


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Feuerwehr Stadt Kirn
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Day Job:
kindergarten teacher, FF teacher for Kindergarden, pre School, high school
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My Grandpa, Dad and Bro are Fire Fighters. I grow up in the FD
Why I Love Fire/EMS
just because

Comment Wall:

  • FireCat

  • Barry Homyack

    Hi Steffi. Welcome to FFN. Have a great week, and you stay safe out there.
  • PAFirePolice

    Welcome to FFN. Be Safe.
  • Don Sims

    Welcome to the nation Steffi, from the mountains of E. TN.. Stay safe and have a great weekend.
  • Stefan

    hey welcome und hallo
    to the nation
  • Brian Gilbert

  • Big Jim

    Welcome to the family, Steffi. Glad to have you with us. How bout posting some more pictures of your smiling face. Stay safe.
  • Malinda

    Welcome from TEXAS. Be safe and have a blessed day.
  • VaLeRiE cRaWfOrD

    Thank you
    and also have a great day and PLUS a bless day
  • Pierre Halleux

    Welcome to FFn from Belgium
  • Malinda

    Thank you for accepting. I hope everything is going well there. It is pretty good here, the weather is a touchy subject. We have had some much needed rain but today, was hot and muggy. The humidity is terrible. Well, have to get ready for another day, gotta get the kids in bed and all that good stuff. Have a great day/evening, which is it there???? smile Take care and be safe!
  • Malinda

    Sorry I haven't written in a few days. I had surgery last Thursday and have finally gotten the energy to do things. I can't do much more than be on the computer for the next 6 weeks. But be careful and stay safe.
    Til later,
  • Ron Maddox

    Welcome to FFN, Be safe and have fun.
  • Phil Garber

  • Lieutenant Sister

    thank u, u stay safe 2, have a good weekend