
, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
19 years Fire Department / 5 years in EMS
Relationship Status:

Comment Wall:

  • Bull

  • Jim

    Welcome to FFN Holly, stay safe out there and enjoy the site
  • Darren

  • Jim aka Bick

  • Wayne Mitchell

    Hi Holly, thank you for the add.. Hope you're having a good week..
  • Milissa

    Watsup Girl
  • Milissa

    He did tell me u said hey, what are u up to do u have aim? or yahoo I have a myspace also, do u?
  • Milissa

    mine is mislissha add me!
  • Holly

    Ok hun I added ya ..
  • Rodolfo Guija

    Hi Holly, thanks to add me and gladd to be your friend
  • susan

    Hey Holly, thanks for the add, stay safe and alert
  • Bobbie Jo

    thx sis for the comment...i greatly appricaiate it:)...i love ur theroy too..lol...Stay safe out there..and have a great week:) I wish u the best in life:)

    Bobbie Jo
  • Rodolfo Guija

    Hello Holly, thanks for your regards. Happily in Peru we are well after the earthquake that we had.
    We are working hard with our Fire Department, all our organization is completely voluntary, but we give each other entire to the service of our community. I had the opportunity to be several times in the United States and to have known several fire stations, which their personnel always has been very nice, demonstrating our brotherhood.
    My best regards to all of yours. Stay safe.
  • Tania Watson

    Hi Holly!! Thanks for adding me to your friends list. I can't wait to get to know each of my brothers and sisters better. Take care!!!!!
  • Ron

    Thanks for the comment Holly!! I've been on several "network" sites (myspace, FFN, etc) and I've been welcomed more here than all others combined :-)
  • Christopher Smith

    Hi Holly,
    I know it's been a while....I hope that you are doing well these days! It's been quiet here, thankfully!!! The only thing that's been fun recently is the training drill our dept. had today with the new Res-Q-Jack system we just acquired. Other than that not much new happening here. How have you been?
    Stay Safe!
  • Ross

    you to stay safe
  • darrell

    holly everything is good here thank you for your comment hope everything is good with u btw the pic of the waterfall was taken right here in town lets talk sometime i like the pic of your dog ? thats a pug right
  • Milissa

    Yuppers I cant wait till fla I just hope I save enough tryin to find another part time job but its slim pickins right now gerrrr
  • Jim aka Bick

    Hello Holly nice to hear from you all is well here in Jersey and I hope all is well in your local too. The winter has not been too bad here how about where you are ...keep in touch and have a great week and be safe out there...Jim
  • Lt. Raymond Oliver HPFD 6505

    My wife and kids love your Pug.We have one as well,his name is BUGABOO and a Boxer ,6 horses,a house POTBELLY PIG I'm Sirius a PIG.Thanks for the complament about the kids,All they do is beg to go on the truck or go with me on calls when I Respond Direct.You should see how many Fire and EMS trucks they have even my Daughter.I got them some Walkies so they can play Dispatch and Command.It's pretty cool to see how much fun they have just playing saving lives.The weather is pretty sloppy in this area hopefully going to melt off pretty soon.
    Stay safe out there,If it's to safe do it twice
    Have a great day and week
    Raymond Oliver
    HPFPD 6540
  • Tania Watson

    Hi Holly,,,, yeah I'm ready for the weather,,,,, NOT!! Got to drive in it tomorrow. Had 2 calls back-to-back last night. Very little sleep, maybe make it up tonight. Take care and stay safe.
  • susan

    hey holly, thanks for the sweet note, everything here is fine. Really busy at my paying job, i am the manager of food and beverage at a golf course. Then at night i vol. on the box. its been slow the past few days. Hope everything is great in your life. ttys
  • Christopher Smith

    Hi Holly,
    Still all is quiet here, thankfully...I get a bad feeling about it though! I hope the weather isn't as bad as they say it is going to be for you all. We're supposed to get more rain here...more mud and slop to deal with if we get a call! Oh well, another day closer to spring at least, and I look forward to the warmer weather...I'll take the heat over the cold anyday!!!
    You be safe and careful out there, especially if there's snow or freezing rain. Peace and be well. Talk to you soon!
  • Darren

    hey holly,all is good here a little to quit thats never good. we had some bad weather last night. didnt know it until i got up this morning. but now it is getting cold droping down to 27 tonight. where do you live? take care and stay safe
  • Jim

    Thanks for the heads up with the weather Holly. We only ended up getting about 3 inches in this last storm that came through. It's cold but tolerable. Hope everything is fine on your front. Stay safe.
  • "Live life as it was your last day and FEAR NOT" AKA Jimmy Girard

    Hey sweets, how are ya? I hope your well :-) I miss you & I can't wait till see ya &/or chat with you soon. Love ya hun, your friend ALWAYS, Jimmy
  • Bobbie Jo

    thx sis:) Stay safe out there:)

    Bobbie Jo