
, Male

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Years With Department/Agency
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
to help people

Comment Wall:

  • Will Crowden

    Paul, I figured I would have seen you by now. I just wanted to say "BITE ME", for saying I look like Garringer in my pic. Well, you will probly talk to me over the air a little, cuz I got hired P/T at Med Trans. Now I just need to move to McMinn and join the Riceville 6. Be safe, talk at ya later.
  • Firegal77

    well, I am here....where are you? LOL I'll drop into chat for a few...
  • Elizabeth

    Hey im fine and urself just been a bad day other then that things good well talk to ya later and be careful
  • Firegal77

    Okie dokie..I should be in around 20:00 so will try and catch ya then..
  • Firegal77

    hey there...I may be late, i have midterms this eve...hope all is well with you!
  • Firegal77

    hey, you weren't online! must have been busy..catch ya next time..

    hey buddy how are ou doin hope all is well be safe!!!!!!

    hey buddy just to let ya know all positions remain the same for the next year at the squad just fyi stay safe!!!!! f102
  • Firegal77

    Hey there! Glad to hear you're still with us. Been busy myself with company in town. We'll catch up soon. Hope all is well!
  • Firegal77

    hey there..sorry I missed ya, I was multitasking,a nd by the time I noticed you were there, you had left..... :( catch ya soon!
  • Firegal77

    what? you dont work nights anymore?
  • Firegal77

    Hey there paul..hope all is well with you and yours...long time no chat
  • John Issac Davis

    paul hows it goin bud
  • dawn

    Hi, paul thx for the comment! nice to meet u..going to try to go back to bed soon, we'll see how that
  • dawn

    YW! TY! hope to chat soon!
  • angie the fire/resqmom

    You're right in my back tard, so to speak. give me a shout sometime. i sent you a friend addy. take care and ss. always, angie from chattanooga
  • Firegal77

    Heya!! Yes, been REAL busy!! Sorry it has been so long!! Hope all is well with you! Will catch up soon!