keith johnson

59, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
FF1 june 07 ..passed first responder onto emt b
Day Job:
construction/truck driver
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To help my town and people
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Being there when people need you

Comment Wall:

  • VtEMT-I

    Thanks for the add!! :o)
  • VtEMT-I

    Wow... small world! Are you with the Fire Dept there? Have you worked there before? The guy I worked with for the two days I was there usually works the pits with the FD but wasn't able to make the required training so he worked the stands as an EMT instead. I had an absolute blast and look forward to next year!
    My best friend and I wanted to work the pits but neither one of us have the desire to take FF1.
  • keith johnson

    nah im just on the fire dept where i live but was asked if i wanted to work pit road as i am ff1 and hope to be first responder certifed in a few days
  • VtEMT-I

    I think the pit crew would be a blast!
    You're taking the ECA test? When? Good luck, I know how nerve racking it is to take those tests.
    Did you go to the structure fire in Morrisville today? I know Waterbury FD went mutual aid. I thought I heard something about 2 structures.
  • keith johnson

    yup went to the one on darling road ..taking test monday night..
    i really want to work pit road one of my friends has for 3 years and he said its a blast
  • VtEMT-I

    I figured you guys would probably go mutual aid to Morrisville since Waterbury does and you're much closer. How bad was it? I didn't hear too much other than Stowe talking on their frequency.
    Good luck tonight.... I'm sure you'll do just fine. Is it just practicals or are you doing the written as well?
    From what I saw the two days I was in Loudon in September, it would be a HUGE thrill to work the pits. I stood by the track the Saturday I was there and there was a wreck right behind me... certainly got the adrenaline going!
  • keith johnson

    we did practicals man what a pain in the but..not sure when we will do the written hope its soon
  • VtEMT-I

    Yes... practicals are a pain!! I was terrified when I took the practicals for my B but not as much for my I-03. The most terrifying station was the trauma station for me. I was shaking so much! I did both my written and practicals on the same day. Have you gotten the results of your practicals yet?
  • VtEMT-I

    Hey... no biggie, life's always busy!! Congrats on your practicals, I'm sure the written will be a piece of cake too. Do you have an idea of when you're taking it?
    Have a GREAT Thanksgiving.... I'm working so I'll probably be out at some point today, hopefully not pulling turkey out of someone's airway!
  • Robert 422

    we always have a good time every year we go. this year we are going to disneyland.
  • VtEMT-I

    Congrats! Band-aids are useful sometimes ;o) Are you going to take the EMT-B class next?
    Have a GREAT holiday!! I'll be happy when it's over!
  • VtEMT-I

    Right, there is a bridge course that makes it much easier rather than take the whole B course which is several months (at least in District 6 it is). I know my B class lasted just about 6 months. My I class was only 4 months but it was MUCH harder than the B. Do you think you'll go for your I after your B?
  • keith johnson

    i dont really know not sure where im going with this..i know i have to be a emt b to get a full time job as a ill see what hapens oh nice tatto..wheres it located
  • VtEMT-I

    Yes, you definitely need your B to get a full time FF position somewhere, where are you looking to work? In Vermont?
    My tattoo? Thanks... it's on the back of my right shoulder. I'll be getting another soon, just not sure when or what. There are a couple places I'd like to put another one. Do you have any?
    Hey, if it would be easier... you can email me instead... my email address is
  • keith johnson

    wow i just looked at the last time i checked my message board ..opps looking at full time in st albans ..tested and am waiting to see what happens..yup got tattoos..have 5 most are of wolfs..i got you r email address. mines if you can contact me latter