FF Schoen

47, Male

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Training Officer, Fire / Arson Investigator, Firefighter / EMT-Basic, Hazardous Materials Team Member, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Almost 10 including EMS
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Sunland Park Fire Department, Sunland Park NM
Years With Department/Agency
4 years and counting
My Training:
FFI, FFII, EMT-B, Hazmat Technician/Specialist, Driver/Operator, Rope Rescue Operations, Fire Investigations, EMS Training Officer and Liaison. I am currently attempting to establish our Spec Ops division.
About Me:
I have been in the field for 7 years. I attended the EPCC Fire Technology Academy and obtained my Texas Basic Firefighter through the Commission. I am a dual state EMT and Firefighter. I am currently working towards obtaining my Associates Degree in Basic Firefighting and Fire Science and then will be finishing my Bachelors of Homeland Security. God has me here for a reason, and thats to help as many people as I can until he calls me home.
Day Job:
This is it
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I wanted to be able to be the one who would help others instead of running away.

LIVE LIFE STRONGER THAN DEATH.... a wise person once told me this
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Running in when everyone else is running out thinking were crazy.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
I believe that tight budgets are one of the issues facing firefighters. The inability to correctly equip a department has led to firefighters being hurt and killed. I also believe that we are our own issues. Firefighters who do not wear their proper PPE during situations that require it.

Comment Wall:


  • Kevin Burks

    Weren't you at A&m about two yrs ago. I think I had several classes with you. You were with a group of 4 or 5 if i remember. You are over 6 ft right?. You got stuck behind me on several hose lines at the school. If you are not the person I am thinking of you have a twin out there.

  • Kevin Burks

    doing well thanks. I am glad that you are full time FD and still Vol. at Soccoro fd. I am still a Lieutenant on our Fd here in texas. We finally got a new truck,. It is a 3000 gal. tanker/pumper. other than that nothing has changed. glad to hear from ya .
  • Kevin Burks

    Sorry to hear about your dad. My prayers go out to you and your family . I hope everything goes well take care.
  • lloyd

    I liked your promise not to drink on duty or answer a call under the influence. We can all take the pledge.
  • Kevin Burks

    Hey there how have you been . How is your dad. Hope everthing is going well with him. Things have been busy here for us. we have had several fires over a hundred acres each , numerous medicals and not to mention vehicle accidents with fatalities. And not to mention all the bad storms that have kept us busy. Take care of the family and i'll talk to ya later

  • Kevin Burks

    hey there , just got your message . It is sometimes several days inbetween times that i log in. Im glad he is back at home. People tend to heal better when they are at home. Only 1 semester , What will your degree be in ? well I guess i will let ya go and hope your dad gets better. Take care.
  • Blaine

    Thanks for checking in. It's been great. I haven't been this happy in a long time.
    As far as the ice cream goes, I started volunteering back in Aug 2007 and usually worked one shift every weekend. I ALWAYS brought in cake. The guys said that the new guy has to get supper on his first shift; I brought in steaks and baked potatoes with an ice cream chaser. That went over big! Thanks!
    Stay safe,
  • FireCat

  • FireCat

  • Jennifer

    I miss you! and Ill always be here waiting for you! I'm praying for you Denz. I love you still!
  • Robert Nichols

    Thank you I will check in to that and I will keep you father in my prayers also GOD is an awesome GOD. Prayers do work they have gotten me through it ths far.Cancer is a bad thing never know who what or where it will strike.
  • Robert Nichols

    i am doing ok they said the chemo is making me inemic but that is to be expected.I can't wait to get back to my departments they are great.They did a road block and raised money then had me up at the station wednesday night had handed me the check.They knocked my socks of it was alot.Well have fun and stay safe.
  • Kevin Burks

    Hey Schoen,

    Glad to hear about your dad doing better. My grandfather was just in an accident this week that bruised his lungs but they said he would get better in a few weeks . We the dept. have been busy with fatality accidents . Sounds like you have had some great trips with more to come with Alaska. Have some fun when ya go and will keep yall in our prayers. Take care

  • brenda caldwell

    I took pics for project 53 warehouse fire that my husband instructs on and did go to the dixie chicken, it's pretty cool. have not made it to the hall of shame.didn't take classes this year. thanks for stopping by.
  • brenda caldwell

    one of your pics is project 53.
  • brenda caldwell

    your welcome. go check out his page you would like that. that is cool. did your instruct on a project?
  • brenda caldwell

    kool. sure they would love the help at a&m always need instructors that have the training. take care and will check in tomorrow. god bless.
  • Joe Caldwell

    hope all is well and life is treating u well. its still hot as hell in project 53. take care....hope to hear from u..
  • hardin7002

    hey it was good talking to you, those are good pic of a&m
  • brenda caldwell

    be careful in alaska. hope all goes well in what your doing and we will be here when you get back.
  • Engineco913

    I think one of our members had something close to this and working with the T-Shirt designer came up with the definate design. (combination effort)
  • Joe Caldwell

    hows it going in the great land state be safe and stay warm
  • Joe Caldwell

    thats good brenda said hi drop her a line be safe when u go.
  • FireCat

  • brenda caldwell

    stoped by to say hi. hope things are going well.
  • brenda caldwell

    left you a comment and hit a wrong button you will have to read it off my page. Sorry.
  • brenda caldwell

    Okay, Try to stay warm. haha. Have fun my friend. Joe say hi how are you. Be safe.
  • brenda caldwell

    guess you left out already hope your trip is safe. think warm weather. talk to you later.
  • FireCat

  • The God and Goddess

    This is the next tattoo design that my wife wants in color.

  • brenda caldwell

    Glad things are going good and the cold is not so bad. It's raining here, has been since yesterday, but thats okay, it's needed.Going to make for a yuk training night though.I will have to check out the pics and stop back by later. Continue to have a blast . Be safe and stay warm.
  • brenda caldwell

    I am glad you are haveing so much fun, it sounds so cool. I bet the log cabin is cool. cant wait to see the pics. we are doing fine, still raining here.enough is enough now.I have workrd with a major headache all day to day, want it to stop, but other then that im fine. joe is at work still, he's fine also. well continue to have a blast and i will check back later my friend. be safe and warm.