Rik Helldatshot


Clinton ,Mississippi

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
2 9 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Jackson Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
27 years
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Currently a member of our newly formed METRO JACKSON FIREFIGHTERS EMERALD SOCIETY.
My Training:
About Me:
I've been in a relationship with my Wife for 28 years BUT I've been informed that a Relationship ant the same as SAYIN' your Married ! (LOL,I thought I was just being funny!...found out it wasn't funny !)So I've been Married to my Wife for 27 years ,we have two FINE SONS! I'm a Blessed Man ,and I know it ! Thank You JESUS for the Blessings you Give me Each and Every Day!
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My Dad was a JACKSON Police Officer for almost 30 years , I grew up around the lights and sirens but the Big Red trucks looked like more fun than those lil' ol' Police cars.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping people in a time of need !
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Trying to serve better ! Do no Harm ! and going home at the end of your Shift !

Comment Wall:

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  • Joel Swanson

    Happy Holidays Rik.
    Here's hoping for a Happy, Healthy & Safe Holiday Season!
    We had our winter benefit today. We had a good crowd. The weather somewhat cooperated. It was sunny and cold, but the streets and sidewalks are iced over, real bad.
    Talk to YOU later...
  • Rik Helldatshot

    YOU Guys should be out having FUN Instead of pokin' yer lips out mully grubbin' about that BEAUTIFUL Wintery Wounderland,I'm jus hopin it at least 50* on Christmas. I'm jus pickin with ya'll Brothers an Sisters ! It sounds like in our line of work it would be tuff to enjoy.Ya'll jus play safe an be careful out there!
  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Rik!
    Yeah we had a Santa visit at our pancake breakfast, yesterday. He came in on our rescue truck. After a ride around town of course.
    He's a local business man whose wife is a school teacher in our school system. So he knew every kid by name and had a good story about each kid from Christmas past, so the little ones were really eating that up. It was fun. I only hope I could be that good someday.
    Well, Take Care Rik and Here's hoping for some snow for U on Christmas Morn!

    I'm always good...lol. How are you doing? My chin is back to normal too. Hope you have a Merry Xmas!! :)


  • Deborah

    Hey you! Have fun shopping! Thank you and you have an awesome Holiday season as well!! Merry Christmas!
  • Joel Swanson

    Yes Sir...even though I live in the winter wonderland, I too dream about setting in a cabin, deep in the woods, full of snow falling and piling up on the ground. I'm setting in a big comfy chair, got a good book to read, hot cocoa or tea, a raging fire going in the fire place. A dog & a cat curled up in front of the fire place, a sleep, that's when the pager goes off and I'm out the door, damn it!
    Someday I'll get to do it......
    Happy Dreaming Rik! Don't fall a sleep and spill hot coffee on ya now, alright...
  • Ruby

    Thanks for the add, oh my the hat, that was a very long ff survival training day in an abandoned school, so we had to find some sort of fun in the very LONG day..... Happy holidays to you and yours...
  • Delayne Webster

    Man i am trying to get it all done to much to do not any time. We do toys for familys that need help in are area this year we had 7 familys an i just got that done we had a good turn out on the toys that were donated. Now i have to get my shopping done. But its worth it to help make a nice christmas for other little ones. So is your shopping done? If not you better get on the ball
  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Jolly Old St. Rik!
    I got more snow to play in, with my four wheel drive sleigh...
    I've got a big drift in my drive way. I almost got the Jeep stuck.
    Hope yer ready for the big guy's visit!
    Take Care...
  • Firefighter Tyler Supplee

    I'll tell ya what, I hate it when you get a spurt of 4 or 5 calls in less then 10 hours and then ya don't get any for a month or so!Last Saturday we ran 1 WSF at approx. 1430 that was out before we got there and then about 0135 Sunday we ran to the same place for a fully envolved structure.Got back home at 0400 and my ass hit the bed and the pager went off for a roll over, 1 minor injury!Freezing rain and sleet sucks at 4 in the morning!W ell I hope you and your family and friends have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  • Firefighter Tyler Supplee

    I shouldn't have said anything...Just when my eyes got closed last night we had a Chicken House Fire.About 250 ft. section fully envolved and then the remaining 100 ft. was working.I ran tanker all night.Hope she's good to ya too!Talk to ya later!

    Christmas is Canceled
    More Funny Pictures at pYzam.com

  • Joel Swanson

    Howdy Rik!
    Get this... it was sunny & 47 degrees on Christmas morn.
    It was alright. Now it's suppose to snow everyother day, for a while. It snowed a half an inch today. I had a three car pile up that was pretty nasty at the PD, missed a rescue call on the FD.
    Looks like your gearing up for the New Year.
    Looks like you're going to have to change that number on your helmet to 007!
    Take Care Rik....
  • Rik Helldatshot

    " HAPPY NEW YEAR " Friends ! May it be the BEST one yet ! ...now lets boogie !
  • Rhonda

  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Rik,
    January is when we have our worse structure fires & freezing temps.
    Ames FD have been busy lately but knocking 'em down quick so no big fires yet. However, the big ones will come. Kelley has been quiet thru the holidays.
    Stay Warm!
  • Jennifer

    I would say more fire, now I'm not a firefighter, I just volunteer on projects with the local city guys on anything they need me to do. =) thanks
  • Firefighter_2

    hey man no prob.....cold and windy out here..
  • Shelby

    Hey how you doin... Yea we fought a huge apartment fire but thats about it!! Yea weather here is crazy we never know what its goin to do one day its 35 and the next its 75. Glad we got to help in your weather lol.
  • firefighter1213

