Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

57, Female


South Africa

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, Combination Fire Rescue Department, Other Fire Department, EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer, Law Enforcement, Private EMS, Other Response Agency Type
Job Function
Other Senior Command Staff, Other Emergency Services Staff, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Day Job:
Trauma Support - Glynnwood Hosp - Life Group
Relationship Status:

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  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    I understand your limitations regarding photos and such. About a month ago, I ran a call on the beach for a reported drowning victim. It turned out to be a false alarm but I snapped a couple of photos of the Captain running the call and one of our department Chaplain's standing next to him. I'll place these onto my FN Webpage, making a new separate album for your review. : )
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    just added a new album that shows one of our fire chaplains at a reported drowning on the coast...
  • Chan Rivera

    G M it is hot in NY is in the 90's is going up to `100's today u be safe "Chan"
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Hi Gerta! I spent some time with my daughter tonight and got some lessons on how to put photos into the emails. I was thinking that this might be a more efficient way to share things with you without costing you an arm and a leg for phone / internet charges. This way, you don't have to open up an email necessarily. Let me know if this works for you. I know you loved our coastline, let me look through my files to find something cool to share with you and your family.

  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    Wow, that is stunning. Thank You so much. You have a cool daughter.
  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    Hi Michael, Hope you had an AWSOME fathersday. I spend my day at the hosp. Had a very bad call, boy 17, motorbike mva 4days ago, went to theater for amputation of his left leg and half of his pelvis, crashed in theater 3 times, 3rd time they couldnt get him back. His father died in the same hosp in February this year - cancer. The family is devastated. I know this is our jobs and this is what we do, but I have been crying non stop with this fam. It feels like I have known them all my life. Wonderful people!! Now all that is left is the mother and her 14year old daughter. You feel so powerless, there is nothing you can do for them. Life deals you so hard, unkind cards some times. Till next time, Blessings Gerta. PS. Tnx for the e-mails. Love to your daughter and family
  • David Ebel

    Thank you for sharing our site with your peers. Yes, I did have a great Fathers Day. My youngest son graduated from the University on Saturday so we had the whole family together for the weekend. It was so good to see the family and grandchildren again,

    I look forward to getting to know you better.

    Chaplaincy is a privlege and to know others willing to be there for families in pain and trauma is a very special calling.

    I just read what you wrote below what I am responding. All you can do sometimes is be there... say very little... and allow your presence and God's strength to carry you through the moment.


  • lutan1

    Your friend would be talking about these spiders-

    I've never come across them though. We are home to some of the world's most venomous snakes though! (Although you have the Black Mamba which I beleive is very nasty...)
  • lutan1

    My previous boss was from South Africa- Durban, from memory.

    He was ex military and then Police. He was also at one stage training people to look for and go after the poachers (Not sure what they're called- are they rangers or similar?)

    Great guy- fantastic knowledge and loads of good stories. Sounds like a fascinating place for all sorts of reasons...!
  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    Suppose you can call them Game rangers. South Africa is one big story book. Very rich culture and some stories not so good. I think we have got the most brutal and heartless crime statistics in the world. But lest not go there..... Enjoy your day, Regards & blessings, Gerta
  • Chuck

    Thanks for the add, comment and blessing.
  • catfish

    i would greatly appreicate your prayers for all firefighters and ems personel
  • Jim

    Found your page on lutans . He seems interesting and I figured he must also choose some pretty good friends. He asked me, must have good taste. Ha Ha ! Anyway I have sent a request also. My dad is a retired Methodist Pastor who was VP of the Methodist Publishing House before his retirement.
  • Chan Rivera

    G M from New York Chaplain Coetzee want to say hello too you so whats up you have great day be safe "Chan"
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Hi Gerta! Wonderful to hear from you. I also received a nice message from you son. He's seems like a very nice young man.
    I've been down now for about a week, post surgery on my knee. Just starting physical therapy which really hurts but it's necessary to get back to work as soon as possible... And wouldn't you know that we have a major fire in the front country threatening several million dollar plus homes... When my daughter drove me down to PT yesterday, I snapped some photos of the fire. I thought you would like to see the kind of stuff I get to deal with as a company officer:

