Salli aka Sam


North Hornell

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
North Hornell Vol. Fire Co. North Hornell, New York
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
South Hornell Vol Fire Company
My Training:
EMT basic, FFI, FFII,
Day Job:
EKG Tech., Sleep Lab Tech., CNA
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Went on fire calls with my older brother when I was growing up and got such a rush and just knew then that it was meant for me. I was refused my first application to a local vol. fire co and was so disappointed (this was back when women were not accepted into a mans field of work) that when I asked my brother if I should give up my dream of being a fire fighter he looked at me and said " as stubborn and bullheaded as you are NO WAY go get them" and with his blessing I coutinued until I found a fire dept that would accept my application. And have been doing fire fighting pretty much every since. I want to feel that I can do whatever is needed to help the community out in which I live.We all need to do whatever we can. I can't imagine not doing this type of work now.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
just being able to help people out when in trouble
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Not enough volunteers to fill the ever growing needs of the communities.

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