    Hey Rik, thanks for the post. Happy new year to you too! Nice pic of the flag on the moon!
  • Delayne Webster

    Yea we have been getting some rain. Now we are getting some cold temps but still no snow. So how was your new years? Mine was ok i had to work ems but thank god no bad calls. You been busy on your end?
  • Delayne Webster

    By the way love your new photo
  • Zach Woynar

    Yeaaaaaa Rik it was profitible!!!!!!!!!!! from wat i can remember
  • Trish

    Hi. Things in FL are good. Weather is great. 74 outside and beautiful. How are things with you?
  • Ruby

    I guess I really need to up date the picture, maybe get rid of the hat....lol Happy New Year....
  • Trey Taylor

    thanks for the add/ how far are you from hattiesburg?
  • Andrew

    Yeah, I am glad UGA won. Sorry I haven't replied to messages in a while I was out of town. Have a good one bro.
  • Joel Swanson

    We start this coming Monday. I was in Ames today and traffic has already picked up, so some have come back.
    Hung out with my Colo FD friends and former FD Captain yesterday. I'm putting my house up for sale in Kelley & going to move back to Colo, where it's much busier, more territory as well.
    I was wondering if you were busy on this last shift. Just hadden't gotten around to get evryone shouted at yet today.
    Talk to later Rik!
  • Jennifer

    Im hanging in there thank you for asking! How's my favorite Jackson guy??? Stay safe!!
  • Stacy L. Copelan

    hey I have not been on in a long time...yup that was me.... i usually work mornings so i would not have been on the stand by... be careful out there!
  • Fire Marshal; Sandy - aka Honey

    Dude...where you been....you just left me hangin. >> and we had such a beautiful relationship strated...LMAO Seriously, I hope the New Year will be blessed for ya. Love, Sandy
  • Stacy L. Copelan

    Yup I am still around! Hoping to go to school next semester! I should say I am going but we will see...becareful out there and play nice with others...right? ha!ha!
  • Mandi

    hey Rik,
    umm i have been working on cars for years and after high school i went to NASCAR Tech for a while.I wanted to be an engine builder,but then i got into this little adrenaline rush we call firefighting!haha!
  • Joel Swanson

    Were close enough to Wisconsin you almost have to be. Plus a lot of the peeps here at work are from the Wis. area, so we have to be.
    Bart Starr, now that takes me back....
    We're in the deep freeze up here. It's been worse but the sametime last year it was 58 degrees, so that tell ya we've been spoiled. This year we're really having winter. So, we have to remember what winter is really like.
    Hey, stay safe with all those fires. I have one more day on, then I'm off for two days.
    Later Rik!
  • Jennifer

    Hey Rik! Hows it going? Argghhh i hate painting but at least ya got it out of the way and I bet the little lady appreciated it..... Stay safe bud and God Bless!!! =D

    Hey Bro, I hope you have a good new year!!


  • Shelby

    lol Hey whats up?? How u doin?? im doin dandy here. Thanks im sure i will enjoy my weekend u have a safe and great weekend too!!
  • Joel C Kelley

    Aloha yourself, Rik. Life here is not so BZ but did have a structure fire last week. Dud was working on his car in the carport, and the fuel tank started leaking, so he goes to get the hose, and comes back and starts washing down the pad. Well, water starts flowing, pressure in the pressure tank drops and the pump kicks on, ten feet from the spill, and BOOM! By the time we got there, there were four rooms rolling, including the attic space.
  • Clint Millsaps

    Whats up Not much here just chillin. Friendsville is between Maryville and lenoir city. My adress is
    455 N. farnum St.
    Friendsville Tn, 37737

    Look it up on mapquest if you need any better directions.
  • Deborah

    I am doing well sir...thank you :) It certainly has been awhile..We have been pretty busy here as well...had a threat of snow today...nothing to get too excited about. Good hearing from you again. Have a wonderful & safe weekend!
  • Allen Wahlstrom

    Heya Rik! We just spent 3 days guarding a burning hulk of magnesium. Yep the Navy dropped an H-53. 3 dead and the 4th ejected and critical. Lots of fun...stay safe!
  • Darren

  • Stanley Carr (Wakulla 219)

    keep em safe out there and did you enjoy the snow the other day ....i know my kids did in hattiesburg
  • Jennifer

    Im going have to call you to do some home improvements soon ! lol i dont know where im moving yet tho.....= I Stay safe!!!!!
  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Rik,
    Just taking life easy today. Going through some old pictures, to see if there is anything to add to my photos.
    Nevada had another house fire overnight. They paged out Colo(My old dept) & Cambridge. My Colo buddy & a Nevada buddy are cold, tired and tired of fighting the cold weather. This is the second house fire in less than a week.
    Well, have a slow night, get some rest!
  • Jenny

    Hey Rik, hope you have a great weekend off. we are headed to denver for a motorcycle swap meet and bike show. hopefully we won't get snowed on. Had a big structure and hay fire the other night. the water was feezing about a soon as it hit the ground. One of the rookies froze up a pump on a truck. Was glad to go home after that one. Take care and stay safe.
  • firefighter1213

    Hey Rik, Hope you had a great Lee, Jackson day!
  • Zach Woynar

    Wat up Rik?? GO PATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Rik Helldatshot

  • Shelby

    Hey long time no talk Hope all is well take care...

    Shell :)