Rik Helldatshot


Clinton ,Mississippi

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
2 9 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Jackson Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
27 years
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Currently a member of our newly formed METRO JACKSON FIREFIGHTERS EMERALD SOCIETY.
My Training:
About Me:
I've been in a relationship with my Wife for 28 years BUT I've been informed that a Relationship ant the same as SAYIN' your Married ! (LOL,I thought I was just being funny!...found out it wasn't funny !)So I've been Married to my Wife for 27 years ,we have two FINE SONS! I'm a Blessed Man ,and I know it ! Thank You JESUS for the Blessings you Give me Each and Every Day!
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My Dad was a JACKSON Police Officer for almost 30 years , I grew up around the lights and sirens but the Big Red trucks looked like more fun than those lil' ol' Police cars.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping people in a time of need !
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Trying to serve better ! Do no Harm ! and going home at the end of your Shift !

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  • Allen Wahlstrom

    yeah I grew up here too and was of the smae mindset...however after 5 years in Savannah I was convinced the Great Republic of Texas is NOT the South...it's TEXAS brother and if your Texas, can you really be anything else???
  • Joel C Kelley

    Thanks for posting the Pic of Beauvoir, I am glad to see the restoration coming along. My civil war living history group doanted a substantial amount to the project, then I moved to Hawaii and haven't been able to keep up.
  • Stacy L. Copelan

    Hey I am here, and still almost in one piece...lol What station do you work at? Well Stay safe out there...

    my weekend was pretty fun...we had fire behavior training all say saturday.

    how was your weekend?

    *Never Weaken*

  • Andrew

    Thanks for both of your comments, I cherish every minute I have with them, especially after being gone from them for so long, have a good one.
  • Joel C Kelley

    No not many Hawaiians in ole Miss, for sure! I am actually a fairly recent transplant, been here only seven months, from Colorado, got tired of shovelling snow! I've spent some time in your neck of the woods too, down around Corinth, Vicksburg and Iuka. Never got to Jackson though.
  • Jo

    Thanks for the comment. If we can't rely on our friends and family who else is there?
  • Rob

    Well Rik, Its been one busy Year, Its very strange but the amount of jobs, we have been off the wall. Just had a 3 story 6 plex, check out the picks if you want. http://www.nlcfirephots.blogspot.com

    talk to you later Rob
  • Michelle

    Happy Thanksgiving to you also! Hope you are doing well, just staying busy here. Take care of yourself.
  • Rik Helldatshot

    Hey Friends! JACKSON , MISSISSIPPI just made the top 25 at something , #23 @ Most Dangerous cities, Hate Crime same as last year according to todays newspaper...ZERO .
  • Fire Marshal; Sandy - aka Honey

    Hey Rik....Hope you have a very blessed Turkey Day...remember to count your blessings...and give Thanks....Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Dude...I love turkey.....gobble gobble

    PS Love your music....
  • Rob

    Rik, Received the first today, Light a wet, Buy jan I will see what I can do for you......LOL
  • Wayne Mitchell

  • SMOKEnPipesJim

    Send Snow??? LOL It was 57 degrees at 7 pm when I took the dog for a walk...we have a "snowy" thanksgiving 3 times in My entire life here, and Maybe 10 that are cold enough to enjoy a fire in the fireplace, if You have one.... lol Have a good holiday .. I am working Dayz and expect many "Culinary Misadventures"
  • Captain Hays

    To my brother in dixie, have a great holiday season, you be safe and take care. Thanks from CP in Washington.
  • Jeff

    Thanks man
  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Rik,
    You have some awesome pics on your site!
    You even remind me of the jolly ol' soul in turnout gear, himself.
    Stay safe always, but especially during the Holidays...
  • Joel Swanson

    You are the jolly old Saint Rik after all !
    You sound like a fun guy to have around.
    And tis' the season........
    I really like your site. I especially like your history photos as well.
    Stay safe my friend and has a Happy Holiday Season!
  • Fire Marshal; Sandy - aka Honey

    Hey dude, love your music pick: Christmas in dixie... from Jackson to Carolina!!! Very fitting for you and me, huh. giggles>> No way...I have NOT got the lights up. I've been teaching so much after hours around here...I still have the Turkey junk up...but, hey...in my heart, I'm ready!!! I love this time of year!! AND it's even cold, ok..chilly here right now...now, next week I can't promise we won't be needing the air again. Drive stright and laugh a lot.
  • Michael

