
35, Female

Orange VA

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer, EMS/Rescue Squad/Hospital EMS - Paid
Job Function
EMT - Basic, First Responder
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Orange Rescue Squad Station 23
Years With Department/Agency
just started
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Amery Fire Department, Amery Area EMS, Clear Lake Area Ambulance
My Training:
I am an EMT-B, entry level firefightering, medic student
About Me:
I was active with the explorers and am now assit with the Juniors at my new department. I am going to school to become a medic and hope to make a full time career out of it.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My mom had been it for as long as I can remember. I grew up around it and fell in love with it. As soon as I could I joined!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I LOVE IT its hard to explain I just can't imagine not doing it.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Understaffing and lack of training in volunteer departments.

Comment Wall:

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  • David

    JoAnn thanks for the welcome here!
    Wishing you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!
  • bobby pierson

    merry christmas to you also
  • scott davidson

    hello joann this is a cool site for people who give up so much
  • Don Sims

    Have a Merry Christmas Miss Carter. Don
  • Tim Slate

    thank you. happy holidays.
  • mike

    have a merry merry x-mas
  • patrick spellman

    Thank You JoAnn Carter you too.
  • Joe

  • Sandinmyboots

    thanks for your welcome! I look forward to having fun and meeting some great people on here!
  • Sandinmyboots

    and hoping you have a VERY MERRY and SAFE Christmas!!!
  • Andrea M. Walters

    Hey thanks for the welcome... Hope you have a safe and Merry Christmas!!
  • Chris

    Thanks! And a Merry Christmas to you as well. If you have any suggestions, feel free to drop by and let me know.

    "Right to fight, left for life!"
  • Pete

    hey thanks for the welcome this is a cool site with awsome people thanks from california
  • Richard Lovick

    hey girl. i'll bet it is cold up there. not bad here. about 60 degrees and sunny. i live right on the ocean. ,aybe 200 yards from it. if you are registration then u must be hospital girl. the pic is my 9 year old. we were deep sea fishing for king mackeral. this was back in june 07. looking forward to chattin with you later. Richard
  • Austin E Valasek

  • Bobbie Jo

    hey.....i have no idea....i can talk to the advisor of my explorers group....i should be able to find some for you...i am only the JR. Advisor for my group so.....i will try really hard to get something for you....:)
  • mike

    Merry Christmas JoAnn, hope ur having a good time working always
  • Firegirl67

    Thanks fo stopping by - Be Safe
  • 2in_2out

    hey thx... stay safe this new years
  • George

    Thank you and same to you. I hope we can stay in touch. My name is George
  • mike

    hope u have a good week, have a good weekend
  • TJ

    hi JoAnn, thanks hope all is well
  • Scott Jenkinson

    Hello JoAnn, I am new to firefighter Nation. I have been in the fire service for 4 years. I hope you have a good New Year and be safe.
  • mike

    have a happy and safe new years
  • mike

    hey how was ur weekend, how is ur phone doing
  • Danny

    hi Joann it was nice chatten with ya in the chat room..take care and have a great new year..
  • George

    its about 45 minutes from downtown pittsburgh what part were u born at in pa
  • George

    i will be back on here around 12 or 1pm my time if u wanna chat that away we can talk more if u want to leave me a message or something to let me know what time to meet u on here i have to go to work at 5pm my time i hope to chat with u before i go to work
  • R J Peek

    Hello JoAnn.. how are things going.. have a good new years and stay out of trouble...
  • mike

    hey how u doing, have a happy new year
  • Michael Bird SR

    happy new year and may the lord watchyou through out 2008
  • george ( cowboy) day

    thank you for the invite hope to talk to you soon have great day.
  • Pete

    stand your ground my wife is the only female emt and firefighter in our dep she was told by a male she could not do it she was one of the top 5 in her class be strong

    hey justed wanted to say hi and be safe
  • mike

    hey how has ur week gone
  • james m kuzon

    o i will think u
  • Coach

    Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. In addition to the relatively cool videos and fire scene photos, there are numerous groups, discussions and chat available.

    If you have never had the opportunity, take a minute to explore and the secret list. This is a wonderful web site to explore and learn from the mistakes of others. It is also, sadly, a roll call of those whom have made the ultimate sacrifice, in their service to their communities.

    We have all joined the Public Safety Community for a variety of our personal reasons. Some of us are paid, while others volunteer. Many are firefighters, while others enjoy the EMS side of the house. We have active firefighters, line officers, chiefs, administrative officers, and a number of old timers who have seen most of the mistakes already made at least once. We have firefighters with many many years of experience, and others that, well, don’t. All are welcome here in The Nation. We welcome your input, just as we hope that you learn from the experiences of others.

    Personally, I have 31 years service to the local fire department. I have held most line officer positions, and some administrative as well. Now part of the Old Guard so to speak, I am less inclined to go charging into where others are trying to escape. Instead, I choose to monitor the fire scene closely, attempting to ensure the safety of all on the fire scene.

    I welcome you to the FFN. Here we all share one common goal.....

    Everyone Goes Home
  • Kevin

    Stay strong JoAnn. My daughter went thru the same thing. She pulled another firemen out of a collapsed structure to gain respect. I hope its not as hard for you.
  • Shawn Donovan

    Thanks JoAnn you do the same
  • mike

    hey JoAnn, how u doing, how is everything going
  • mike

    im doing ok, how is school and work going
  • Tom Chmielowiec Jr.

    thank-you for welcoming me, and i hope to have a good time on here
  • barka

    hay hay ,am just came in here for say hi to you and i hope you are on safe mode
    barka ....
    my regards
  • Sean Forslin

    Well Thank you, Be safe yourself!
  • Danny

    hey there how are ya doing..yea it was a fun but busy weekend..had freezing rain to snow to putting the engine into a park n causing a minor pile up but no damage to the truck..had roll overs you name it..take care have a great week...
  • MAZ

    Hey Jojo, Hello from the West Coast, Oregon to be exact!
    Thanks for adding me as a friend!! Hope all is well and stay safe!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Mike McQuinley

    thank you for the comment
  • heather

    thank you joann
  • Frank

    Thanks, I hope this is as much fun as it looks like. Stay safe.
  • Matt

    Thank You