Jennica Stout


Medway, Ohio

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Bethel Township Fire Department, Clark County
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
FFI, Paramedic, Haz-Mat Ops...ASHI Instructor
About Me:
Divorced with four kids, not crazy just They are 18, 13, 13 AND 11. At least two of them have the bug and love being at the station and wanting to be in fire/ems when they're older. It's kind of neat thinking I may have started the first generation to a long line of volunteering:-)
Day Job:
Screening potential organ and tissue donors....
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I participated in a FF1 class as a reporter to write and take pictures of the experience for a levy that was on the line...needless to say, the levy passed and I was stuck:-) Graduated from paramedic school in '05.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Challenges...I love being the person that makes a difference in someone's difficult time...
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Recruitment and retention in the part time paid/PPC department. How much longer can these departments hold on? Many in my area refer to themselves as full time, part timers, and as the numbers of volunteers dwindle and the training requirements climb, I don't see how some departments will survive...

Comment Wall:

  • Brian Gilbert

  • Don Sims

    Hello and welcome to the nation from the mountains of E. TN.. Stay safe and I hope you have a great weekend.
  • John

  • Chan Rivera

    welcome to ffn from NY
  • Tom

    Welcome ot the nation from south Georgia
  • Jeff Borra

    Welcome to the nation from the Mountains and your brother firefighters from Va
  • Ed

    Hi welcome to FFN
  • Jason

    Welcome to the nation!
  • Chan Rivera

    thank you for the add "Chan"
  • mike

    hey Jennica, welcome to ffn,
  • Michael

    How r things in Ohio.
  • Dave

    we gotta make saturday fun at bethel. no boring days are allowed.
  • Michael

    Yes and rain
  • Dave

    hey, u know its the bethel way to be... if ur not, something is not right
  • jill

    Welcome to FFN! Blessings and Be Safe!

  • Big Jim

    Welcome Jennica. Glad to have you in the family. I love Ohio. I made a trip up there several years ago for a truck construction/inspection. Nice county. How bout posting some pics of yourself and your friends. Stay safe.
  • Donald Canterbury

    Hey, thanks for the add. Where in Ohio are you located? I'm across the river from Huntington, WV. Take care and stay safe out there.
  • Al

    Thanks for the Add...
  • Wayne Mitchell

    Hi Jennica, thank you for the add! Hope you have a great weekend!!
  • Al

    I’m glad you like the Sensitivity Training Clip… If you are ever in NYC sent an e-mail and I will show around the city and some of the Firehouses. Al
  • Barry Homyack

    Hi Jennica. You stay cool and safe this summer to.
  • Nathan Hibbert

    Thanks for the add,stay safe out there.
  • Chad King

    Are u close to Miamisburg? My brother in law and his family live there.
  • Chad King

    Nice to meet U 2. Have a good afternoon.
  • Chad King

    R the 13 yr olds twins? Anyway the "Not Crazy, Just Fertile" comment cracks me up.
  • Capt.Alex Arnold

    Single mom in this service...Major KUDOS!
  • Jeff

    Good Evening! Four do have your hands full! I have four also. I guess that we are both pretty
  • Jerry Moore

    just want to say hi
  • Kevin Williams

    hey waz up
  • ANON

    Hello,....I knew you were on that computer. Glad i'm not the only "crazy" up at this time of night. lol. have a good one. Cya later.
  • Jeff

    Yes, I think so....if we got near each other, you never know what would
  • catfish

    just wanted to say hello
  • Kenny

    Nice to meet you!
  • Jeff

    They sure do come along fast...and out of nowhere!!! :) You must have had a couple of them show up at the same time. My kids look like the old mailman!!! lol
  • Michael

    How r things going in Ohio.
  • Barry Homyack

    Good evening Jennica. How are you doing tonight.
  • Ron Maddox

    Hello and welcome to FFN. Be safe...
  • Chad King

    What organs and tissue are you looking for? and how do you go about doing it? Alive? Deceased? Just curious.
  • Barry Homyack

    Hello Jennica. I see you are off today to. I took a 4-day weekend to relax. I will be working in my garden shortly. HAve a good day, and stay safe out there.
  • Barry Homyack

    You have a very good weekend to.
  • james matthew smith

    Y Hello, thanks hpoe u have a god one also....yeah its the thought that
  • Barry Homyack

    I like that. What about if I go by you, and we start a garden?
  • Chad King

    I currently donate blood on routine basis. Just didn't know if you were involved with marrow donations or if someone needed a kidney or the sort. take care