Brian Phelps

50, Male

Whitesboro, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS), Hazardous Materials Team Member, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
13 yrs now
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Allen, Texas
Years With Department/Agency
11 yrs now...
My Training:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I decided to do it just to help other people, I have always wanted to do this since I was a kid, I gave up a scholarship for football at Texas Tech to do this and I love my job, been a professional firefighter/medic over 14yrs now...

Comment Wall:

  • Amanda

    thanks for the invite! How far are u from Corpus? just curious. Have a great day

  • Amanda

    lol its kool. Everything is going is good. Im actually trying to move to Austin Im waiting for my State Cert to come through, got some "hopefull" jobs. keep in touch! ttlys
  • Jamie

    Thanks for the add Stay safe....... Im doing great.. How r u?
  • susan

  • GVFD 123

    Hey hows it going havent seen u in a while have a happy thanksgiving
  • susan,Your one stop graphic spotMyspace Layouts & Graphics
  • David

    Hey brother,
    Long time no see. Hope all is well with you in the boro and you're staying out of trouble. I'm alive and well and back on shift full time in Mckinney. Can you believe that? What a wild ride for the past 6+ months.
  • David

    It's all good dude. I'm just working hard, trying to behave myself and stay safe and don't think I'll be riding a motorcycle for a few years. Go figure? I will try to start up a side business sometime in the near future where I design and build some custom bikes and choppers. What can I say.... it's in the blood and I miss it. At least this will allow me to stay in touch a bit. Talk later.