William Williams

40, Male

Savannah, Ga

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder
Years in Fire/EMS:
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
NPQ Hazmat Technician
NPQ Rope Rescue Technician
NPQ Instructor II
American Heart Association BLS Instructor
NHTSA Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST)
Georgia Department of Natural Resources Hunter Safety Instructor
......and many more ;)
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:

Comment Wall:

  • Allen Wahlstrom

    Should have known it was Richmond Hill...tell them to take a little of that Speed Trap money from I-95 and pay you guys!
  • Justin Hill

    Thans for the add. Stay safe out there.
  • Allen Wahlstrom

    Loved Woody...how's he doin? Great guy, we were both Lieutenants at he same time back in the 90's.
  • Allen Wahlstrom

    Junior and I worked together at Ft Stewart from 94-96. I actually organized his bachelor party in 95 or 96. Havent heard that name in a long time.
    Keep trying, and the department down the road from Corpus is hiring term firefighters. its a way to get in the door. Ingleside. Take a look.