

Lakeville, OHIO

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Western Holmes County Fire District -- Nashville F.D.
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Coshocton County EMS - Paramedic
My Training:
FF Level II
HazMat Ops
Driver/Pump Operator
Day Job:
Part Time FF/Medic at Washington Twp Fire Dept; Part Time Paramedic at Coshocton County EMS
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I felt there was a need in my area for volunteers to be available for fire and ems work. After going through 36 hour class and my EMT-B, I can't imagine doing anything else. I'm currently a Paramedic, and just graduated from the Ohio Fire Acadamy with my 240 Fire Card.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
This isn't a job... it's an adventure.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Getting to the scene safely, providing the best, most professional care possible, and keeping up with new ideas/techniques.

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  • Chan Rivera

    hi and G M Brittany great day in NY and you
  • Matt Crotty

    Sure thing Brittnay stop by any time. I have not checked out the site yet but I will soon! Be safe!!
  • Chan Rivera

    hi bittany we had the big parade i want down to the fire house to pick up phil he did not want to go in line up we had a car for him he did not want to go ?
  • Chan Rivera

    he yold he was saying at the fire house to see the parade so i want back to line up it was hot so he was at the fh
  • Lindsey

  • Jon

    Hi Brittant, greetings from England, great photo's, stay safe
  • Jennifer

    Hey how is it going? And nice to meet you too. Yes it it was Gary Indiana Fire Dept. My dad knew some of the guys on there so I use to ride on the ambulance when I was 16 and then got on New Chicago Vol Fire Dept when I was 18. Then at 20 I was on Beth Steel Fire Dept for 9 years. I miss driving the big red truck lol. I moved out to cali a year ago to help a friend out with his business but I am going to try to get on a dept out here. Hope you have a great day:)
  • Lindsey

    Hey B-Bop! I couldn't remember if you worked Tuesday or not, so if I don't see you then have a good Fourth of July!
  • Liesl FFEMTHorsewoman

    Hi Brittany...EMT-IV is what we have in Tennessee. There are only EMT-IV (meaning we do IV's and such). and Paramedics.
    I am doing a lot better trying to get on a local dept. here in Idaho. Will see how things go. My eyesight still sucks bad and will for the rest of my life. 3 Surgeries later and at least I can see out of one eye OK. Better than being totally blind! God has been good. Anyways...thanks for the add and hope you have a great week. Stay safe!!
  • AFD

    Hello :)
  • Brian

    Thanks sis, you have a lot of feedback "wow." Talk at you later.

    I love working with the kids. It is a great part of this. Thanks I start EMT JUly 29th Still dispatching and fire department trying to keep all three straight should be interesting :) hope that you are having a great day
  • Ariel 683

    It's about time I became your friend :-) You were the first one on my list of friends that I requested and the last one to except (except for Schwenke, but I just found him this morning). How's it going? We need to do another standby and watch the rest of back draft. Wow, now I need to go look at you page. It changed drastically when I became your friend :-) I AM feeling much better! My sore throat keeps coming and going. It's really wierd... As long as my head doesn't feel like it's going to blow up I'm happy.
    Stay Healthy ;-)
    See ya on the next call, Ari
  • Jeremy Whitmore

    yeup i found it and now i am signed up.
  • Jeremy Whitmore

    hey it only took you a few day. anyways im still trying to work somethings on here. its a little more complicated than myspace
  • Ariel 683

    I posted them on the photography forum. Let me know if you need them on a CD or e-mailed.
  • Ariel 683

    I will bring a CD to the fair tonight....If I see you great, if not I'll leave them at the station.
  • Ariel 683

    You're welcome :-) I knew you would like it. I bought We Were Soldiers off of amazon last night for 2 bucks. As for the friend part, same to you :-) And about the pictures....(drum roll)...... they're great. I love your firefighter pictures especially with the mist/smoke wafting through the trees..... beautiful. Guess what? I have Monday off too! I don't know if you are working or not but district 1 is having Pediatric (I think) CEU's on the 26th at 7:00 PM. See ya on the next call.
    Be safe, Ari
  • Ariel 683

    I think we just have to get together some time. What's your schedule like? We can do other the other computer stuff at the same time. I'd also like to go over more stuff from the work book with you.
    Let me know, Ariel
  • Ariel 683

    working... :-(
  • Ariel 683

    Monday evening would work.... Tues evening dist. 1 is having Ped CEU's.... I would like to try to make that... Are you interested? Are you working during the day tues?
    Let me know, Ari
  • Ariel 683

    okey-doke.... sounds good.....CEU's are at 7:00. If you are working with Mel before then would you let her know?
    Thanks, Ariel
  • Clark Schwenke

    Congrats, things are going well, down about 45 lbs now, working on getting off the c-pap rather than having to adjust it, that is the plan that my sleep doc has. We'll see.

    Study hard, work hard, and enjoy your time there.
  • Lindsey

    HEY! I forgot to tell you this the other day at the end of shift. I won't see you before you start fire school so GOOD LUCK, GOD BLESS, and DON'T BE NERVOUS!! You'll do fine! Keep in touch! Take care!
  • Lindsey

    You will do fine! I know you will! You passed medic school with flying colors and I know you will do fine with fire school! Good luck, be safe and take care!
  • Matt Crotty

    Hey, Sorry to take so long getting back we are all doing good, it has been a good summer for fires. Youcan come ride anytime. Tell your friend she is welcome too. Be safe and enjoy class, you will do fine.
  • Brian

