
34, Female

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Warrenton Fire Protection District
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
I just finished my fire I and II classes and soon will be starting medics.
About Me:
I am 18. Laid back, and loves to have a good time. I am attending ECC for my EMT and Paramedic courses to work towards getting my licenses. I grew up in the country but currently right smack in the middle of town. I have the best roommate ever, who is also on the dept with me.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Cause it kicks ass, duh.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Its where i belong
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Safety, stopping to take a look around and look at the signs they are giving you

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  • phil

    ya i love it too, its lot of fun and your making something out of your life!
  • phil

    for sure, i have just over a month a i'll be fighting fire with the big boys, mabe some fed fires get some $! it will be fun
  • William Burke

    CAIT!!! wHaT aRe YoU dOiN???
  • William Burke

  • phil

    ya, so how long have you been a JFF?
  • Chad Forgue

    Hey, I know i missed a good time. I had a terrible cold and headache. I wanted to be there so bad.
  • Chad Forgue

    Yea definitly the wrong weekend to get sick. How did it go for you. Hopefully good?
  • Lt. Raymond Oliver HPFD 6505

    Hello MO girl.How's it going today?
    Have a great one
    Raymond HPFD 6540
  • Lt. Raymond Oliver HPFD 6505

    I'm doing great.I wish this rain would stop.So I can get busy working hard shoeing horses.So my clients can get to riding their horses.
    Raymond HPFD 6540
  • Randy

    Hello, how are you?
  • William Burke

    What up CAIT!!!
  • William Burke

    Whats wrong.... U and Teddy break up??? LOL!!! I dont drink!!!
  • William Burke

    U goin to eat dinner @ the firehouse 2 nite??? Ladies Aux is serving somethin!!!
  • William Burke

    CAIT!!!!!! What is up???
  • William Burke

    Workin!!! How did u do on the tes last night??
  • William Burke


    Just ran across your page. I am right up the road from you in lincoln county. Good luck with your fire 1 and 2.

    Its going alright. Just sittin around waiting for a call. It has been real slow lately!

    Have you decided where your taking EMT ? Lincoln county ambulance has a very good EMT program. A friend of mine is the lead instructor. I think it costs around $800.

    That's cool. I am busy getting our explorer program up and running. Hopefully in July when we move to our new station!! We had career day at one of the elementary schools today, that was pretty fun. Well have a good night, I am going to watch some t.v. before I crash for the night. I get off at 7 in the morning, so hopefully it will be a quiet night. Drop me a line sometime. Be careful out there.
  • Derek

    hey, what's going on
  • Derek

    Im good.. that homeworks fun huh!? My last day in class is June 11, i cant wait!
  • Derek

    our class is f1 and f2 combined also .. i started in jan tho
  • Derek

    i just got my haz mat cert a week ago, still waiting for my RIT and some other certs to be mailed to me
  • Derek

    well the haz mat part of the class is BORING ! i hated it .. i could hardly stay awake.. lol but other than that the class is fun... we do a ton of hands on
  • Derek

    my page is messed up. cant accept friends or log out so i can log back in to see if that would fix it..
  • Derek

    page is fixed.!!
  • Jason Wells

    hey i saw that you left a comment on my page whats up
  • Derek

    what did you do for training. on wednesday we are going over vehicle fires.. saturday is our hands on vehicle fires but ill be at a wedding so im going to miss it .. kinda sucks
  • Kelly DePiesse

    Not too much here had drill last night we have tests coming up so Im beat! How about you?
  • Kelly DePiesse

    We did Ladders, Scene Lighting, PPE Timed, SCBA Timed, and Salvage Covers.

    We have a minute to get our PPE on and one more minute to get our SCBA on and be ready to go into a burning building.
  • William Burke

    Hey CAIT!!! What R U up 2? There is a party next weekend if u wanna go!!! U cant be makin out with everyone though!!! LOL!!!
  • William Burke

  • Brett about you?
  • Justin Register

    hey its goin and how bout u
  • Justin Register

    not much what about u
  • Brett

    Have you been busy lately?
  • Brett

    Not much..just working and
  • Brett

    Haha yeah..I think my total for last month was like 12,000 or somthin like that lol
  • Brett

    I told ya I was a
  • William Burke

    Hey Hoochie!!!! What are you up to??? I didnt hear from you yesterday???? WTF???
  • Derek

    well im done with my fire academy.. just waiting for my state results
  • Ryan *1137*

    Hey how have u been? ttul and stay safe
  • Ryan *1137*

    Im good but busy!!! I am just getting ready to go to Michigan for 2 weeks to see family. So what part of Mo are you from??? ttul
  • Michael

    Whats new up your way ?
    Not much here
    U guys should come down to ST. Louis for the engine rally in sept.
  • Michael

    What do u mean ? to get hired as FF or EMT or for the engine rally? We wont be hiring for ff untill 2010. it is a two year list. EMT will be hiring a lot real soon . Its not that hard of a test. Just a long process.
  • Ryan *1137*

    Oh ya thats kool. ttul hope u have fun out on the East Coast!!
  • Michael

    Their will be a fire class in jan so they will be hiring EMT then. So u should put your app in as soon as u get your Lic. But u have to live in ST. Louis when u get hired. Let me know I will help u get on.
  • Michael

    Its only an EMT job . They wont be hiring FF until 2010
  • Kevin Williams
