
35, Male

Streator, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Paid Fire Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Streator, Illinois
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Firefighter Basic Ops
Advanced Technician Firefighter
Fire Service Vehicle Operator
Fire Apparatus Engineer
Technical Rescue Awareness
Hazardous Materials Ops
Fire Codes and Enforcement
Ropes and Knots Ops
Industrial Fire Protection
Fire Investigator I
Juvenile Fire Setter Prevention
Water Rescue Ops
Day Job:
Firefighter at Streator Fire Department

Comment Wall:

  • Rhonda

    Hello Jeff...Welcome to FFN...Stay Safe
  • Tyler Scheirer

  • schott

    hey buddy nice hearing from ya again. well just wanted to say hey, we need to hangout sometime. well i am off to the wifes house, talk to ya later. stay safe
  • schott

    alright that sounds like a plan, i am always on here or myspace. either way u can get ahold of me, take care have fn with spring break, well talk to u later
  • Tyler Scheirer

    Hey buddy...thanks for the pics...we need to wash the trucks sometime...we havent had very many calls lately i am surprised. Hopefully we can take a truck out at the meeting on Tuesday. We should get there early.
  • chuck

    thank you and stay safe.
  • Jojo

    Hey where is Toluca? What part of the state?
  • Jojo

    Know some in Prairie City was wondering how close you are?
  • Jojo

    lol ok
  • Jason

    When did you join a Haz Mat Team