
53, Female

Spring Hope

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
EMS/Rescue Squad/Hospital EMS - Paid
Job Function
EMT - Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Nash County EMS Nash County NC
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Franklin County EMS
My Training:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
About Me:
I was laid off from the mortgage industry in early 2004 and began my schooling for EMT and FF. I have recently passed the EMT-P state exam and hope to continue my education and receive my 4 year degree in the next 5 years.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love to help people and the career I had previously did not give me what I was looking for
The HOTTEST ORIGINAL graphics on the NET at Sparkletags.Com
Why I Love Fire/EMS
helping my community and the smiles you receive for doing so
Top Issues Facing Responders:
income and pay structure. As the younger generation starts to think about their future they may not be interested in this career path due to the low income. The hours of school that is required almost makes it not worthwhile

Comment Wall:

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  • Matthew Jones

    Yeah my schedule sucks. Thats why im about to make a change here pretty soon.
  • Tim Meckler # 575

    on my nite tour rite now!
  • Matthew Jones

    Haha yeah I would love to have that schedule. Lol you dont have to rub it in. :) Stay Safe Sister
  • Matthew Jones

    I know I know. haha its aight though.
  • Chan Rivera

    Hi G M Christy want to say hello you be safe "Chan"
  • Dennis

    hey sweetie i got what u need lol 24-7 babe
  • Hob

    Hey from another NC fireman. Are you anywhere close to the forest fires by chance?...if you are stay safe.
  • Hob

    Well thanks for the add, and if you do get sent down there with your SMAT team, stay safe and out of trouble...I know how firefighters are when we get away for a little bit, lol.
  • Irons38

    Just seeing how you were doing... Stay Safe.
  • Irons38

    That sounds like fun!!!! I am doing well. Working all weekend... Not quite an amusement park but I'm sure it will be fun.
  • Joseph Gardner

    Your welcome on the friend add on. Hope everything is well your way. Stay safe and I'll talk to ya later.
  • Aaron Robbins

    yea thanks u too.
  • Hob

    well I hope you've had a wonderful weekend, mine was a good one, not to wild, but wild enough!
  • Irons38

    Get to be my friend? All you had to do was ask!!! LOL... Hope your week is off to a great start. Look forward to talking to you again.
  • kyle

    wuz up
  • kyle

    i know, i was sooo not tired and i slept through itand then u were tired and didn't sleep through it. WIERD!!!
  • Jason Dickinson

    I was going to ask to be your friend, but you have a lot of them, so hi from the big state of IOWA. Have fun and be safe.
  • Jason Dickinson

    Good other then my old es had a mishap with his bike and knocked out his front teeth.
    Thanks for adding me as a friend, I'm new to the Nation.
  • Joseph Gardner

    Just stopping by to say hello!
  • Jasper Miller

    Thanks ,how have you been???Ive been thinking about becoming a medic ,would you advise it?????
  • Jasper Miller

    I ve heard its hard????
  • Joseph Gardner

    Hi back at ya!!!!! It's been pretty good so far I'm actully at work so that's why i'm so slow getting back to ya. Just come back from an ambulance run at the local nursing home, yeppy right. How has your week gone great i hope? Well, going to catch a little sleep now, talk to ya again soon. Stay safe!
  • Bill Major

    hey just wanted to stop by and say hello
  • Mechanics2Capt

    Hope that your last 7 hour are quite and you get to sleep through the night. Congradulations on your save. nice work. Have fun at the beach.
  • Jered Simes

    Congats on the save its not to often they are sitting up and talking to you again.
  • Scott Lanham

    Congrats to your first save. It is a great feeling! Have a good rest of your shift. Enjoy some relaxing time at the beach. That was how this past weekend was spent for me.
  • Mechanics2Capt

    Have 7 1/2 hours left to shift, and nothing like the shift that your had. Just a small hazmat and rescue of a pt off a submarine.
  • Shawn

    Good to see you back! Congrats on your save! Great job. Not too many people get that experience. As for the custody...hang in there! I won my custody case but it still isn't over. I have to go back for her appeal on July 16th. They're down visiting her for 6 weeks...and they really don't want to be there that long they said. Just hang in there like I said!
  • Bill Major

    congrats on the code save.... savor it for when you have one of those days..... you do make a difference
  • Mark168

    Wow Nice page... good to see folks putting there kids and family on here...congrats on passing the Paramedic exam !
  • Joseph Gardner

    Just stopping by to say hello and congrats on the save!! It's always a special thing to save a life. Me myself I've had the pleasure of one save in eights years. Hope you have an awesome fourth of July. Stay safe and talk to ya later.
  • Joseph Gardner

    Had a great 4th took my little bit to Cades Cove for a picnic, then Mom had to go to work in the ER last night so me and little bit went to Asheville to watch the fireworks, they where awesome this year. Hope u had a good 4th, stay safe and talk to ya again later.
  • Jeff

    Hello from Maine Christy. How are you doing?
  • Jeff

    ten days in NY sounds fun. I'm at work heading home right now. I'm doing well thanks. Have a great time and hopefully we talk later.
  • Donald Canterbury

    Thanks for the add. Stay safe out there.
  • catfish

    just wanted to say hello
  • Harry Faulk Jr

    just wanted to say thanks for the commenton my blog about seperation
  • Smokey4x91

    hi,just wanted to say,its good to see a beautiful smile,pitt co,fire,ems here,be safe
  • Jeff

    Hey Christy!
    How was your vacation in New York? I bet that the kids loved it!! Didn't go near Yankee Stadium did you??
  • Smokey4x91

    hiya,hope things are well,must be nice to get a vacation, ive been stuck in Hyde Co.,weve been having fire here too,hope nash co is still on the map,sure it is,take care and hope to hear from you soon,l-a-t-e-r
  • Big Jim

    Hey Christy. Glad to have you in the family. I tried to request you as a friend, but it didn't work. How bout trying from your end.
  • Big Jim

    Hey Christy. I think it worked. Glad to have you as a friend. I would love to see more of your sweet, smiling face. How bout posting some more pics of yourself. Keep smiling and stay safe.
  • Big Jim

    We are about 250 miles or so north of where Dolly made landfall. We got a little rain out of her, but no wind or damage. Thanks for the add. I'll drop you a line later, when I can.
  • Chan Rivera

    G M Christy want to say hello too you so whats up "Chan"
  • Jeff

    Thats a bummer about you nephew! I hope that he is fine now! How were the medics? Nice I hope....I know a few firefighters with FDNY but not any medics.
  • AFD

    Hi : )
    I just wanted to say hello
    i enjoyed your profile
    your really Cool :)
    Be Safe Okay Stay Cute
    I really enjoy yuor Smile.
    Chow Anthony
  • Jeff

    Just wanted to say hello! I hope that your weekend is going well!!
  • Joseph Gardner

    Just stopping by to say hello and see how you are doing? Stay safe!!!!
  • Chan Rivera

    G M Christy want to say hello be safe "Chan" from NY
  • Patrick Trimble

    Hi Christy. Nice profile!!