    My best to you and yours, Your favorite Fire Captain in Santa Barbara, Mike :D
  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    So sorry to hear bout your knee..... Ouch, Good Luck. Shawn is my youngest - typical teenager. I must say that both my sons are very popular at the station. Their father takes NO NONSENCE from them and although they are my off spring, I must say they are well mannered. They have been going to scenes with us since they were very young and one of my senior officers said to me the other day that they know more than some of the "trained" firemen.
    It must have been VERY HARD on you not to join the guys on that fire - OH NO.... Shame. I know just how you feel. I have been out for a few days aswell (FLLLUUU). I Dont Like Winter At Alllll !!!!!! Those pix are fab. Hope all were safe and ok. It seems Bad. Will chat soon. You take care of your self now mnr fire Captain. Good to hear from you again. God bless & TRY TO STAY SAFE! Love & Blessings, Chapl Gerta
  • catfish

    just wanted to say hi.hope all is well
  • Chan Rivera

    G M Chaplain hello too you i have new pic of new van so be safe "Chan"
  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    Hi guys & girls, We have not been chating much for a while, Maybe Is That Time Of The Year AGAIN. Everybody is overloaded and tired. Hahaha, just keep smiling and keep up the good work you are all doing. Blessings, Chapl Gerta
  • LadyChaplain

    I serve as Chaplain for a small volunteer department.
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Sorry for the long delay in getting to you via FFN email. Still going to Physical Therapy but getting better and stronger every day. Life is good and so is good health. I look forward to getting my old life back. I just added a cool training video, 47 seconds worth... It's called IAP's and Backup Plans, Do you have them? I think your husband will enjoy using it to talk about having contingency plans for all emergency incidents. Hope all is well with you and your family. Take care, Mike PS: Do you recognize who I'm standing next to?

  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Still at home recovering... what a terrible loss for the family and friends of those firefighters.

    Went to the doctor yesterday and was continued on full disability until 09-10-08. I'm spending time at home writing my first book with hopes of having it completed this year. I met with my printer a couple of weeks ago and it's now up to me to put the words on paper... What a tremendous task but it's the only way I can come up with to get me to South Africa to meet you and your family. I'm seriously trying to make this happen. If all goes to plan, both my wife and I will have the chance to do some global traveling and teaching at the same time. I'm not sure if I have shared a photo of her with you. We've been together since 1974... :D Thanks for your friendship. My best, Mike
  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    Now thats a good idea if ever I've heard one. Tell your wife to start cracking that wipp. You better write like your life depends on in. Sewes says he will e-mail you. He wants to gosip it private. hahahaha. Your wife looks like a bundel of fun. I would love to get to know her as well - thats if you guys have a spare moment between hanging out with you know who.
    There was an clip on our news broadcast just now about the heli crash. It felt like someone squeesed the air our of my lungs when I saw it. We are heart broken. Its SO VERY SAD when a firefighter gets called back home. Rest asured that you guys all over are in our prayers every day. Please give our regards to your wife. dont know her name - Mrs Mick ? hahaha Take care you guys, lots of love & blessings, Chapl Gerta C & Family, South Africa
  • Jim

    Hello Gerta, sorry I have not stayed in touch. Your right, I had lost touch. Tell me more about your responsibilities. The way it is written I am a bit confused. Is your full time job with EMS or are you a volunteer. I jusy got in from teaching a class for a local rescue squad. Tonight was the classroom part of Aromedical Helicopter Operations. Will bring a bird in on Tuesday night. set up LZ's, and and do hot loads with them. Stay in touch. Jim
  • Jim

    Thanks for the info Gerta. I am a volunteer firefighter and have been since 1973. My income is from fire/ rescue training for government and industry. I also do some landscaping and remodeling in between scheduled teaching. Alot is done through different community colleges. Do you have available any type of document that shows the training that your fire or rescue folks go through for certification. I am always interested in what others are doing. My email is Take care and stay in touch. Jim
  • Leon Jordaan

    Hi Dame ! Thanx for your frendship of ten years and the a team will carry on . See you at the AGM.
  • Govardhan

    hi im from nepal
  • FireCat

    Myspace Comments - Penguin Smack Down
  • FireCat

    Hi Gerta -

    My brothers call me "Cat" I added the fire part when I became a member.

    I'm glad you enjoy the penguins! Everyone can always use a good laugh.

    Cat :o)
  • Malinda

    Hello from TEXAS. Be safe and have a blessed day.
  • jill

    Hello Gerta,

    Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you today! Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Steve

    Thank yiu Gerta.
  • Crystal

    Hello Chaplain Gerta,
    Thanks for the wonderful comments!
    The photos are all professional by Dragos Photography.
    The "Shmily" story means a lot to me, that picture is of a wooden heart that my husband left for me when it was his turn to leave a "SHMILY" note.
    Have a blessed weekend!
  • jill

    Thanks so much Gerta for thinking of me today, Gerta. I am going through a REALLY rough time right now and I could use a lot of extra prayers. I can't tell you how much your friendshis has meant to me....

