angie the fire/resqmom

56, Female

Land of the free BECAUSE of the BRAVE

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, Other Response Agency Type
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder, Administrative Staff / Team Member, Driver / Engineer, Other Emergency Services Staff, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Sequoyah VFD Soddy Daisy, TN
Years With Department/Agency
2 years for the Fire Dept/ since 9/12 for search and rescue
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
STARS = Special Tactics And Rescue Services
My Training:
First Responder, FF1
About Me:
I absolutely love my job. Helping people makes me feel like i am doing something positive and worth while. I like to be there for those people in thier time of need. If I help only 1 then it's all been worth it. I put my heart into every call.
Day Job:
Mother of 4 plus neighborhood mom. BEST JOB IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Because of 9/11 and because it's always been what i've wanted to do. Now I'm livin the dream!!!!!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love helping people when they're in need and now i am living the dream.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
We need more funding and training.

Comment Wall:

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  • jamesbloodgood

    i need your e mail address so i can put you on my friends list
  • Earl

    stop by to say HI!!!!! from texas. I finally can stop to catch up with safe remenber we all are part of the long red line.
  • Ronald Lallo

    hey how you been hun been a few days since we talk!
  • Jeff Borra

    Mike was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the
    family business. When he found he was going to inherit a fortune when his
    sickly father died, he decided he needed a wife with which to share his

    One evening at an investment meeting he spotted the most beautiful woman
    he had ever seen. Her natural beauty took his breath away. 'I may look like
    just an ordinary man,' he said to her, 'but in just a few years, my father will
    die, and I'll inherit a lot of money'

    Impressed, the woman obtained his business card and three days later, she
    became his stepmother.

    Women are so much better at estate planning than men.
  • Jeff Borra

    hopes this makes you smile An old Italian man lived alone in New Jersey. He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, as the ground was hard. His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison.

    The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament:

    Dear Vincent,
    I am feeling pretty sad, because it looks like I won't be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here, my troubles would be over. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the old days.
    Love, Papa

    A few days later he received a letter from his son.

    Dear Pop,

    Don't dig up that garden. That's where the bodies are buried.
    Love, Vinnie

    At 4am the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies.
    They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old man received another letter from his son.

    Dear Pop,

    Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That's the best I could do under the circumstances.
    Love you, Vinnie

    Love it!
  • Chan Rivera

    hello my Angie so what up be safe "Chan"
  • Kirk D. Baughman

    thank you for stopping by. it sure made my day to see what you wrote about 9/11. these days most americans just remerber that day on 9/11 but as firefighter we think about it every time we get a chance to because we had our brothers and sisters lives fell short that day.
  • Steve Brown

    Never Forgoten, from fellow Fire & Rescue in the UK
  • Jeff Borra

    An old Italian Mafia Don is dying and he called his grandson to his bed Grandson I wanta you to listen to me. I wanta you to take mya 45 automatic pistol, so you will always remember me. But grandpa I really don't like guns, how about you leaving me your Rolex watch instead.

    You lisina to me, some day you goin a be runna da bussiness, you goina have a beautiful wife, lotsa money, a biga home and maybe a couple od bambino, some day you goina come hom and maybe finda you wife in be with another man. Whata you gonna do then? Pointa to you watch and say, "TIMES UP"?
  • Steve Cooper

    Hey Mom this is Steve. I just want to say that I appreciate you taking me in lol. It really means a whole lot to me. Your always there to the rescue for anyone who is in trouble or need help. I can see why I am calling u mom. Because your children are all firefighters and we are willing to do our best protecting and serving and being there at all times whenever needed. Emily is going to be in good hands because I will never hurt her or cause her any pain or heartache. She deserves much more than what she has gotten from other disrespect guys. Me I'm not that away. I fear God and sometimes I fear myself, lol joke but yeah me and em are going to help each others way out of troubles because that is what it is all about. She found a guy that will respect her give her everything she needs and wants. Not to mention she is also a very beautiful woman. Well mom you take care and God bless Stay safe
  • Steve Cooper

