Julie Seargent



United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Years in Fire/EMS:
I'm not...my Bro is!
About Me:
Proud Sis to my Firefighter Bro Jim Seargent!
Treat people the way you want to be treated.

Relationship Status:

Comment Wall:

  • Chan Rivera

    hello and welcome to ffn from NY
  • jack lambert

    welcome to ffn from new brunswick canada
  • Chan Rivera

    thank you for the add E.Kingston is 27 miles from Napanoch
  • Joe Stoltz

    Hi Julie, welcome to FFN! I hear your brother is an old fogie.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Hey Julie, Welcome to FFN
  • Jim Seargent

    As you read the welcome by Joe Stoltz, realize that he too is an OLD F.O.G.I.E. Look at the groups on the Nation and it will all become clear.
  • Jenny

    Hey Julie, welcome aboard, hope your weather is great down there. We are supposed to get snow this weekend. We are trucking out and selling cattle this weekend, so that will be fun. We went from 80 degrees today to almost freezing at night. I think it is great that you are interested in FFN. Maybe sometime you will join a dept too. My dad and Grandad were firefighters too, along with an aunt and a cousin. It is a great family thing. Take care and enjoy the weather. If you ever want a change visit Nebraska. lol
  • Jim Seargent

    You know, Dan likes to be the coy one, but he's really a tiger!

    Tiger, if you read this, no offense intended.

    He IS cute though
  • Jim Seargent

    Hey Kid, I'll give you a quick run down on the Nation because you're new. Before you accept a friend, make sure they're not deviants. There are many. There are no sure ways to check, but if you go to their page and see their friends list you can get an idea as to why they are here. Look for things like several hundred friends and all of them hot young girls. Some even go so far as to ask for more pictures of you. There are others, we'll have to talk. So as not to besmirch someone on the public forum, I'll send you a message. There are also the cream of t he crop. All of the members of the F.O.G.I.E.S. are highly intelligent and dedicated to this "thing" we do.
  • Jim Seargent

    If you get a chance, (and want to see how blessed we all really are), check this little boy out. http://www.caringbridge.org/cb/viewGuestbook.do?method=executeInit

    Every day I go to the site and just can't imagine what they're going through. I have a package that I've been gathering together to send him. There is a discussion on the Nation about him that's worth a read as well. His preacher is one of us.
  • Jim Seargent

    Try this...
  • Engineco913

    Welcome to the Nation Julie. :)