


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Training Officer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS

Comment Wall:

  • Robin Inman

    Hello Farrokh and welcome to FFN, it's a great place for info and chat. Take care and stay safe.
  • Bill Heizer F/F E.M/T.-P

    Welcome to FFN. enloy the site and stay safe
  • Michael

    Whats up Brother . I work at the ST. Louis Fire Dept. in Missouri USA. I work with a man named Ali from Iran
  • Michael

    I think the same of people from Iran as I do as people from here. I like every one the same. I don't judge people for what they believe in or what they do. My family comes from Polland. That's what make the US one of a kind. We have people from every country in the world that live here. We have a Muslim Temple right down the road from my home. I was born here in the states. But my friend Ali and I are good friends. He is into model trains and cute girls just like me. So what do u think of me and the people of the US.
  • Michael

    Stay safe and stay in touch.

    Your Friend Michael
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Hi Farrokh! Thought I'd see if you would like to share stuff and talk. I noted that you have met Michael as well. He's a good guy. I am new to the FFN and have really enjoyed making new friends all over the world. Perhaps we can discuss what you've learned from any chemical responses. I am on our hazmat team and have a specific interest in how to do a better job with decontamination procedures.

    When I was in college, one of my best friends was from Iran. He moved to Santa Barbara and started a backpack supply manufacturing operation and he did really well. One of our Captain's is from Iran as well. Michael's comments about how we don't really think much about where someone is from or their faith. I think most firefighters are equal opportunity fun hogs. That's the point. We work hard, play hard and enjoy life. It's so very precious as are friendships. I hope we have a chance to get to know each other. Take care brother. Mike
  • Michael

    Whats up Brother ?
    How hot is it their right now?
    It is only about 85 degrees here . We have a lot of water rising from floods and rain though.
  • Michael

    I like your new pics Bro How r things with u. I have not heard from u. Be Safe and enjoy life. Your Friend Michael
  • Jim

    Hello from North Carolina, USA. What part of Iran are you from and how large an area does your department cover. Also, what is the population that you cover. Can you share some pics of apperatus, nozzles, and SCBA used by your department. I am also an instructor here for firefighting and rescue. The photo you see is a memorial to two local fallen firefighters who died in a building collapse. Just sent an add request. Stay safe. Jim
  • Jim

    Also check out my pics on MySpace page at rsqinstructor
  • Marcko Osuna

    eit , just dropping in to say hi , and to wish you a great day , stay safe bro .
  • Regina Morgan

    Just wanted to say hello, and glad to have you as part of the ffn family! Hope things are well in your area! Be safe, and enjoy life to the fullest! :)
  • Robin Inman

    Hello Farrokh, Thanks for the message. It's good to hear from you. I know what you mean about life being busy. I'm in an EMT recertification course right now and in a week my daughter's getting married and my son is in his senior year in high school on top of work and regular life. Is there a way to add a couple of more hours to each day? lol Oh well life would be boring otherwise. You take care of yourself and stay safe and have a wonderful autumn. (we already have snow here so our fall has come and gone)