


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, Fire/Rescue Department - Paid, EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer, EMS/Rescue Squad/Hospital EMS - Paid
Job Function
Junior Firefighter/Explorer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Cohanize co5
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
osha, hazmat,frostery, first aid
About Me:
im kayla I am a volunteer firefighter for cohanize Fire Department im am a fighter with a lovers heart I have the most AMAZING friends who are always there for me when i need them and im always here for them. i aslo have the most amazing boyfriend i love him with all my heart there is nothing on this earth that will change that. when im having a bad day or i need to talk he is there when i just want to be silly an out of my mind he is there. i love u ever an ever. I live my life the way I want to, and you wont change that. your negtive opinion dosent matter to me so you mind as well not watse your breath telling me. i dont care what you think of me. i could care less. i am who i am and your approval isnt needed. i have trust problems. so dont be surprised if i dont trust u and tell you things.my life is confusing and hectic and i feel like im always watching over some of my friends so they dont do anything stupid but i dont mind i wouldnt trade my life or my friend for anything remeber you only get one life do what u want with it avoid the bullshit and live it up keep only happy people as friends they will lift ur spirits sad people just bring u down remeber life isnt mesured by the amount of breaths you take but the amount of times life takes your breath away. there is much u think u no about me well ur wrong the ppl that know the real me are the ones that i trust an love.
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
my grandpa has been a firefighter ever snice i can remember i rember going to the sation n just hanging with the guys that all know me by name. i joined bc its in my blood an its a blast
Why I Love Fire/EMS
i get to dance wit the devil an help ppl in need

Comment Wall:

  • James J Jansen

    Hello from Bristol! Good luck in your career Kayla and may God bless you and keep you safe!
  • Eric

    Welcome to FFN from another fellow explorer. Stay safe out there.

    Explorer Asst. Chief Eric
  • Debbie

    Welcome Kayla. Glad to see another female going strong. Keep safe and God bless!!
  • Chan Rivera

    welcome Kayla to ffn from NY and good luck
  • Chan Rivera

  • Stephen Delisle Miller

    Hi Kayla ...

    Greetings from Barbados. I am a 24 year full time member of the Barbados Fire Service. Hope we can become friends (fraternally) ... Hope you enjoy your stint on the job.

    Stephen Miller
  • King Cobra 428

    Hey Babe welcome to ffn hope u enjoy it. Love ya
  • Big Jim

    Welcome to the family, Kayla. Nice batch of pics, but where are the pics of you. We would love to see your smiling face. Please post some pics of yourself as soon as you can. Stay safe.
  • Big Jim

    Hey Kayla, Patrick says I'm "freakin you out". If so, I am sorry. The last thing I want to do is "freak" anyone out. Stay safe.
  • Brian Gilbert

  • Don Sims

    Hello and welcome to the nation from E. TN.. Stay safe and I hope you have a great week
  • MrC_EMTest2005

    welcome to the nation, stay safe. I have a niece name kayla.
  • Kim Decker

    hello welcome to the site like your attitude
  • King Cobra 428

    Hey sweetie just wanted to stop by and say love u and keep it up. SS out there and stay low
  • Lieutenant Sister

    hey sis nm u? ss and stay low 123. have a good weekend and hope 2 talk 2 u soon
  • Lieutenant Sister

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2 u 2. sorry i missed u yesterday, but i went 2 my kids youth lockin @ church. i was the medical personnel. i hope u have a good weekend ss and stay low 123
  • Lieutenant Sister

    hey sis how did u almost break your wrist ss and stay low 123
  • Lieutenant Sister

    dummy u was suppose 2 tell the lawn mower 2 move u were coming through. lol me & angel r getting baptized n 2 weeks @ church.
  • Lieutenant Sister

    thats cool miss talkin 2 u on chat. i hope 2 c u on there soon ss and stay low 123
  • Lieutenant Sister

    ok sis talk 2 u then ss 123
  • Lieutenant Sister

    im sorry. i was on and saw i missed u come back on im there now
  • Michael D. Williams

    Hey nice to meet you I work Atlanta Fire Rescue Dept. hope to chat with you soon.
  • Scott S

    nice picks here. Good luck with makiing CAPT. SS