
53, Male

Broomes Island, Maryland

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Calvert County Vol.
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Maryland State EMT-B, FEMA IS-100, IS-200, IS-700, IS-706, IS-800b, IS-3, IS-10.

Navy: Basic and Advanced Shipboard FF/Damage Control, Shipboard, Flightdeck Aircraft FF, CBR-D, HazMat response, Basic and Advanced 1st Aid.
About Me:
Been in the Navy since 1990...19+ years! Ready to retire and start a new career. Considering an Emergency Management degree and transitioning to that field after the Navy.
Day Job:
US Navy Aircraft Mechanic (19+ years)
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Fulfilled longstanding desire by joining local Vol. Fire/Rescue Company. Always like helping others and wanted to try to make a difference. My years in the Navy, "Johnny", "Roy", and my Dad (now retired) were all influences! Many a snow-day was spent roaming the apparatus bays!!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Learning and helping the community.

Comment Wall:

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  • Jim aka Bick

  • Scott

    Hi Shawn welcome to the network. Thanks for your service.
  • Misti

    Happy New Year!
  • Kyle Musicant

    I've got one. Just have to get to my home PC to get it.
  • Seth Heller

    my company is about 30 min outside the city limits. (leechburg) how is the navy. stay low stay alert
  • Kyle Musicant

    You want pictures, you got pictures! Enjoy dude.
  • donna

  • Shawn

    I did it!!! I had my custody hearing yesterday and I got custody of all 3 of my kids!!! They move home on April 5th!! Thanks to all for the well wishes and prayers!!!
  • Shawn
  • susan

    Hey Shawn, dropping by to say Howdy!! And congrats on getting your children! Are your children playing with baby skunks? How cute they are, i know you are a proud dad!
  • susan

    Good hearing from ya. I know April 5th can not get here quick enough for you. How old are your children?
  • susan

    Get graphics at
    Free images from Nack.US
    how are you and your kids doing
  • susan

  • Shawn

    Photos of the aftermath of this weekends Nor'easter in the Mid-Atlantic, taken around my neighborhood can be viewed here:
  • Shawn

    I did it! I had my final EMT state practical Saturday and I passed it! I found out that I scored a 90% on the written too. Yay me! I should have my card by next week and then I'll start my FTO period.
  • susan

    Myspace Comments
    Myspace Comments @
    hey you, how are you and your children doing?
  • Charles Tower

    As a Firefighter and MRT (Medical Response Tech.) and also a Retired USAF E-6, I want to extend my thanks for you 17 years of Serving our Great Nation. Stay safe and retirement is just around the corner.
  • susan

    Hey Shawn, things will get better!! Take alittle time for yourself while the kids are away!! You have a GREAT MEMORIAL DAY!!!! Bet the Kids are ready for Summer. When do they get out? My son has 3 days left. He has a job for the summer Yea!! Well last night my best friends son got married it was beautiful, but it was so much work, will post pics later, we did all the decorating,not today (while the Newleyweds are on a curise we are getting ready to go clean up, so i will talk to you soon, stay safe and alert
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Hey there Shawn, No you're not in a different time zone. Mike is just trying to make sure that we don't beat him. LOL Thanks by the way for the invite...
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    How right you are. LOL
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Morning Shawn, My godson has enlisted in the navy, leaving tomorrow. He has been promised a lot, something having to do with sailor to admiral. Getting 180k to finish a four year degree and such. He just wants to be a fireman and thinks this will help him get hired by a department when he is discharged. Is this your take on the whole thing. Does the Navy keep it's word. Would appreciate any insight you can share. He leaves for San Diego and then somewhere in the great lakes.
    Stay safe, Mike
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Hey Shawn, Saw that you are into helicopters... Check this out... I'm assuming that you don't have wildland urban interface fires like we do here on the West coast.
  • Christy

    Thanks for the comment. It's nice to know that I am not the only one dealing with the courts right now. Best wishes on your upcoming court date. I am hoping to settle mine today...finally! LOL
  • susan

    4th of July Comments have a great one!!how are you doing, long time no talk too! how are you and the children ttys
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Hey Shawn, thanks for the comment on the montage-
    I'm planning a recruitment piece next-
  • chele

    Ashland is in SW Kansas, Clark County - about 50 miles SE of Dodge City.
  • Jeff Borra

    Greetings from Va
  • J. Langford

    This was passed on to me. Just wanted to share with you guys in case you hadn't heard yet and wanted to stand in the procession. It's a way to honor the fallen hero and his family.

