Tana Todd


Springdale, Arkansas

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Central EMS, Fayetteville, AR
Years With Department/Agency
1 1/2
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
EMT, FF 1, Intro to FF, PPE, wildland fire, other FF classes
About Me:
I am a member of the church of Christ. Please do not send me anything that is dirty. I volunteer for the crisis center in NW Arkansas, which includes but not limited to: crisis telephone lines and I am a member of the CISM team. Love to play softball and volleyball. Like to watch pro and college sports (mostly college football and basketball). I have been all of the Arkansas Razorback home football games (expect 3-4) in the last 20 or so years. I supervise part of the first aid at the games.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined the Johnson Area FD in 1992 because I had my EMT license and nowhere to use it. I wanted to help people in a medical way, but did not want to work in the hospital area. Plus, I think fire is one of the most beautiful things on this earth; you know what I'm talking about 'when the fire dances'. I work now is an EMT doing mostly wheelchair and stretcher transfers. I really like making people feel good when they don't feel good.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Because I understand when people get hurt they also get scared because they don't know what's happening to them. I love it because I know what is going on and I can explain to them and hopefully give them some peace.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
They aren't paid enought to do the hazardous jobs they do.
People - rubbernecking, getting in your way, getting in your way while going to a scene.

Comment Wall:

  • Barry Homyack

    Hello Tana. Welcome to FFN. Friend me if you want. Have a good day, anf stay safe out there.
  • Brian Gilbert

  • PAFirePolice

    Welcome to FFN. Be Safe.
  • Big Jim

    Welcome to the family, Tana. Glad to have you with us. How bout posting some pics of your smiling face. Stay safe.
  • Tim Meckler # 575

    welcome to the family tana
  • Don Sims

    Welcome to the nation Tana, from the mountains of E. TN.. Stay safe and have a great week.
  • Ray Edwards

    Welcome to the site.Be safe.
  • lloyd

    Welcome aboard sister. Glad 2 c our state so well represented. Stay safe out there.
  • SusanDianeMurphree

    Tana, I did not send you a friend invite-I DON'T do friend invites. I'm public on everything. I got your message thru BillyDeatherage's name somehow. Need to read my profile.Were you using his site at time?
    ..There is a feature somewhere on here that you can put a FILTER on your site to block nasty stuff. Also, need to get spamware and spyware blocker for your computer.
    ..What does religion have to do with saving a life?
  • SusanDianeMurphree

    ..Also,good luck to you and stay safe.
    p.s.-The Constitution of America grants the right to practice evil relegions as well. Personally, I have no religion but was studying different ones when I was trying to find a new church to go to. I was brainwashed Baptist as it was the religion of my family but I have been to many different churches. There fore, I suppose you might say I am non-denominational. However, I choose not to go to church as I find too much hypochracy and in my town most people go just to gossip about who all they saw at the casino the night before. I'm certain that in a life or death situation, if you are carrying a dieing person on a stretcher they may want to confess their sins or refuse medicine or shots or allow to induce labor because it might be against their religion. It makes all medical and emergency personel to have a difficult time. I wish you the best in your endeavors in any situation.