
, Male

Trimountain, Mi

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Adam township fire and first responders
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
FF I and II. MFR, state licensed.
About Me:
Anything you wish to know please ask.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I've worked in the medical field most of my life, I was always thinking about bieng a 1st responder, finally did. Fire was the next natural step.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping others in their time of need.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Funding. To many rural agencies are using equipment that is not up to modern standards. Many are running with trucks 30 plus years old.

As for the EMS portion, there should be a distinction between the fire and EMS portion of your department. This would help for funding via grants. We are lucky here, our ambulance service replaces everything we use on a call for no charge.

Comment Wall:

  • Jim aka Bick

  • Jojo

    Hello and welcome to FFN Rick! Stay safe:-)
  • Joe B.

    Hi Rick, I think we have met once or twice. Are you coming up to watch me light it up in the Pigs n Heat game?
  • Jen

    Hey Rick, dumb question, is TriMountain by Painsdale?
  • Joe B.

    well another monday passed, thank GOD!! so have you decided anymore when we are going to go fishing at the cottage? if we are going to ice fish, we should probably do it before the ice melts haha. I dont want to have to be wearing my Ice Commander suit out there for safety!
  • Jen

    Very. I traveled through there quite often when my sister was at Tech for college. Now I take the Baraga road, because she currently lives in Pelkie! Also, I had a buddy Jeff who was on Twin Lakes FD, and I know Greg Tarnowski, from the DNR. Small World..Lookin forward to the Tourney this year in Houghton?
  • Jen

    Yeah, Jeff was a good buddy. Sorry about the bad PI u had this morning.

    Also, just so you know, I just called the Super 8 motel in Houghton yesterday to confirm my reservations from last tourney. They said they had two rooms left. All the other motels were booked.

    I would love to get back into Wildland, however, now you have to take the Physical test, I just don't have an extra vacation day this year to go to marq. to take the test. ( I got a wedding and a honeymoon this year, yay) It was so much nicer to just go to Houghton and do the pack test, the new one is pretty tough.

    Well I gotta get back to work, be careful "clearin your head" on those back roads to Pelkie! Delete Comment
  • Smokeyjoe85

    Welcome to FFN neighbor,I'm here in Baraga-but with the Pelkie Volunteer Fire/Rescue(Pelkie,mi).
  • Jen

    Hey Rick, did u hear about Wakefield's crazy call last night! We had an explosion! The guy was home when it happened and got blown out of the house. It was insane.
  • Jen

    Well, Bobby was transferred to Miller Dwan (the burn center) in Duluth yesterday. He's doing good tho.

    What happened:

    I got there first since it was four blocks from my house, the neighbors house was on fire, so I went to make sure the girl was out. She was screaming her cats were inside. I told her we had to get out and worry about the cats later. I then walked outside and still no one else was there, and I heard a scream from by the trailer house, I went running over there and a kid said "he's inside" so I went to the part that was still standing and he was stumbling out.

    I believe it was a gas leak, he said he remembered lighting a smoke and it sure looked like he took it face on, as his hair was all melted to his head and skin blown back towards his ears on his face and up to his elbows on his arms. Suprisingly, he could still see and was coherent. I asked him if he knew who he was and he shook his head and then I asked if he knew who I was and he tried to say Jenni, I then turned and yelled for someone to call an ambulance cuz I was worried about his organs. I didnt want to touch him at that point but what else do you do? So I grabbed him by his jacket on his sholders and got him the hell away from the blast. By then the fire trucks and guys got there, and another guy and I went to get the 2 cats out! :)

    I seriously do not think it was a drug lab cuz, the amount of smoke I took in getting him away woulda killed me. He did not have utilities in the trailer but was heating it with an old gas (no electric required) stove and my guess is the pilot light went out and the gas slowly kept coming. Doesn't take much to make the explosive mixture in a sealed trailer. Like a huge Pipe Bomb.

    All is good tho, no one got killed.. It was f***ed up tho, pieces of trailer were blown in all directions some places up to 200 feet.
  • Jojo

    Fell free too stay Safe
  • Joe B.

    Im still alive. barely though. i got this cough that just started and wont go away. so i, sitting home tonight with a glass of jim beam on the rocks to sooth the pain in my throat from caughing. i think its because of all the calls we been having. no rest. everytime i stay out late, we have a call first thing in the morning!
  • Jen

    Hey Rick, it has been a while. I was in Florida and then just plain busy for the past couple weeks. Anything interesting happening in your neck of the woods. We had a structure fire (camp) Easter Sunday, a false alarm, and that's about it.
  • Jen

    Hey, no I was not involved with the fatality in Ironwood, thank god. We have been slow for a while now too. Which is good. I am sure it will pick up again with chimney fires since, we had that small warm spell and now it's cold again. Well, I gotta get back to work, be safe..
  • Zach Hoekstra

    i just got my computer to work at work on the internet so i will soon. hopefully. i would like to get a picture of the truck when i got it stuck
  • Zach Hoekstra

    just wanted to let you know i got a picture now