    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Malinda

    Thank you for your thoughts. I do believe God answers prayers. My husband summarized the storm as a thunderstorm with no lightning or thunder... just a lot of wind and rain. Oh, and you commented on one of my pictures, the one about Tears, I don't think anyone would want to come back, but I would like to be able to tell them bye and I would see them later, and that I loved them one more time. Thanks for you messages, I do appreciate them so much. Take care and have a blessed week.
  • Rhonda Guidry

    Good Morning, Take Care and Have a Good Week!- rhon
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    It's been way too long since I last wrote you and I apologize. I started back to work, doing an office job in our Logistics Section. This should last about five weeks and then I may be offered a full time position in staff. It means a 11.5% raise in pay, off weekends and working 4 tens. It all sounds really good but I'm not sure I want to get off shift work. I'm still thinking about it. Hope all is well in your world. Say hi to you husband and son. I enjoy talking with them. God bless you sister!
    My best, Mike from Santa Barbara
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    This is one of my favorite places to camp. I am with the local college outside of Bishop, CA. We take care of about 200 students and on these trips I handle the logistics and support. I thought you might enjoy the beautiful scenery!
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    He shows his love everyday, you just have to look for it, and it's usually right under your nose. God bless you and yours, Mike
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Gerta, Please read this link and provide the right words, thanks. Mike
  • Harry-John Roesch

    where in gauteng are u based?
  • 144Truck

    Greetings from an old warrior in the USA.. I read your comments with interest regarding CISD, member support, etc. with regard to the youngster who was involved in the ugly MVA involving the toddler. Been there, done that, several times. You are dead on target with your remarks and deserve to be commended.

    We had a hideous summer here with multiple nasty calls, several of which I ended up hands-on instead of simply being "the Boss" as I am a lead from the front type. Taking care of my people is priority one, and it also helps take care of me.

    God Bless....

    J. A. Lorenzetti
    AKA "144Truck"
    Chief, WSFD
  • jill

    Hello my friend,
    thanks so much for your kind words. Things are not better, but, they will be. I have God and many great friends and I will get through this somehow! A year ago, I made good decisions for my own well being, but, have hurt my children deeply. Someday, all will be healed. But, until then, i just need to be patient.
    Thanks again! Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Hi Gerta, Thank you for taking care of Jill. I was depending on you to do what you did. Thank you. And just for the record, I am not an old softy. I'm tough as nails and will not show emotion... I will be stoic... I will... not try to bs you. I just love everyone... : ) ms
  • 144Truck

    Thank you for the "add".... I have tried to explain to my people, especially when one has "One of those calls" that when our paths cross with anyone, part of the other stays with us forever... I believe that the movie that plays in my head (Pretty long after nearly four decades) is merely the collection of those parts... and we have to make peace with it.

    I also feel quite strongly that God points us toward the path that He feels is the best. Ours, while not waging war in the military sense, is the path of the warrior. He gives us the strength to resolutely walk that path and to have the resolve to be faithful to our oath to serve and protect, as dark and sorrowful as that path can sometimes be. One need only turn to the 23rd Psalm to see that He guides our hearts and hands on our mission.

    Thank YOU for helping my brothers and sisters for whom you care.

    J. A. Lorenzetti
  • jack lambert

    welcome to ffn from new brunswick canada
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Gerta... How've you been? I've been back to work now for a couple of months working a staff position in our Logistics Section. It's been a great learning experience, making specifications for vehicles and organizing data for various assets. I've been enjoying it a lot. It looks like the position won't open until one year from now. In the meantime, I am going to try to get the Public Information Officer job that opens in March 2009.
    What has been really cool is that I've been around when decisions were being made in regard to our departments chaplain program. Without going into detail on a public forum, let's just say that the holy spirit was alive and well. Amazing stuff...
    Spent a week with the local college again in the Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains for a field studies trip that I have been involved with since 1971. I drive a large white truck, pull a trailer and do the logistics for taking care of 200+ people. Lot's of fun!
    Hope all is well with you and your family. God Bless. Mike

    Sierra Sunset
  • lloyd

    Gr8 to hear from you sister. Stay safe.
  • FireCat

    Hello! How are you? Haven't been on much I've been very busy. :o(

  • Dennis Brown

    Hello Gerta how are things over there going good i hope be safe out there