Jessica Travis

30, Female

Bagdad, Kentucky

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Junior Firefighter/Explorer
Years in Fire/EMS:
1 year 6 months
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Bagdad Fire Protection District
Years With Department/Agency
1 year 6 months
My Training:
we do a little bit of everything...
About Me:
Well my name is Jessi Travis and i am a junior firefighter with bfpd. my nickname is care bear (JFF's had a camping trip and one of the advisers gave me that because my hair frizzed at 4 a.m.) Im 16 years old and hope to become a first responder in january. I would also like to become an EMT while in high school (when im 18, senior yr). I love being in junior firefighters, the people there are amazing, honestly they are my best friends. These people are the best, we might argue a little but if i needed them they would back me up. I guess its like having 4 more dads 2 more moms, 11 brothers and 6 sisters, you become family. I wouldn't trade them for the world. I recently joined an EMS explorer post in our area, it seems like an awesome program we just need to get more people interested in it, (we have 4 counting me)
Day Job:
Im a full time high school student :)
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
So i could help people
Why I Love Fire/EMS
i get to come home knowing i did something useful and maybe helped someone
Top Issues Facing Responders:
careless drivers not respecting emergency personnel and vehicles on roads...

Comment Wall:

  • Ron Maddox

    Welcome to FFN, Be safe and have some fun.

  • catfish

    welcome to your new family
  • Don Sims

    Welcome to the nation from the mountains of E. TN.. take care and have a good week, stay safe.
  • Brian Gilbert

    Welcome to FFN
  • FireCat

  • Becki Turner

    I'm not sure where Bagdad is. I'm only thinking Bagdad in the middle of the war, but I see you've joined the "Junior Firefighters of KY" so I'm assuming there's a town in KY by that name. Is it anywhere near London? That's where I am. Hang in there. I see you're young, but we have a couple of Junior firefighters on our department too, and they have been enormously helpful. And, they are learning now for action later! I applaud you on your early decision to dedicate a life to helping others. It shows wonderful maturity. God Bless You.

    Becki Turner
  • Becki Turner

    Be careful on those fire scenes. At our department, our 'junior' firefighters are not allowed to do any physical work with equipment. They can learn and do classroom activities, and watch and get hours for the outside stuff, but they aren't allowed to act on a fire scene except maybe retrieving waters to drink, things like that...Now anyway, that's supposed to be the rules!
  • Becki Turner

    Our jr's are set up basically just like what it is at Fire School. Speaking of which, we are having fire school in London Oct. 24th-26th, I think that's the dates anyway!
  • Becki Turner

    Yeah, the fire school is open to anyone. It is at Somerset Community College Laurel County Campus, located on Hwy 192 behind the Laurel Co. Public Library. It starts Friday night at 6:00 pm. You can pre-register, or I think you might be able to register onsite. You'd probably want to get there early if you registered onsite. Last year they told us that jr. firefighters could get hours for classroom things, but could not do any 'hands-on' exercises. If you did come, Basic is a really good class. I was new last year and took it. It was awesome. This year I'm doing the Survival and Rescue class. It's a 2 day class on Saturday and Sunday. There's a good Meth Lab class on Friday night too. Tell your chief to contact Marc Rudder in London. I think he is the area 13 coordinator for SKFA.
  • daniel thomas

    hey what up
  • Haylee

    We have to stop in the office and sign out, but we have to have a note in the ofice saying that we can sign out if the pager goes off, or something like that. Yeah, we had a guy hop in a drive a truck drunk a few years ago, and he killed an explorer because he rolled the truck. So, because of him killing her, we are only allowed to go on gas spills/leaks and structure fires. I drive myself so I drive to the hall from school or home, whichever it is. Haylee :)
  • Richard Martini152

    thanks for addin me
  • Kirk D. Baughman

    you are very young and i'am glad to see young people like you wanting to do put your life at risk every time the alarm goes off. keep your head on train train train and stay safe. wish more kids your age would think about what they want in life and start going after it. i been doing this for 10 years and i still enjoy it i seen lots of people go and come. takes lots of stress and time. good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Tony P

    Hello Jessica. A lot of people seem to be coming here to comment on the threads topics you started! I'm another! You said in one thread that you're not stupid - I'd agree wholeheartedly with that. Reading what you write., the intelligence come through. You do seem to be using the head on your shoulders.

