Rhonda Guidry

45, Female

Lake Charles, Louisiana

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Other Response Agency Type, N/A
Job Function
First Responder, 911 Operator/Dispatcher
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
E911- Cal Parish
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
APCO International Certificate, CPR/First Responder, JSU Emergency Management/Public Safety Telecommunications Major, CIT for Communications Officers, Fire Communications, EMD, CTO, HazMat & WMD Awareness, Suicide Intervention, Comm Center Supervisor, Advanced Law Enforcement
About Me:
I am married to a firefighter and enjoy my career with 911. Seth & I like working out, going to the beach, photography and enjoying our days off together with family and loved ones. I spoil my 3 beautiful neices every chance I get. I'm currently taking classes thru JSU online to obtain my degree in Emergency Mgmt and Telecommunications. I'm a pushover for a good mystery/spy thriller- especially Vince Flynn or Catherine Coulter (FBI series) novels. I also like crime dramas and mysteries (Law & Order series, The Closer, Burn Notice, Rescue Me, X-Files, etc...) or comedies. -- and yes- i take GREAT pleasure in paging my husband out all cheerful and happy at 2 & 3 am!! (I'm horrible, i know =) ) All in all, we're from the country who are easy going & laid back who believe in the 3 basics God, Family & Country.
Day Job:
911 Dispatcher/Calltaker
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I enjoy helping people and no call is ever the same!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Of the great people that I get to work with!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
From my side of the coin, making sure that we get the most accurate information from our callers and relay it to the responders-- they're not all wearing kevlar!

Comment Wall:

  • Chan Rivera

    hi welcome to ffn from ny
  • Chan Rivera

    will thank you for the add "Chan"
  • Jeff Borra

    Welcome to the nation and let's go

  • Tim Meckler # 575

    welcome to the family rhonda
  • Paul

    Welcome to FFN!!! How are things in Lake Charles? I was there right after Hurricane Rita went through spent 12 days doing recovery work. spent all of my time at American Air Boat Corp, that was my base to work out of . Well be safe and take care
  • Brian Gilbert

  • catfish

    welcome to your new family and good morning
  • Chan Rivera

    welcome to ffn from NY
  • R. Dale Ladd

    Rhonda, calling him out in the early mournings! your killing the boy lol. Glad to see you married a fireman. Smart Girl. Both of you stay safe and remember the best backup is to sometimes backup and go again. stay strong in your faith, and always show him you love him, no matter how stupid he gets sometimes lol.
  • jill

    I'm in love with your profile pic!! I love photographs in black and white. I also got a kick out of the fact that you like calling your hubby out in the middle of the nite! My friend Di does the same thing to hubby Larry. You can almost hear her smiling on the radio! Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Rhonda,
    Glad to have you here on FFN!
    I've met a lot of neat people and learned a lot from veteran FF's.
    Every little bit of info helps me be better at what I enjoy doing most.
    Plus just having fun with all the stuff you can see and do on here.
    Take Care Rhonda!
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Rhonda!
    Just glad to have you on board here.
    I enjoy chit chatting with everyone I can on here.
    Enjoyed the pictures of your cute little four legged friends.
    Well, Take Care Out There and have fun on FFN!
  • Chan Rivera

    hello rhonda want to say hi be safe "Chan"
  • Kristy Oxholm

    Glad to "meet" you too! Sorry I was a little slow answering you. Our state convention was this past weekend and I was really busy getting ready for it and going to it!

    I was a dispatcher/call-taker for about 20 years at various departments around here. Keep up the good work and know that you are appreciated even when no one says so!!!!

  • Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich

    Any friend of Jake and Vinnie's is a friend of mine.
    You and your's should never run out of things to talk about.
    Always make time for yourselves.
    Make it last.
  • Michael

    Finally got time to comment. Need to get that picture of t he wig on here.
  • Tim

    Thank you and hope your week goes well also
  • misty

    thanks for the add, hope you have a great weekend to
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    which photos? geez, I actually get a nice comment about my arts and crafts and I'm not sure which photos you liked... inquiring minds want to know... at least I do. : )
  • firechief911

    thanks for the coment i thought the pics of the rainbows were so neat firemen makin rain bows
  • firechief911

    mind if i add ya
  • Donna

    Hi Rhonda,
    The best advise I can give anyone doing this job is don't let it get to you. It can be very stressful, especially when you want to help someone and cant. Talk it out, yell what ever it takes. You are humane so things will bother you, just dont let it get to you. Good Luck Are you on facebook or My space too?
  • jill

    Hey Rhonda,
    I've been thinking about you, with the storm...hope you are well!

    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Pam B

    Hope all is well with you in Louisana!!! Take care!!!
  • Paul

    Hey Rhonda, hope all is well in lake charles area and hoping you weathered the hurricane. Take and be safe!!!!!!!
  • Future Fire Marshal


    Stay safe, and remeber to always have fun!
  • Jeff Noonan

    Hey there Howdy Back
  • Paul

    Rhonda, Thanxs for the update on Ike.Glad to hear you are safe. From what I have seen on the boob tube its pretty bad.I have yet to make contact with my friend from American Air Boat Corp in Orange Tx. Well take care and be SAFE !!!!!!!!!!