
54, Female

Omak, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Secretary / Treasurer, Training Officer, Safety Officer, Lieutenant, Firefighter
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Omak Fire Department-Omak, Washington
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Riverside Volunteer Fire Dept (3 years)
My Training:
Firefighter I and II
Vehicle Extrication
LPG/LNG Firefighting
Wildland Firefighting-RED card
Firefighter Role in Fire Investigation
B-1 Helicopter Safety
CPR/First Aid
NIMS 700
Bates Flashover Trailer
NIMS 200
NIMS 800
Just Promoted to Officer
Fire Station Leadership
Strategy/Tactis for Rural Firefighting
About Me:
1987-2001: Riverside Fire Dept
2001-present: Omak Fire Dept
4/4/07: Promoted to Lieutenant
1993-2007: Reserve Sgt. Omak Police Dept
1995-present: Okanogan Co. Sheriff
Day Job:
911 Emergency Dispatcher
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I think I joined mostly to scare my mother and have enjoyed every minute of it.

Comment Wall:

  • Brian Gilbert

  • Jim aka Bick

  • firechief911

    welcom get some pics up be safe out there
  • James

    Hey Susie, Just to let you know how stupid I am, I responded to you message on my account. Look on my account for your response. I was having a "blond moment". Maybe because I am just getting over my "hangover" from being out with my two neighbors Angela and Kim. Take care
  • iceman

    Hi Susie,
    welcome to the nation. Need to get some pics up there.

    Anyway be safe and stay low.

  • masonvillefire14

    Welcome to the Lieutenant's Lounge, feel free to start a discussion and add me as a friend if you like.
  • Jerry Moore

    how do you like the fire service
  • David

    Howdy Susie,
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I'm just now getting back to talking to my friends after all of this weekends activities. Saturday was my birthday and worked a 24 hour shift that day. Was lucky enough to be with my fire family and friends so it's all good. Have an awesome week and write me back when you get the time.
  • Christy o Donoghue

    It gets pretty wet over here alright, even so we had some tough forestry fires in the spring of last year, a share of traffic collisions and a few commercial fires. All in all we keep busy despite the wet weather, a lot of storms here now so busy with flooding and fallen trees etc.
    You take care now......
  • Ricky Woronka

    Welcome to the nation and WA FF
    Stay Safe
  • David Rodgers

    WelI I am at work all day hoping that I don't get toned out. Alreday an automatic alarm and a med call down. So maybe we can get lunch...boys here don't know what to fix...sugestions???
  • James

    nice pic of the vehicle fire!!!!!
  • David Rodgers

    Thanks -but a bit outside our response area...probably be cold too!! But I do appreciate the kind offer lass.
  • Danny

    Hi Susie welcome to Washington State firefighters and ems..feel free to post anytime..also welcome aboard ffn hope you enjoy your stay. You can add me if you want..take care n be safe..
  • Danny

    hey susie how are ya doing did you get the snow also up there..we just got a little pea size hail...have a good one..
  • David Rodgers

    Thanks for the add....I hope you are doing well and your "toning out "finger is resting.....
  • Denise Vesey

    Thanks! I appreciate that! I am still pretty new as a dispatcher, but I really enjoy it.
  • iceman

    Hi Susie,
    Ok you got me with the height thing. ( LOL)
    Glad u r my friend. Have a great night
  • Gordon Hennigs

    hah kiddo started that group we were talking about you had better get on board or I'll be by dispatch to make your life miserable, oh yah you missed another call today sucks to be you,
  • Gordon Hennigs

    the pleasures all mine, happy easter
  • Bruce Livingston

    hi susie,
  • Michael tan

    Hi thank you for the comment and for your help. its very much appreciated :D God bless and Be safe always :D
  • Mike

    You are correct and it works out well all of my police officers are crossed trained as medics and firefighters I am the training officer for the fire department also
  • Billy Wood

    Your right they just know how to find me quicker
  • RLamb

    Did it! That was easy. See you on the next call.
  • RLamb

    meow :D
  • Tom Eades

    Susie, Gordon was telling me your com center uses Positron equipment. Let me tell you how sorry I am! Easily the biggest pile of junk on the market; fortunately, none of our dispatchers can take any credit for throwing our good equipment away and buying Positron--it all goes to the 9-1-1 director and our Sheriff--who bought it despite the fact I told him it was junk!
  • Tom Eades

    I actually like Spillman; the only gripe I have is that our agency won't buy enough of the available modules to actually allow it to make Dispatch recommendations. Still, what we have is far better than using a time clock and cards...
  • Tom Eades

    We should look at something like that. We use King County CBD, and still have the large clunky books to knock around and lose...
  • Larry Shugars

    Thank he is doing much better Iwill keep you posted
  • Larry Shugars

    Susie thanks for your prayers Y
  • Larry Shugars

    Susie thanks foryour prayers Yogi is now home from the hospital and doing well.being a bad puppy
  • Michael tan

    hi susie. how are you. cute doggies u got there hehe. sorry to bother you but i dont know alot of firefighters in the US. can i ask what turnout your using and do you have used surplus for sale at a cheap price. and other fire equipments thanx. God bless be safe always :D