Heather Pope

43, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Ebenezer Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Hazmat Awareness and Ops. State Firefighter 1 and 2, EMT Basic, Vehicle Fire Fighting, Rural Aircraft Crash Ops, Burn Care, Intro to Technical Rescue, Emergency Vehicle Driver Training, Weather Spotter, Vehicle Techology and Incident Safety, Responding to Utility Emergencies, Intersection Safety and Rollover Prevention, Rail Safety for First Responders, Fire Cause Determination state certified.
About Me:
EMT Basic currently. Hopefully will be stating Paramedic school next year! WAHOO!! I also just got the award for EMS Responder of the year on my FD. Which im very proud of!
Day Job:
RIght now nothing, hopefully on the ambulance soon!
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To help people! Ive always been a people person and fell in love with EMS and then i got my State certifications in firefighting as well.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
the ability to know that you can help someone in thier time of need!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Pension problems, and not enough training.

Comment Wall:

  • Tom Kenney

    My name is Tom Kenney. I’m a 24-year veteran and Fire Lieutenant on the Providence Fire Department. I’m pleased to announce that I’ve recently had my book, Working Class Hero: Memoirs of a Providence Fireman, published by Publish America (ISBN 1-4137-3107-4).

    This is the first book of its kind written by a Providence Firefighter in 118 years.

    “You can almost smell the smoke and feel the heat. ‘Working Class Hero: Memoirs of a Providence Fireman’ is a three-alarm read. It’s taken from the 23-year on-the-job experiences of a second-generation Providence firefighter who could shrug off tragedy with a flippant remark, time after time after time. Required reading.” (Wally Pickford -The Reporter)

    “…his experiences pull the reader in and force them to think about the bravery of firefighters and of their own mortality.” (Kelly Smith - Warwick Beacon)

    “Working Class Hero: Memoirs of a Providence Fireman is one man’s action-packed account of twenty-three years of life as a firefighter in busy metropolitan Providence – the third largest city in the Northeast. Experience what it’s like to be taken on one emergency call after another – fires, shootings, stabbings, and more. Encounter situations that are completely unimaginable to the average citizen. Thoughtfully written with the reader in mind, describing each stage of an incident, this book allows the reader to visualize riding along with the firefighters as they pull up to a scene and must take immediate action. In this book, Lieutenant Tom Kenney will take you inside the mind of a firefighter as he makes life and death decisions. Celebrate his victories and suffer his defeats. Glimpse a world few people ever experience. From practical jokes and fun around the firehouse to gut-wrenching real-life tragedies, this book covers it all!”

    The book is currently available at Barnes & Noble Book Stores, Borders Books, and online through www.amazon.com and www.publishamerica.com. It is a full size paperback edition, 224 pages, and retails for $19.95.

    Tom Kenney can be reached via e-mail at tekpfd@cox.net & at his webpage at: www.ProvidenceFireman.com.
  • Jojo

    Hey heather, glad to see you on here too! :P
  • Jojo

    I have a group open for oklahoma fire/ems...I know ya don't live here anymore but you used to be here so you're welcome to join if you like. No one seems to say much though, lol. Guess we just need a few talkers in there...
  • Nettie

    Thanks for adding me! Stay safe out there!
  • Nettie

    Not a problem :D Hope your having a good evening! Hubby is at drill and I'm sitting here trying not to let the kids get to me too much lol...Take care!
  • J. Marini

  • J. Marini

    you to and may god be with us all on every call we go on

    hey whats up thanks for the add stay safe

    no im not but i been up there once

    i went up there to see a friend of mine like 2 years ago

    it sounds like you dont like it up there to much

    awww im sorry
  • Justin Wilson

    Wow....My sister and bro-in-law live in Willard.....What a small world. Stay safe.
  • Justin Wilson

    Jake and Amanda Krell....My bro n law used to be a green coundy deputy...I wanna say they live on willowridge? I think that is right anyhow.
  • Theresa

    thanks for the add!!
  • Cullen Wilson

    Hey how are you
  • willardff38

    butt head ill give you butt head, i dont get on here alot but when i do i try to write evryone back. have a good rest of the day i have to get back to wrk ttys, :)
  • Kale

    hey what station do u run out of in willard?
  • Kale

    because i did my fire 1 and 2 out of station three with kelly
  • Kale

  • Kale

    no, it is working fine for me
  • Brandon Claspill

    thanks for the info. just getting use to this site. you know me and computers.
  • jbeanfirefighter

    just wanted to say hey and stay safe.
  • Nettie

  • Nettie

  • Nettie

    Hey there hope you have a great day!!!!
  • jeff

    wheres willard at Heather
  • jeff

    cool so how have u been
  • jeff

    just enjoying my day off wish it would cool down some though
  • jeff

    heck i could go about 30 degrees cooler
  • jeff

    I know lol
  • Brandon Claspill

    hey there. hope all is well. heard the call on my way to work. hope it was a good one.
  • Brandon Claspill

    not much. just working
  • Brandon Claspill

    hey there. just wanted to say hi.
  • Justin Payne

    just wanted to say hello
  • Justin Payne

    doing good and you
  • Justin Payne

    nop just still slow and u are you busy?