    Hey Brittany thought I would check up on your progress. How was the walk of pain???? We need to talk. Picked up some WWII stuff at the Mt. Hope flea market (so cool). Tonight was the Columbia Gas training it was about the same as last year, but they said they could set up a live burn for us sounds cool. Sunday was busy training burn in the morning, high winds over five calls that night. Cut trees off the raod that night, went with Brandon next day cut trees at Dorthy Browns. I want an update. ttyl! stay safe.
  • Brian

    How is class going? We had double squad calls on Monday, I was on the second one. I drilled the hols for my pole building yesterday. Today I am going to set the posts(very excited). I want an update.
  • Ariel 683

    You did it again! I was exited to read about your second week. I didn't get a chance to tell you on the squad call today, but you look great! Those 6:30 am PT times are really working :-) Hang in there....
    See you later, Ariel
  • Brian

    Hey Brittany, I like the quotes you have especially the definition of insanity. That is a good one. I am going to start putting the headers and baseboards on my shop. Tonight is the EMS meeting. I am going to go to that for uniform sizing. I will try to get back to you this week. Take care and I will talk to you later. Brian
  • Brian

    Hey sis, I don't think the building will be done but it will be a good way completed by this weekend. I did have a good time at the EMS meeting. They gave us order forms for department shirts. I got a shirt like your EMT sweatshirt that is made out of denim with the 1/4 length zipper in the front. It's going to have my name on it and department also. Glad to hear that you survived day one of search and rescue. I hope to see more quotes on your page. Stay safe ttyl! Brian
  • Brian

    Hey! Brittany I am still not done with the building yet(need to put trusses on still). How is week three going? I just changed the oil in my truck today(1000 past when it should have been done oops). Havn't had many calls this week. Last night we had a missing person wanderd off in a corn field. We had K-9 units out from the sherriffs office. Never did find him. Went to the Loudonville Street Fair last night. Listend to a band called Shenondoah( from down south). I am looking forward to seeing you this weekend. We are going to try to go rollerskating tonight. Stay safe down there. TTYL! Brian
  • Dan

    Hey Brittany I don't know if anybody answered you questions about the National Registry. You can move to any state except California. All you have to do is talk to your state EMS center and ask them for a form that you need to sign and return it to them and then you are done.
  • Brian

    Hey! Are you surviving? I called Buckeye Career Center and I am in their 84 hour class. I will start after thanksgiving sometime. I guess I will do my EMT basic next summer. Building still not building its self(oh well). Tilled for the garlic beds and then Mike and I dug the walk paths(wow are they crooked). Will you give me an update? I have to go now. TTYL! Brian
  • Ariel 683

    Where is week 3? Are you still out there? I keep checking..... :-)
    p.s.- I worked with Mel yesterday and she asked how fire school was going.
  • Dan

    You have to get the documents from the state that you are moving to. California is the only state that doesn't reconize the National Registry, all other 49 states do.
  • jill

    Miss you girl! hope 240 is going well for you! Call me at home if you want to chat....I work again on ya!

    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Brian

    Hey Brittany! Mom and I were going to go to Mt. Hope(to sell stuff). We made it to Millersburg stopped for coffee and the sky was black. We decided to just go home. Finished up the roof by the sunroom. John helped me get the trusses onto my building(still hove to nail them but they are on the beams). Dad and I insulated the old attic this evening. What did you do this week? I heard you have three smily faces in the morning. You have to tell me what is up. I keep praying for you. TTYL! Stay safe.
  • Ariel 683

    Thanks for the update :-)
    I missed you at work today.... I can't believe I am over half way through Intermediate class already. Our last class was cardiology. I made it through drugs and math! It was actually my highest score so far... go figure :-) When we both get done with our classes we need to do another standby. It looks like the soonest time we can do our practical's for National Registry is mid January and we can't take our NR test till afterwards :-( That is going to be the worst part. Class Finals are 11/19.
    Well, hope to see you soon... maybe we will have a squad call this weekend.
    Stay safe, and don't beat yourself up too much :-) .. Ari
  • Lindsey

    Hye BBop! Glad things are going well. I am working and dealing with a lot of stuff in life. Thomas and I are doing well. I am headed out on a camping trip for the weekend so I won't be home. Give me a call sometime! Ciao!
  • Lindsey

    yeah camping was fun-we froze to death a couple nights but it was great. hope that you are doing ok with school and stuff. i hope to talk to you soon! take care B-Bop.
  • Erin T.

    Cool beans. I like your style.
    Stay safe and have fun. The fire academy is tough but not impossible.

    "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
  • Lindsey

    HEY BBOP! Congrats on graduation! Wish I could have gone but as usual I had to work! WOOOOO!!! lol Hope to see you soon! Take care!
  • Ariel 683

    Hey, have a nice quiet evening :-)
    Sorry I missed you at work... we never ended up at the station at the same time :-( Hope everything went ok for you and your partner.
    See you on the next call?
    Oh, remind me to tell you about the run i had last night.. It was pretty interesting :-)
  • Ariel 683

    Sorry, about not calling you.... I don't know why they called district 1.... I was too busy worring about other stuff. I told them I wanted a medic as quick as possible, and all i know is I got a medic ....If I had known you were home I would have called us first:-( Brian should have said something...
    Tell Melanie I said hi..
  • Brian

    Hey Brittany. I know you will do just fine on your test. Just don't double guess yourself. Did you find the sheet you need to fill out for the FD? I gotta go, take it easy. TTYL!
  • Ariel 683

  • Lillie (Shirley) Lund

    Thanks =]
  • Chief622

    Glad to see you have that done. We proly have some time before go over them. Went and order the new name plates today for the lockers and got the paint last week. Soon we will have what looks to be a remodeled truck bay.
  • Clark Schwenke

    hello brittany, how are things? good to have you back on the truck again, hope the 24's aren't workin you over too bad. see you on wednesday morning.