Cody Craft

34, Male

South Carolina

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
1 year
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Slater-Marietta Fire Department
My Training:
1152 Osha Firefighter, 3310 Low Angle Rope Ops., HazMat Ops., E.V.D.T.,
About Me:
THe names Cody Craft im new to the fire service been in it almost 8 months now.. i became a fireman to follow in the foots steps of my father and keep the legacy going for as long as i can remember and have been has always been apart of my family the fireman blood run throughout my viens...
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I wanted to Follow in my Father's foot steps and become a fireman like him
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love to help people and the adrenaline rush

Comment Wall:

  • FireCat myspace graphic comments
  • Malinda

    Welcome to FFN. Be safe and take care. There are some great people here to learn from. I am pretty new to firefighting myself.
  • David Cornett

    Hello Cody welcome to the Firefighter Nation, take care be safe and always know your surroundings enjoy and we’ll see you around brother.
  • Thomas Bishop

    Hi Cody - nice pictures. You may want to see

    The International Organization of Fire Photography (IOFP) is the largest group of fire photographers - you would fit in well.
  • Moose

    Hey Cody,
    Try this site...

    Its run by responders, for responders to talk and "Debrief" after bad calls. Check it out bro and look me up when you get there.
    Stay Safe
  • 144Truck

    Hey Bro'

    Just checking to see if you're doing OK after that call.....