Rescue Diva Stephi

, Female

Saint Peters, Missouri

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
12 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
St. Charles County Ambulance District, Missouri
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Abbott Ambulance, MO 4 years

St. Johns Mercy Medical Center, MO 2 years
My Training:
My training started many a year ago when in high school and had to always fix up my guy friends who either fell down drunk (yea, that smarts) or decided they were the toughest guy around (yea, even smarts more when you arn't). For years did what made everyone else happy and finally said f*ck all that, it's time for me. I've never been happier and now make great money (which is really good when you love to shop!! lol ) I've never loved a job so much and the rewards are just something that really make me glad to be doing what I'm doing. I've only been in the business for 12 years but they truely have been the most 12 rewarding years of my life. I thank GOD above for giving me the strength to do it and my family for putting up with my crazy ass schedule.
About Me:
Brown hair, brown eyed girl who is fun, hard working, likes to be with her friends but also loves her down time. At times can have a bit of a temper but it comes from my "mutt" mixing (German, Irish, Cherokee and Dutch) so try not to piss me off! I love my kids, they are soooo amazing and make life easier to smile at on rough days. Love my big dog Dweezil and my great dane Scooby (what's not to love about a 100+ pound black lab and a dane who's gonna grow to 240lbs!). Hate to fight, love to love. Don't play mind games and don't play with people who do. Great friend to have, horrible enemy to have. Very much into upfront people.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To do what I do others. I mean if you can't fix stupid then you can at least help "it" get I've always been the girl who took care of others so why not get paid for it right? And where else can I see men in uniform everyday??.....I'm a sucker for it!! ;-)
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The close bonds shared within the EMS's like having a whole extra family without the nagging mother-in-law!! lol
Top Issues Facing Responders:
I work for an amazing district who pays us well and our benefits rock but I see so many others who are NOT paid for what they are worth and I know this isn't about money but for those FF's and medics who go out there day in and day out, they deserve the pay for the lives and homes/businesses they save everyday!!!

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  • Jay

    hey ya Stephi.. i am doing well thanks.. i am working today as well then have training all day tomorrow, so no fun for me til tues LOL.. anyway, hope all is well with you and hope to hear from you again soon =)

    You Are more then welcome to join Police Facebook - Worldwide Social Network for active and retired law enforcement officers, Volunteers & supporters.
    Avi Lap
  • Wayne

    Thanks for the welcome. It was a long weekend in fact. Are little city of Azle , we had a 4- alarm warehouse We responded arived in 6 min , by then it was fully involved. All defencive.Two brothers injured , treated and released, think God.
  • Chan Rivera

    hi stephi whats up
  • Frederick Pettengill Jr.

  • B.L.P.S. 13

    oh, that's what you look like on your knees begging???lol it's ok. talk to you soon.

    It's not Facebook. it's Police Facebook - entire different story.
  • Ross

    Stop by to say have a great day and stay healthy
  • Centaur

    Hi Miss Diva
  • Doug Rummerfield

    Thanks for the welcome MO pal
  • Capkurt

    Hi Stephi aka Rescue Diva, just stopping by to see how you have been?
  • Capkurt

    I bet they do, lucky snow flakes! Things are going about the same here. Lots of EMS calls along with a few house fires. I think people are finally starting to get the hang of winter driving now that winter is almost over.
  • Ross

    Hey I hope you got my little note stay safe
  • susan

    stopping by
  • Ron

  • Ross

    Thought I would stop by and say hello hope you are keeping your head low and staying safe out there
  • Danny

    Hello Rescue Diva are ya doing..hope you have a great weekend..take care from washington state..feel free to add me if you like
  • Ron

  • Frederick Pettengill Jr.

  • Ken Wagner

    Hey good lookin. What's going on? Not much here, just thought that I would drop a line and say hi. Get back when you get a chance and be safe.
  • Ken Wagner

    tell you what I am on Fri. night into Sat. I might be able to talk the guys into staying a little longer and maybe swing by and say hey. I will let you know more later. Be safe stay cool and have a great day.
  • ryan stout

    Just stoping in to say Hi
  • Donald L. Long

    take care watch the flood water ,can get bad...
  • Donald L. Long

    by the way very cool tunes
  • Jim

  • Charlie

    Shelly and I were at the last union meeting -- didn't see ya there.......maybe next time---we'll have a cold beer.
  • Jeff

    Stephi, I just read your profile and absolutely loved it !!!! You seem to have a wonderful sense of humor (we need that in this biz or it's straight to the rubber room) and a great outlook on life. Sending you an add request. Hope we can talk more later.
  • Ken Wagner

    HaHa that sucks about running a call for a 6yr old throwing a temper tantrum. I will be on Thurs night for standby at the fair, then I will be on Sat for a 12 hr shift. I am on vacation this week. I needed a break. Maybe I can catch up on sleep. I need that. Are you on this weekend at 9 let me know might swing by and see ya. Be Safe and take care. Talk to you later
  • Donald Canterbury

    Hey, what's up? Thanks for the add. Take care and stay safe out there.
  • Frank

    Haven't had a call all day, have been checking the computer, and you all have been running your asses off. Hope it slows up for tonight.
  • Jake Bonnin

    Hey Hows it going thanks for the friend request

    Stay Safe
  • Mike Moore

    Thinkin of ya...prayin' hard for all my bros and you sorry for what happened to Ryan...hang in and hang on.
  • Randy

    Hello Stephi
  • Charlie

    I sure didn't see ya......we left around were probably hiding in Vinnie'
  • Randy

    hey Stephi thanks for the add have a great day and of course always stay safe!!!!! did someone say cocktails??
  • Jay

    hey you the hell are ya? thanks for thinkin of me.. hope all is well in your life =) me, just work work and more work... talk to you soon... STAY SAFE!!! big hugz
  • Capkurt

    Hi Stephi, I'm doing pretty good. Maybe Kameron is just kidding in a sick, demented way. I hope he wasn't serious because there is enough bad stuff out there where we don't need anyone beating anyone close to death much less a fire fighter vs. a cop.
  • Michael

    Hello Sister. How r things at SCCAD? Is Steve House still up to no good? My partner just left a few months ago to work at SCCAD. Jason Sides. and Landon Beck
  • karen

    hey girl how are u.. things are good here. i went to the thurs service for ryan was unable to make the funeral... we definately have to get together and catch up soon..
  • Brandon Claspill

    Just wantd to say thanks for the add. How are things up in your little corner of MO? Have a good weekend and stay safe.
  • Michael

    Yeah things r good here. Yes we r running r butts off everyday but I like it like that.
  • Jake Bonnin

    Hey rescue diva nice pictures how is it in Pacific, it is geting busy in The Gas House or Gastonia if you aint fro around here
  • Joe Wilson

    Thanks for the add! Take care.
  • Annie

    Hey I know it's crasy to think we worked right next to all those guys for how many years and for them to be going through a tragity like that makes the hole field hurt! I heard who was on shift and It was like everyone I know from there! I freaked out, I really wanted to make it to the funeral but I couldnt work it out=( I miss you more and believe me you will know when I come in next!
  • Michael

    When u see Bo Lewis and Brian Stewart tell them to stay out of trouble.
  • Lisa

    Hey Stephi...thanks for the add. Im one of Galen's friends here but much more on my space.
  • Lisa

    Thanks. Mind if I send you a request on my space??
  • Scott

    I know this a little late, but yes I deleted my myspace. Really dont know why. Things are good here. Hope things are well with you, talk to you soon.
  • Scott

    Not a problem.
  • Erik

    Rescue work along the 44 corridor? That's a squad's wet dream come true lol.