Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
North Star Volunteer Fire Dept., 5 years as Volunteer.
Seattle Fire Department, 12 years downtown on Ladder 4.
Relationship Status:
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Staffing (recruiting AND retention), rewarding and recognizing our dedicated but overworked volunteers, funding, replacing large fire apparatus and maintaining the buildings and other infrastructure. With the grant programs available today, most FD's have very good opportunities to secure one or more grants for the "loose" equipment (SCBA, turnouts, etc.), however there are very few grant programs for the really expensive stuff - fire apparatus, buildings, etc. Before long, many FD's are going to have rooms full of newer PPE and hand tools; and a deadlined 30+ year old fire engine that they cannot replace. Ironic, don't you think?
Jessi Stong
Oct 26, 2007
Jerry Hanson
Jan 2, 2008