

Clarksville, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
22 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
firefighting,tactical medic,rescue operations,k-9 search n rescue, k-9 cadaver,haz-mat op,mach 1,confined space and trench rescue,ropes and knots,paramedic,USAR,fire attach residential and commercial, incident command, ventilation,SCBA,radiological monitoring, jump rescue,fire safety, rescue and fire suppression,NFA's initial response to hazardous materials and incidents,emergency response to terrorism,disaster services and instructor ,NFA's incident command, recognizing and identifying hazardous materials,CPR and first aid instructor,extrication instructor, and many many more...btw, do I have to get into the medical or k-9 rescue/cadaver portion too?lol.
Day Job:
um,,, whatcha think i do in the day time?lol
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To save lives. Whether I'm Fire Fighting, EMS, Rescue or instructing Extrication or CPR...I just don't feel whole unless I am out saving some ones life or at least making a difference in their life just being there at there time of need. My entire life is all about helping others, whether I am at work, home or socializing.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
the idrenaline rush, the simple "Thank you", the feel of a childs arms around your neck,and a simple smile of gratitude, the glistening in a childs eye when you just saved her daddy,a tear of joy in a foster childs eyes when you just saved her only friend in the world...her puppy,the dropping on a mothers knees in relief when you saved her baby,a grown mans hug when you just saved his wife, and the list goes on, and on, for the last 22 years, no other feeling in the world like it...ever.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
I feel the government needs to realize how important firefighters, rescuers and ems are.The Government pays people to sit behind a desk and push pencils all day on whether a chicken came first or the egg, but they cant pay emergency workers, whom risk their lives daily for the lives of strangers? There are far too many volunteer stations, and not enough paying stations. I feel the states are also responsible.But if a county are to have an emergency station, it has to be volunteer because the state is to busy paying for daisies on the side of a congested road or busy paying a golfing trip or luncheon with your tax dollars.How about stop worrying about how comfy the prisoners are and their education time, and use the money to pay the emergency workers.I say...Pay the emergency workers, they risk their lives, the state and government needs to risk their wallets .

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  • Wayne Mitchell

    Hi Lyn, thank you for the add.. Have a great week!!
  • Delayne Webster

    Hello Lyn, Welcome to ffn be safe out there an have a good week.
  • Jason Martin

    Hello wlcome and stay safe out there.
  • Vicki

    Hey Lyn, Thanks for the add....Stay safe! :)
  • Phil Wisecup

    Lyn I hope you feel better,Stay warm and safe.
  • Chad Lawson

    i was watching about those damn tornadoes yesterday,this nation is behind all of you in this bad time. stay safe and be careful, god bless all of you, chad
  • Jay

    Hey Lyn

    Just dropping in to say hi, Stay safe
  • Wayne Mitchell

    Hi hun, It really didn't hurt.. It felt more like a tingle in my shoulder.. I didn't feel it much.. I'm sure you'll do fine and good luck with your next surgery.. Any idea of what you want to put there? I would love to see it when it's done.. Thanks for the comment on my tattoo.. Take care..
  • Greg Stoklosa

    Hi Lyn! Just checking in to see how your feeling. How`s things going down there? Hope everyone is getting back on there feet. Were just freezing up here in Buffalo to cold ready for summer.
  • Lyn

    Sorry I am replying to all the emails so late. Please know I am not ignoring you. I had Major surgery the 19th on my left shoulder and left knee (which was due anyways, but having a building collapse on myself and two of my men didn't help any) and I just woke up enough to be able to log on for a bit. Please understand that I am not trying to be rude, just need time for healing and I will log on when I am able and in less pain. Thank you for your understanding. Please please please be safe out there as I care! Know that I will respond to your messages and they will not be forgotten. Do have some good news though, my men are safe, alive and doing better (none of use escaped without injuries) and we saved 2 lives that day. Please keep my guys in your prayers and thoughts for speedy recovery though as they are the soul bread winners for their families.I'm sure you can understand how tough that can be and my guys mean the world to me. Thanks alot...have a safe and blessed day.
  • tony

    hope your doing better
  • Ronald Lucero (Retired)

    Hello there. So your from Tennessee. My nephew is a member of the Memphis Tennessee FD. Glad to have you on board. i am located here in Utah. Cold and snowing.
  • tony

    thank you...i am doing good ........have a great and safe weekend
  • Ross

    Lyn you take care and get better if people don't understand oh well when i read what happened it sadden me to think one of us got hurt hope you get well soon take care and be safe and relax and don't push your recovery
  • tony

    dog lover ????
  • Chuck Webster

    Sorry to hear that you were injuried on the job. It takes time to physically and mentally recover from injuries from incidents. Hope you get better soon.
  • Greg Stoklosa

    Glad to hear that everyone is doing and getting better. You are all in our prays and thoughts
  • danny w furr

    Hey there Lyn.Like to be one of your friends here.please be safe out there.danny
  • Andrew Collins

    Hey just dropping a line before i head to the station for my meeting, had fun last night*wink*.
    I should be back some time around 12 or so, looking forward to speaking to you again, or should i say typing. lol.
  • Kevin King

    Hope to see you in june at the party
  • Jim Brunelle Jr.