    Good morning Mom :) this is your son wishing you the very best on this special day the Lord hath made in our Land of the Free. Before I didn't know what the word freedom really meant until I found out later in life. Thank God for his Son Jesus references John 3:16. And I thank God that we stand proud of what we do in the fire rescue Service. To me being a firefighter is giving your life out there for someone who is in trouble of danger from a damaged up or crush car or a house that is burning. It really doesn't matter about the situation. I know that Safety comes first because that's my first and foremost priority but the best turn out gear that I could ever wear in life is the armor of God. I have always wanted to get back into the fire department but even though I jumped the gun I still waited upon the Lord though my faith wasn't strong enough to move mountains. I know the price that comes to be a firefighter and I know that I don't want to die for anyone because Jesus already paid the ultimate price for us 20000 years ago. But if dieing is asking me then Ill bear that Cross with honor. Because I would feel much better if I got someone out of the burning house whether I come out or not. At least I went saved and as a hero. But first and foremost the Hero in me and that is my Lord Jesus Christ. If it wouldn't for him I wouldn't have made it because without him I could not do anything. I kept the prayer request in mind before I woke up and prayed for your mom. I hope she gets feeling better and gets back upon her feet again soon. I love you mom I really do, and I wont do anything to go back on my word. I am very truthful. I cant lie to anyone, lying is not a good thing its a sin and its not of God. I was always told tell the truth and the truth shall set you free. Ive got a good heart and that's what makes those firetrucks shine so red like they are is the love that God had put in me. I am a very loving caring and helpful person and I am good as my word. Mom I love you and will always. And like I said somebody messes with you they mess with me.

    Love your Son
    1452 district Chestnut Ridge vol ff
    Steve Cooper

    123=I love you and a 1452 back at ya
  • Pompy

  • Steve Cooper

    Hey mom just 1452 your son saying I love you and I hope you have a great weekend. I know I will I'm going on vacation and cant wait until it happens. I leave tonight for 3 days. Goin with the chief. I hope things are going well for ya. Sorry about your brother. Im still praying for you and your family.

    Your Son
  • Jeff Borra

    here is Italian algebra ..the teacher calls on Vito ..Hey Vito cum up a here and do the algebra..Vito Stands up and says..Oh Hey Teacha I never toucha Alges Bra...the teacher sends Vito home to study the next day Vito is in class the teacher says..Hey Vito you gonna do the Algebra or no?"..Vito stands up and takes the chalk..the room is quiet as Vito rights..Joey bag a donughts went to the baker he buy 2 dozen friggin doughnuts, on the way a home the fat bastad ate a 3 friggin doughnuts he gave bpg petie 3, lil peteie 4 and his cousin Paulie the knife 2, so if X equals the doughnuts and Y equals the people the frigg did Alge get her bra from my friggin top draw back...The teacher calls Vitos momma when his father gets home she yells yo know whada yo kid do today i n da school he was a bad"..Vitos pop glares at him and says "Hey oh whada frigg you do?"..Vito looks at his parents and says..Poppa Momma ,I did the math like the teacher says..yo know I went to the baker I help Joey bag a donuts get the donuts that fat bastard he eat some then the peties had some and then i went to Alges house to study her a bra, i say Hey alge can i taka dis home to study she say a sure ...when i wenta to school the damn bra was a gone so i couldn't show da teacher the friggin a work so I failed"...
  • Pompy
    MyHotComments Hope this makes ya smile my lil Bubbette!!
  • Kirk D. Baughman

    hey angie just dropping in to say hi hope everything is going good for you stay safe out their. keep in touch. kirk
  • Steve Cooper

    Hey mom, good morning from the Chestnut Ridge Fire Rescue Base. How are you? Doing really wonderful mom I figured I would update you about some new news going on with me and Emily. Mostly about instead about me. I called Morgan County Dispatch in Wart Burg and lined a job up for my fiancae when she comes in at the end of the year. I am going to take good care of her and love her the way she should be loved. And I'm going to be there for you and her every step of the way. Love you mom and will always. Morgan County Police Department told me as soon as she comes in she needed to feel out an application and more than likely they would take her in. I love her that's why I am doing all that I can for her. Shes my Life

    Steve Cooper
    1452 Fire Rescue
    1400 District

    Steve Cooper
  • Steve Cooper

  • Pompy

  • Pompy

  • Steve Cooper

    Hey mom just want to drop some love to you. If ya want to you can call me this weekend I will be out on Vacation with Johnny Frey Tag and going to a training and open house on Saturday so I gotta lot on my plate just wish it was fried chicken. Ha Ha love ya mom and I hope things are going well for ya. Cant wait to see you over the holidays. Stay Safe'
    1452 Steve Cooper
  • Pompy
    MyHotComments Feel the same way about you sis.Stay safe 123.Tom aka your bubba.
  • Pompy
    MyHotComments LOL saw this and I thought of you sis!!
  • Steve Cooper

  • Ted R.

