob stay safe out there
  • Bryan Koppie

    I appreciate that I'm really stressed about taking Intermediate. I heard it was very tough. I hope everything's well in Ireland. You are 1 lucky dude
  • Leo Cartwright

    On July 5th my wife and I fly out to London for the World Road Rescue Challenge. This is being held in Cardiff – Wales, I am so looking forward to seeing the United Kingdom of England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland. I have never been north of Australia, so bring it on. Departing Cardiff on the 13th July, Barbara and I will be taking a tour of Ireland from the South to Dublin, spending 2 nights; from Dublin across to the North of Wales into Scotland up to Edinburgh; another 2 nights; down through Scotland into England, spending 1 night in London, then Home by the 27th July.
    If any of my FFN friends are involved in this year’s world Challenge, Road Rescue. I hope you let me know and catch up with me over there.
    Yours Leo
  • Bryan Koppie

    Oh I dont know maybe b/c YOU LIVE IN IRELAND... lol I bet its a beautiful country. Thanks for the encouragement i will give it 100% have a great weekend
  • Leo Cartwright

    Noggy; thanks you for your reply, love your comments and understand you loud and clear, for she who must be obeyed. I wish you well with the birth of your first. Sorry I will not get to meet you.
    Our tour from Cardiff leads us into Waterford, Cork, Blarney, Kenmare, ring of Kerry, Limerick, Galway then Dublin. That should give you some idea of our travels.
    U stay safe. Leo
  • FireCat

    Hi Noggy,
    I'm good, working and training hard...I love it!!!

    Cat :o)
  • FireCat

    How are you doing?
  • Erin Cochran

    Thanks back for the ad. Things are great here. Been pretty uneventful as far as calls go but we're at the door step of wildfire season. How about your Dept? Things going well?
  • Erin Cochran

    What are R.T.A's?
  • Erin Cochran

    Yeah, we call them MVA's. I don't think there is a nice way to say it. It's a mess no matter how you label it.
  • Erin Cochran

    Good morning. I'm not sure what new developments there are over there in automotive safety, but we have lots of new implements to keep drivers safe and while deaths from wrecks are going down, it is getting harder to safely remove patients from the wreckage due to the side curtain airbags that are anchored in the A,B, and C posts and the magnesium support beams in the body of the vehicle that ignite when cut. Long story short, cars are safer for the passengers, but more dangerous for us. Have a good day, Bro. Talk to you later.
  • Michael J. Ditamore

    hey thanks for the add. just getting my page set up and thought I would make a friend or two "on the other side of the pond". Stay safe. I am sure we'll chat more later.
  • Jarrett Underwood

    Things are good here in Oklahoma, thanks for the add, how are things in Ireland.
  • Jarrett Underwood

    It's been slow the past month, I ran a code yesterday besides that just few medical emergencys, and a couple grass fires. its about swift water and brush fire season. so things will probably pick up fast.
  • Thor

    Thanks Noggy, so la-la........

    we have had a very big flash and thunder half an hour ago......
  • Robin Inman

    Hello Noggy, Just wanted to say "Hi" from Alaska. Take care and stay safe.
  • Erin Cochran

    Hello! Hope all is well. Talk to you soon!
  • Robin Inman

    Hi Noggy, Ta me go maith. Conas a ta' tu? Aon sce al 'ad in Kilkenny? Anchorage is having a very rainy summer, it of course if beautiful and green because of the rain but I keep hoping for a little bit of sun......that might just be wishful thinking though this summer, lol. Sla n leat and Sla inte chugat. I'll talk to you soon.
  • Erin Cochran

    I understand what you mean...We have the same thing here. And if the weather changes or the moon is full, you're guaranteed to have a lot of calls. Seems to bring out the crazies and the sicklies. Hasn't been too bad lately. Most of our calls are during the day and since we're a mostly volunteer station, I miss the calls because of work. Stay safe and we'll talk later.
  • Robin Inman

    Dia duit Noggy, Go raibh maith agat! I'm trying to practice my Irish, lol and your the perfect friend to try it out on, lol. Like most of us Americans were from a mixed heritage but mine includes Irish, Mexican, Scottish and American Indian and when I get the chance I try to learn more about those countries where my ancestors came from. Well we are still getting tons of rain and clouds....I keep wondering if it's just going to keep raining until it snows? Oh well, I've an interesting story....I was working a moto cross event out at Kincaid park (dirt bike racing) and this one man took a nasty fall off his motorcycle so we loaded our gear up on the 4 wheeler and went out to check on him and as we are taking his vitals what comes out of the woods but a grizzly bear! Now I've seen lots of bears while we have been camping and fly fishing but never while working on a patient! We'll we just pulled the board in behind the 4 wheeler and the patients motorcycle and then just kept close together and started yelling at the bear (although I did have my bear spray with me but the wind was blowing in the wrong direction so I couldn't spray it without giving us all a blast) and after a couple of tense minutes he turned around and walked back into the woods, lol. Man oh Man did that ever ramp the adrenaline up in a hurry! Some other folks at the race took pictures, if I can get a copy of one I'll post it. Alaska is really just a wild place still. Take care and be safe. Slainte!
  • Mary

    Hi Noggy,
    I am doing great! Went jet-skiing , boating and tubing this weekend. Had a blast........ Hope things are going well !!!
    Be Safe,
  • Regina Morgan

    Just wanted to say Hello, from Indiana! I love the Irish! :)
  • Chad King

    How is everything in Kilkenny. I toured through Ireland and Scotland in october 2001. Loved it. I can't wait to get back over there. Stay Safe.
  • Regina Morgan

    No problem! Things are great in Indy! :) How are you, besides having issues with your server! lol Hope all is well and be safe! Btw I am part Irish and part Spanish. I would love to visit Ireland and Spain someday! :)
  • Chad King

    Not bad here. Just working some Mandatory O.T. at the factory.
  • Regina Morgan

    Hello!!! I am really sorry to hear your overworked, and underfed!!! I hope things get better for you soon!! I can't complain, things are pretty good here. I have always dreamed of visiting or living in Ireland, so I will definitely look you up when I make it there!! I would love to see how things work on the other side of the pond! : ) Hope you get to rest, and eat soon, and please take care and becareful!!! If you ever make it to my side of the pond, I would love to show you things on this side!!! LOL I am sure it's not as exciting or beautiful as your land, but it is home. Best of luck and hope to talk to you soon!!
  • Chad King

    My department has been pretty quiet, other than the rubbish fires here and there.
  • Robin Inman

    Hi Noggy, Conas a ta tu? Been up to anything exciting lately? It's been crazy here, I'm taking a EMT recertification course along with work and in a week have a daughter getting married and a son in his senior year in high school and his hockey in full swing......oh well life would be boring otherwish eh? We have snow up here already and cold, it's been a crazy weather year. Take care of yourself and stay safe and I"ll talk to you soon.
  • Robin Inman

    Dia duit Noggy agus conas a tá tu? I'm Great, thanks for asking. I'd like to send a huge CONGRATULATIONS your way for your Wedding and the birth of your sweet little boy. I'm so happy for you, family is the most wonderful gift we are given in life, enjoy your to the fullest. We just had a wedding here also. Our daughter Michele just got married a week ago, it was so wonderful and we've added a great young man to our family. Take care of yourself and again congratulations on the wonderful new happenings in your life. I'll talk to you soon.