
40, Female

Winnsboro, Tx

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder
Years in Fire/EMS:
3 ys
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Coke Pleasant Grove VFD
Years With Department/Agency
2 yrs with coke pleasant grove vfd
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Cpr,First Rep,Basic Fire Fighting,Wildland,Storm Spotters,Aed,Vehicle Extrication,ect...

About Me:

Im 25 live in a small town and have been on the vol fire dept for alomst 2 yrs now... I love every min of it and wish to make a career of it one day soon..

Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS

My mother and father always said that id be good at something and i think i found out what it is now.... thanks mom & dad

Why I Love Fire/EMS
Ive always had a dream and that dream is to be someomes hero!!!
Top Issues Facing Responders:

Comment Wall:

  • Jason

    Welcome to the nation!
  • Don Sims

    Welcome to the nation Ratchel. Enjoy and stay safe.
  • Chan Rivera

    hi welcome to ffn for the NY
  • Tom

    Welcome from Quitman Georgia.
  • Mark168

    Welcome to the Nation...stay safe !
  • Brian Gilbert

  • Jon

    Hi Ratchel, Welcome to the Nation. Stay Safe out there.
  • Tim Zehnder

    Hi Rachel welcome to the nation how are things in Texas, nice to have ya here
  • Ed

    Welcome to FFN

    welcome to the nation
  • jack lambert

    welcome to ffn
  • Jim

    Welcome to FFN Ratchel
  • Tim Meckler # 575

    welcome to the family ratchel
  • Rob Fritsche

    welcome to FFN, stay safe, and you make bunker pants look good
  • jesus

    welcome to FFN, i hope we can communicate more, im jess from the Philippines......hope to hear from you.
  • Aaron

    hello how are you?
  • Big Jim

    Cute Pic. Keep smiling and stay safe.
  • Barry Homyack

    Hello Ratchel. Thank you for friending me. Hope you are out of the storms path this week. Stay safe
  • Daniel Curtis

    Hi Ratchell and welcome to the Nation. I only have about 3 years ahead of you and am serving as a LT with my dept, and couldn't ask for a better or more respected place to be. I look forward to talking to you and thanks for the add. Stay safe out there
  • Barry Homyack

    So Ratchel, how did you make out with the storm. Did it miss you I hope.
  • Ratchel

    hey guys i just wanted to say thanks for all the comments and repose, keep em coming... later
  • catfish

    just wanted to say hello.loved the pics
  • Jim

    you don't look to bad either...Thanks
  • brenda caldwell

    hey kid-o. love ya too.....
  • brenda caldwell

    where you find the pics
  • Jeff

    HEEEYYYY YOOUUU. You stole my amazing grace song!!! LOL. Welcome to the Nation from Knoxville, TN. Feel free to add me if'n you want. We can talk later about more songs I have. Look forward to hearing from you.
  • Joe Caldwell

    thank you.
  • Kevin

    Thanks for the add, how are things going?
  • Joe Caldwell

    hi whats up???????????????????
  • Kevin

    It was ok, I got off shift at 7, spent most of the day at home with the kids and took them to a Wiggle's concert sunday night.
  • brenda caldwell

    stoped by to say hi.
  • brenda caldwell

    just mom stopping by to say hi and love ya lots.
  • Joe Caldwell

    just stop by to say hi so HI take care love daddy
  • brenda caldwell

    hey kiddo. how u? see ya later. love Mom
  • brenda caldwell

    what do you want??????? Gotta love your momma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • brenda caldwell

    I LOVE YOU TOO< I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!*****************
  • brenda caldwell

    smart butt
  • TJ

    hey thanks for the add. been a while since i've had the chance to get on here. how you doing?
  • TJ

    ofcourse, why wouldn't i add you? your profile is pretty kicking. good tunes, great pics. so where in texas is winnsboro?
  • Maurice M

    So did you go to the 10-50 call at 3:00a.m. this morning.
    was it do to the bad weather ?
  • Maurice M

    I love the youtube you have that has the little kid in it (day job)
    it hits the heart
  • TJ

    i know where tyler is. its been awhile since i've been in that area. i like that part of texas more than my area, sometimes. lol. i know i need too, but i'm not exactly sure how to on here. i'm not on here as much as i used to on my myspace either.
  • Maurice M

    what is Storm Spotters as a training we do not have that in ct
  • brenda caldwell

    happy birthday to you dear child of mine. I love you.
  • Maurice M

    is the storm coming you way if so be safe
  • TJ

    how are ya doing?
  • TJ

    aw don't worry about it. smae here i don't get much of a chance to get on here. i'm doing alright. work has slowed down here at my shop but hanging in there somehow. fire department has been fairly busy. how you doing? hope all is well. i'll check it more often. nobody but you writes to me on here anyway. lol! only reason i check it. emails tell me when you leave me a comment. haha. wb soon. ttul.