    Thanks for the dis about the cold! Not only that, I hate this darn snow like 17 inches in 2 days. Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
  • Jim Brunelle Jr.

    Ahh. the way its going don't think my bike will ever see pavement this year.
  • Kevin Dunn

    Just joined looking around stay safe
  • wmason

    hello am bill am from eastgreenbush ny . am a past chief and a captian with castleton frie.
  • Ross

    How are you doing Lyn you getting better I hope
  • wmason

    how are u ? hows everything going ? u been safe out there i hope . i like your music u got on its awsome. give me a shout
  • Jim Seargent

    Love the Civil War stuff! One of the things I lost in my divorce was a pair of receipts for 3 slaves dated 1864
  • yves rollin

    hey dear Lyn i,m very happy to meet you,its like I knowing you since ever you,re a fantastic women and I really enjoy to be your friend.If i,ll be there,i,ll take care of you haha take care hun and be safe,See you on the chat
  • Greg Stoklosa

    Hello! Just stoped by to say hi and see how things were going for you.
  • wmason

    doing great and takeing lot of fluids. so take care hope to here from u my friend
  • Jim Seargent

    Hi again, and thanks for the kind wishes. They were "lost" in the shuffle according to her. She is of course the personification of all that is evil, so I tend not to believe it. Some friends of mine deal as a hobby in Civil War cloth and I find the period in our history quite interesting.
  • Ross

    Hope your healing is doing well you take care
  • yves rollin

    Hi my dear how are you today?hope as you are well take care of you and see you on chat
  • Danny

    Hey lyn how are ya doing..just stoppen in to say hi from washington state..hope you have a great weekend..feel free to add me if you like
  • Greg Stoklosa

    Glad to hear that yourself and your guys are on the road to recovery. Please take it easy. I am on lite duty myself, had leg surgery done. The area that they had to work on will not stay closed. The stiches poped off and it will just time to heal. The Doctor said I`m doing fine with all he wants me to do. Just can`t wait to get back to 100%. I will not be on tonight. We have an award banquet for the Firehall tonight. Will hope to chat with you another nite. BE SAFE AND HOPE YOU ALL ARE BACK REALLY SOON. Tell the guys we wish them well for New York. TTYL Hun.
  • yves rollin

    Hey sweety whats up girl how are you today? Me, I,m off today at the shop.I,m still waiting for the answer from the Ottawa fire dept,I hope so much cause I whant to be a full time FF .Take care of you my sweet sister of another father and see you on the chat hahahaha
  • yves rollin

    Hey my favorite LT whats up today? I just wanted to say you hi and say you to take care of you.see you later have a nice day hun ahahah
  • yves rollin

    Hey Lyn I miss you so much.Where are you?Gimme some news
  • yves rollin

    Hey darlin whats up today ? how,s the knees come see me and gimme some news take care and be safe your friend forever Yves the brother from another mother xoxo
  • Ross

    How are you feeling haven't seen you on for a while just wondering if you are ok or back in the hospital hope everything is ok get better soon
  • yves rollin

    another night in the chat without you hun its so sad gimme some news
  • Danny

    Hi there how are ya doing..Thanks for the add..things are going good nothen too much going on..hope you have a good easter take care be safe out there..
  • Ross

    Well lyn here is a good laugh for you but I pulled a muscle in the back of my knee while I was dancing i will be back at work on tuesday you take care of your self laughing is the best meds.
  • yves rollin

    Hey sweety great to speak with you again.Take care dear and take a rest, you need it .See you on the chat your friend forever Yves
  • Lyn

    happy bunny day to all!
    “as i hop my way to dreamland...or so i wish i could hop @ this time”lol.
  • Greg Stoklosa

    Hello! My surgey was on Feb 28, 2008. My stiches had popped on the one area and it reopened. Right now they wrapped it wih the ace bandage and I have to take it off every six to eight hours. The area is about 45% closed now. It really isn`t bleeding as bad which is good. I`m hoping to be back to 100% by the end of next month. But not pushing it, want to heal the right way before summer.
    I don`t know what happened to my other comments They were there might of by accident may have deleted them. Oops. Me bad. Well talk to you later.
  • Bobby Shelton

  • yves rollin

    Hello hun just a stop for say hello.Continue like this and i,m sure everything gonna be great see you later baby
  • Danny

    Hey there how are ya doing..just stopped into say hi n hope ya had a great week..and everything is going good for ya..take care
  • wmason

    its so good to see up and moving around again. jsut becareful ok talk to u soon sweetie