    Sgt. Ryan P. Baumann, 24, of Great Mills, MD, died Aug. 1 from injuries sustained when his vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan. Sgt Bauman was assigned to the 101st Airborne in Ft Campbell, KY. Sgt Baumann's fiancée lives just south of St Mary's City and Sgt Baumann's mother and step father live in Great Mills, MD.

    His funeral will be held at Brinsfield Funeral home in Leonardtown (across from College of Southern MD) at 0900 Monday August 11, 2008. He will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery. We are trying to get people and flags to line the funeral's procession route starting in Leonardtown to show our respect and appreciation for this brave young man that made the ultimate sacrifice. The procession will depart Brinsfield Funeral Home between 10:45-11:00 and proceed from Hollywood Rd turning right onto Rte 5 north.

    If you or anyone you know can help support this effort it would be appreciated. We would like to show Sgt Baumann's family that St Mary's County and Southern MD support our military and are thankful for the freedom we enjoy because of their sacrifices.


    David Owen
  • susan

    Myspace Comments
    Myspace Comments @
    havent heard from you in a while hope things are going good for you, stay safe and alert
  • Jessica

    Nice to meet you, thanks for the funny comment
  • Leisa Storey

    Hey Sahwn
    Your shepherd is georgus!!! They r the best dogs ever. Take care and stay safe!!

  • Leisa Storey

    I do know what u mean my Pacino is quite the ladies man. LOl!!! Everytime we do pr work he thinks he has to b the center of attention. Lol !! I have heard ofyour local search team. If u can and if they allow it go to one of there trainings and I bet u will luv it. If ya didn't live so far away you could come to one of our trainings. LOL!!! I tell ya what it is the greatest feeling in the world to know that u have a dog that is trained to rescue someone just like your self.

  • Leisa Storey

    My Malachi destroys everything he gets ahold of. He even went after a bowling ball. I rolled one in the back yard and he had to go after it and try to pick it up. what a nut!!! But both of my shepherds have destroyed the kong. LOL!!! :et me know how u liked the training when u go!!! If I could do this full time I would, I am now on weathersfield fire dept for fire and emt. And I hope to get my certs for scuba diving searcha nd recovery in the spring.
  • holly

    hey hows things going
  • Elizabeth

    Hos it going?
  • 4RC1

    And where in Central Ma were you from before you abandoned all hope and moved to MD?
  • Mike W.

    Hi Shawn, how is everything with you? Sorry to read about your wife's illness. My wife has suffered several health emergencies over the past few years, also.I know how difficult and frustrating these situations are.

    I can't begin to understand the frustration and concern you and your wife are feeling. I wish you and her the best and will keep her in my prayers.
  • robert roth

    HI from the east, I also understand what it is like to have a wife that is ill. (two times over) God bless and stay safe
  • Arthur T. Kline

    Thanks for the comments! Go RED SOX!!!!
  • Teddy

    Things are goin good. Gettin it done you know. Thats for the comment and stay safe.

  • Tiger Schmittendorf

    Thanks for the compliment on my photos.

    I'm curious as to which ones you were referring to.

    Stay safe. Train often.
  • robert roth

    No it is a alaxis with a spartan cab
  • robert roth

    how is your wife doing
  • robert roth

    it took me some time to respond back hope all is well, we have had an interesting november so far as you can see. hope all is well.
  • Dennis Brown

    Hi from nj i like your video nice rigs but 1? are them kids playing with skunks
  • Dennis Brown

    LOL sorry thought they where yours have a good day besafe out there
  • Dominic Giovannone

    thanks for joining my k-9 search and rescue group. you have a k-9 team i take it. i'm thinking about joining the mecca k-9 team. been doing a couple trainings with them and i love it. drop me a line sometime. would like to see if you guys do anything different.
  • Chris Harris

    Hey sg410,
    same here, goin in @ 3. Pleasure to chat with you!
  • Leisa Storey

    Hey there!!! I know what u mean all of my dogs are CRAZY!!!! We didn't ahve training last Sunday due to alot of people were sick so my Pacino was bummed!!! LOl !!! I know its hard to wait for training but im sure it will b well worth the wait. I know if my dogs miss a week, then the next time they train its like WOW!!! It just seams like they are more willing to work if they have a week off!!! Well Stay warm and I will chat with ya soon
  • Leo Cartwright

    Hi there; Leo from Australia, Paramedic,
    If U are interested and If U send me your postal address via my Email I will post you one of my State Ambulance Service Badges, (patch) for exchange of one of your service patches,
    My Email is (LECAR1@BIGPOND.NET.AU)
    Please read my Profile and If i am suited; please fell free to add me to your collection of friends.
    Cheers Leo