


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Less than a year ~ I'm brand, spanking new!!!
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Glenwood Fire Department
Day Job:
Wind Plant Tecnician
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My community (pop 200) has done a lot for me and my family over the years. This is my way of giving back.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I'm an adrenaline junkie at heart!!

Comment Wall:

  • Chan Rivera

    hello and welcome to ffn from NY
  • jill

    Welcome to FFN from another small town girl!
    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Barry Homyack

    Hello LIzzie, Welcome to FFN. Friend me if you want. Have a good day and stay safe out there.
  • Reverand James C. Bliss

    You may be a rookie now but once you get your feet wet and some smoke you will be fine. Where ever you go walk with GOD and you will be fine. I have been a fire fighter sibce 1974 all vol depts.
    Welcome to the brother and sister hood.
  • Malinda

    Welcome to FFN. Be safe and take care. This is a great place to make friends and learn from others. I am pretty new to this as well. Have a blessed day.
  • Don Sims

    Welcome to the nation from the mountains of E. TN.. Stay safe and have a great week.
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Good for you taking on one of the most rewarding jobs you will ever do... If you have any questions or need help, give me a shout. This site is pretty cool to meet folks, learn new stuff and network with folks all over the world. Take care and again, congratulations on becoming a firefighter.
    Mike from Santa Barbara
  • Brian Gilbert

  • 144Truck

    Hey, welcome to "The House" from New England....
  • Barry Homyack

    You are welcome. The windmills look so nice out there. Some people say they dont like them, but to me it is clean energy. They were talking about putting them along Jersey, 20 miles out in the ocean. Have a good week and stay safe.
  • Randy

    Hey Liz hows it going great to see you on the nation!!!!
  • 144Truck

    We're all family.... As far as the "1" goes, does that mean I've used up 8 of my 9? :)
  • Malinda

    You are so very welcome. You have some beautiful pictures. Keep in touch. Til next time....
  • FireCat

    Hi Lizzie-Lu,

    Happy to have you as part of The Lighter side! I sent you an invitation.

    Cat :o)
  • FireCat

    Hi Lizzie-Lu -

    I've been having the same problem. Unfortunately I don't know what to do. :o(
  • Cody Collopy

    Thank you very much for the welcome.
  • Malinda

    How things these days? Rainy here. Getting the remnants of Gustav around my area. It has rained all day. Luckily, it isn't a downpour, it's like a heavy, constant drizzle. Enough to keep everything wet, but slow enough to be soaked up and not leave it underwater. Well, take care and be safe. Til next time.
  • Randy

    Hey Liz hows it going!
  • Randy

    Hey Liz hows the training going??
  • yves rollin

    Hey Liz thanks for the add sister n be safe in the pit of hell