I have a desire to serve, and I've always gotten a thrill out of helping people. I'm currently active duty Air Force and I ride pretty actively at a volley house. When I get out, I'm entering the DCFD, BCFD, or the FDNY. I really feel like I've found my niche in life.
if I remember right, the conversation focused on folks putting crap on their structure helmets. I didn't actually have a photo of the guy who had plastic lettering melt and burn his neck to I improvised, looking for a photo of someone with burns on the neck to illustrate the point. It worked, you wrote me... The truth of the matter though was that this guy had radiation burns. I think it was exposure to either alpha or beta radiation burns. But it did get the point across... Stay safe my friend, Mike
Stay Safe
Aug 22, 2008
Aug 22, 2008
Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd
Aug 29, 2008