Harry Faulk Jr

50, Male

Pamelia New York

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Pamelia Volunteer Fire Deprtment inc., Pamelia New York
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Day Job:
Material Coordinator, Fort Drum
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To help my Community

Comment Wall:

  • Joshau natale

    hey sup
  • Tony Allocca

    Yes Station and Squad 34
  • Lisa

    My older brother was a member of Mexico back in the mid eighties for a few years. I used to know quite a few of them then. Now the only one I know is Garrett Snyder. Graduated high school with him. Never really got involved back then 'cause I never thought I'd be doing this!-Lisa
  • LadyChaplain

  • Amanda Rea

    my favorite song!
  • Maygin

    school bus...come on now...lol that stung a little lol
  • Michael

    Good luck to you guys this Sunday - I hope your undefeated streak continues!
  • Maygin

    Havent been online in about 5 months was to busy with a lot of shit but saw the comments that you left about our yellow E1. Hardy har har har lol I know its yellow...trust me EVERYONE knows its yellow...to my shame....id rather have red or black but at least it carries water...sigh...
  • Michelle

    I think I know you too.
  • Michelle

    How about some extra training? Just wonder if your up for it.