    A lot of the comments from older FF's are to the effect that juniors/explorers should be concentrating more on school than the FD, and I agree, I also understand that you have some definite ideas about what you want to do with yourself (what's a physicians assistant, a nurse?) and are feeling maybe a little stifled by the rules? It's terrible just being told 'wait a few years...'

    Our Juniors are a youth group, not FF's. They train, but not with live fire. They don't have pagers, they don't turn out. They don't go on the fireground. They can become FF's at 16, with parental approval. Until 18 they're mentored by a senior on the fireground, but they have more training apportunities open to them. Here you are an adult (in all ways) at 18, that's when you can make all your own decisions - including ones that can ruin your life.

    Oh, the poor treatment other pupils are giving you at school? Can you guess as to the reasons for that? Possibly ignorance? Possible jealousy? Possibly lack of maturity? I'd say all of them to a degree - but the last might be the strongest. People under the age of (say) 16 are called children not to put them down, not to denigrate them, but to acknowledge that they are still growing (mentally as well as physically), that there is so much life they have to experience to help them learn. Try to ignore the idiots at school, don't fight back it's not worth the effort. Put most of your study effort into school, not the FD. You'll get there, and get what you want.

    Keep on posting threads and comments on other's threads. You show that people of 14 CAN think, and comment.
  • Michael Vito

    Hello Jessica, Or maybe an ER physician.... As I mentioned in our threads. You have shown us great potential at this early age. We admire your eagerness, enthusiasm, idealism and your perseverance to help your community. Me, Tony P, FF Schoen, Michael Schlags, and the rest of older members of FFN. Are happy to be your big brothers and sisters. Most of the time, take criticism as a constructive criticism, its part of training. My heart sank, when I read LODD cases on website and surprise at their age. We don't want this new potential will go to waste. Be an example to other fellow explorers too. And hey, there is big a difference between being passionate and being fanatic.

    Enjoy highschool too. Treat highschool or college as part of training. Someday it will come in handy at the end.

    When you do respond, give few seconds of prayers. To watch over you always and your crew. Keep safe. God Bless you!

    Michael F. Vito
    Fire OIC
    Pasig City, Philippines.
  • Tony P

    Hi Jess. People of your age learn things and have opinions. My opinions come from someone with more learning and experience - doesn't mean I'm right and you're wrong! Differing opinions need to be considered, and discussed. So that both sides accept what is correct. Keep having your opinions, just be careful how you offer them, there are too many closed minds out there.

    I'm a trainer, plus I mentor newbies. I've had newbies point something out, or suggest something, considered and accepted what they've said. And I'll thank them for their thoughts! Sometimes I'm wrong, and I cerrtainly don't know it all. Nobody does. But unfortunately some people think they do.

    As to maturity level? I think your's might well be higher than your calender age. Your posts indicate that. Unlike another poster I've seen. Someone who claims to be 15 and to have operated internal and solo. And to be a member of my FRS. What he claims is so unlikely I called him on it - he seems to have gone away. Thankfully, as I don't like my service being given a bad reputation by morons. So there's the two sides of the coin, you, and the little kid of 15 (if anything on his page was true... ).
  • Tony P

    No worries about taking time to respond - I have friends I see ever two years or so. We just start again where we left off. Of course a quick response is required for many things! Just not so important with friendship.

    I'm keeping an eye out for that idiot kid I mantioned. Perhaps I gave him a wake-up call, I hope so. He's more than welcome to come here and learn, as we all do, but the 'big bad' talk can always be left at home.
  • Tony P

    The current incidents list on my page is an RSS feed from my FRS - FFN accepts them, but what surprises me is that my FRS provides it! If you click on the 'more' link at the bottom of the list, it takes you to the CFA site, with the full list of incidents for the last five hours. The incidents aren't for my individual Brigade, they're for most of the State.
  • mike

    just wanted to say hi. lol
  • mike

    i got your text. lol.
  • Sam Thomas

    hey thnx for the add...i guess i'm slightly one up on u since i'm already a first responder lol. just picking on u though. i'm glad to hear that. its a blast.
  • Michael Vito

    Happy Birthday Jessica!
  • mike

    happy bday jess.