Darran Vaughn


Beaufort South Carolina

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
28 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Fire and Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Cairo Ky community volunteer fire department(80 - 83)
MCAS Cherry Point Crash Fire Rescue, Havlock NC (84 - 85)
Township 6 volunteer Fire Dept, Havlock NC (84-85)
MCAS Kaneohe Bay HI Crash Fire Rescue, Kaneohe Bay HI (85-87)
MCAS Beaufort Crash Fire Rescue, Beaufort SC (87 - 91)
Burton Fire Rescue (Vol) & (Paid) 87 - 96
Fort Stewart Fire & Emergency Service (96 -97)
FedEx Airport Fire Rescue, Memphis Tn (97-97)
MCAS Beaufort Structural Fire Rescue (98 - present)
Burton Fire Rescue (98 - present)
South Carolina Fire Academy - Adjunct Fire Instructor
My Training:
FF I & II, ARFF Firefighter, EMT -B, Driver Operator Pumper, Aerial, ARFF, MWS, Fire Officer I,II,III,IV, Fire Instructor I,II,III, Fire Inspector I,II, HazMat Awareness, Operations, Technician, ICS, Telecommunicator I & II, Lead Evaluator, NIMS, IS-100,200,300,700,800, Incident Safety Officer, Wildland Firefigther, Auto Extrication
About Me:
I am a 45 year old Male who is has been married for the past 19 years and have 3 kids all girls. I am origionally from Ky and now in SC and have been all over the world during peace time and war. I enjoy sports and outdoor activties espically football, rugby, camping, fishing, and beaches. I enjoy good movies.

My girls are growing up fast and my oldest is heading off to college at Galluadet University, my middle daughter is wanting to drive and in High School and my youngest is still in middle school and very active in school.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I became part of my local volunteer program when I was a teenager back home, so that I could do more for our small town. After high school I joined the Marine Corps where I continued my emergency services career as an Aircraft Rescue firefighter.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The feeling of accomplishment for my accomplishments and those I have helped over the years
Top Issues Facing Responders:
COMPLACIENCY - Its just a fire and its the same all the time. Its just a medical call what will happen. The aircraft will never crash in our area it always happens on the runway. Until April 22 that last statement was true but see I told everyone it would happen one day

Comment Wall:

  • Bradley R Goch

    hey thank you for the welcome, i appreciate it. Things are pretty quiet around here, Had a couple Haz Mat spills and about a month or so ago we had a wild land fire. It was all fun and everything. But thanks again.
  • Christopher

    So this is what you really do all day at work... The truth is out...lmao
  • Doug Rummerfield

    Semper Fi! from a former Camp Pendleton ARFF.
  • Christopher

    Hey Man you working today?
  • jason

  • jason

    hopefully things are lookig up. looks like i might be atarting on the floor april 7
  • Christopher

    Hell yeah hotspot rules... it gets us outta the barn...lol. Hey btw we need to get some more structure burns going. I need to get some real nozzle time other than wet runs or pit fires...lol
  • John Ireland

    The mills and Dave are trying to launch a new website for public service people. send this site to as many paople as you can. we need to get the word out there. www.10codetrader.com
  • Christopher

    Hey man you on here?
  • art bowles

    hi darren, thinking of moving to bluffton, hows the job market down there for arff
  • Christopher

    Hey Darren When is Section One going to get to do the Car Fire training... Come on Man I getting the itch... We ain't got no other way to do training fires....