    Hi Angie. Thank you very much for the add on. Hope everything is going well for you. I look forward to talking to you in the future.
    Have a great day. Be Safe always.
  • Paul

    thought id drop by and say hi..loong time no all is safe and comment when can...
  • Pompy

    Halloween MySpace Comments and Graphics
    Halloween MySpace Layouts Photobucket Login - Upload Pics and Videos
    Free Comments and Graphics
    No crap sis halloween cheap and easy,,take care ss 123,,bubba
  • Ben

    Nice music
  • Ben

    Nice music
  • jamesbloodgood

    how long dose it tak you to put full gear on
  • tonya keene

    hi angie we havent talked in a while just dropping by to say hi
  • Dan Buell

    Just stoppin by to say hello. Stay Safe!
  • Pompy

  • Will2745

    Angels Comments - Angels Comments

    you will always be an angel to me
  • Earl

    stop by to say hello.
  • Lieutenant Sister

    thats cute sis. thanks 123 & ss
  • Dina Lynn

    Thank you for keeping me close to your heart. Like a balloon, I hope i don't pop. Hahahahahaha.

    God Bless
  • Jeff Borra

    Hope all is going well
    man walks into a pet store and is looking around when he
    > > spots a Chimpanzee in a cage marked, "$1000". The
    > > man looks a little closer and discovers that the chimpanzee
    > > is wearing a T-shirt bearing the
    > > Maltese Cross and is cleaning a fog nozzle. Curious about
    > > this, the man summons the storekeeper and asks him what the
    > > deal is with this thousand dollar monkey. "Sir, You
    > > have discovered our Fire Service Monkeys".
    > >
    > >
    > > This one is our Firefighter version. It has a Basic
    > > Firefighters certification with IFSAC seals, is also a
    > > Licensed Paramedic, can perform vehicle extrications, high
    > > angle rescue and is up to date on current CPR standards. A
    > > very good value for a thousand dollars.
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > The man is suitably impressed and moves to the next cage,
    > > which is occupied by a gorilla - also wearing the same
    > > T-shirt, but is gnawing on a pen and reading training
    > > manuals.
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > The storekeeper states, "Sir, You have discovered the
    > > Captain model.This one has an Advanced Firefighter
    > > certification, is capable of training the other monkeys in
    > > basic firefighting skills, and can manage any emergency
    > > scene. It can also type. A very good value for five-
    > > thousand, Sir."
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > Impressed, the man moves to the last cage. Inside, he finds
    > > an orangutan, dressed in a white shirt and a tie, but
    > > holding only a coffee cup. The man says, "What does
    > > this one do that he's worth $10,000 ?"
    > >
    > >
    > > The storekeeper clears his throat and says, "Ah, sir,
    > > well, um. we have never actually seen him do anything except
    > > drink coffee and play with himself, but he says he's a
    > > Battalion Chief."

    Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Sh
  • Kirk D. Baughman

    hey angie just stopping in to say hi hope everything is going good for you. stay safe. keep in touch.
  • Leo Cartwright

    Hi there Angie; Leo from Australia, Paramedic. I like your profile and spoken from the heart. If I am suited; please add me to your collection of friends.
    If U are interested and If U send me your postal address via my Email I will post you one of my State Ambulance Service Badges, (patch) for exchange of one of your service patches,
    My Email is (LECAR1@BIGPOND.NET.AU)
    Cheers Leo
  • Will2745

    hey lady i need your email addy please
  • Will2745

  • Pompy

  • Will2745

  • Will2745

  • Will2745

  • Will2745

  • Will2745
    MyHotComments looks just like
  • Will2745

  • Jeff Borra

    Buone Feste Natalizie