    Thanks for the welcome. I live about an hour from Race City USA. I'm a huge race fan too! Who's your driver?
  • Stacy L. Copelan

    hey rick i worked 3 codes in jackson yesterday, i think i heard about 8 go out i was floored.... i have not seen you out there yet, you stay safe...see you around...hope you had a great turkeyday, and have a wonderful christmas i will be working...see you around
  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Rik,
    We had ice & snow today so between the PD & Fire we had a busy day.
    When you see the big guy my favorite color is green and my favorite size is anything that fits in my wallet.
    Have fun at the Christmas Parade. The town our station #1 is in had to cancel theirs tonight because of the ice.
    Take Care Rik!
  • Firefighter Tyler Supplee

    Actually Rik,I'm from Central PA between Harrisburg and State College.Ever heard of Thompsontown?Mifflintown?Maybe even Port Royal?Anyways we're down 322 a ways
  • Firefighter Tyler Supplee

    haha almost all our cars have a rebel flag on em!hell half of Juniata County has the rebel flag on their car...thanks!Take er easy!
  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Rik,
    How'd the Christmas Parade go last night?
    The weathers still acting up, here. We got some light snow and now the wind has come up and the snow is now blowing. By night fall it will start to make the roads icy, again.
    Take Care!
  • Deborah

    Hey there Mississippi!!!! We are blowing it right up to you! lol .... pretty windy down this way, but the temp hit 80! Have a great week sir, and be safe out there.
  • Jennifer McFarland

    Thanks... I'm good.. How are you?? How are things in Mississippi
  • Deborah

    Well it must have hit both of us. We had frost everywhere here. I agree about the coffee thing :) We are keeping it safe and ya'll be safe as well sir! Have a wonderful day!!
  • Joel Swanson

    No snow today, just cold and raining at times. We still have a lot of ice.
    I'm just waiting for the calls to start coming. I'll trade you our snow for your sunshine, except Christmas Eve & morning.
    Take Care !
  • Shelby

    Sorry it takes so long to answer back...Thanx and u stay safe to!!
  • Andrew

    I am doing good brother, how are you? We have finals going on, I just took my final for Incident Command, it was pretty easy. Next quarter I am taking a Fire Service Law class, our instructors sat that chiefs hate that class cause we learn about all the ways they screw us that we don't know about yet.
  • Deborah

    Alrighty then SIR !!! LOL I will try....you have an awesome day :)
  • Jo

    I hope all is going well for you and the Holidays treat you with kindness.
  • Zach Woynar

    hows things going brother?? Stay Safe!!
  • Captain Kevin C. Ross

    Hi Rik, sorry I did not get back to you before this, I had a great Thanksgiving with my family. Absolutely no problem that you downloaded the siren off my site, I put it there to share with anyone who wants to hear it or use it. Have a great Christmas and stay safe BROTHER!!! Kevin.
  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Rik,
    Yeah, we got more snow, more injuries from falls on the ice & snow kind of calls. Ran a medical call this morning on the rescue. I'm on eleven days off from the P.D.. So, I'll be able to respond to fire & rescue calls for Kelley.
    Stay Safe Rik!
    Check out my pictures of my Jeep in the snow they are for you to enjoy....
  • Joel Swanson

    For now we'll just have to snowball fight over the internet...
  • Bob

    Mornin Cap!

    Thanks for the kind words. Hope things in Jack-town are sloe and easy for you, although I know that's wishful thinking. We're on the 10 year plan down here, we don't even have a bloody grocery store other than Wally world... But time will tell whether of not we'll get back to normal. Be safe, we'll talk to ya soon!
  • Delayne Webster

    Hey Rik just droped in to say hello from ga. Be safe out there an happy holidays
  • Zach Woynar

    Heyyy Rik they keep saying we get snow but its either rain or ice were due for a good storm!!
  • fireplug396

    yoyo its been awhile since i been on here sorry for the procrastination lol i'll be at #1 FIRE ACADEMY sometime this year we need to hook up and get some grub deer hunting has sucked so far this year so I NEED TO QUIT
  • Fire Marshal; Sandy - aka Honey

    Dude, I spoke too soon about the cooler weather...we're back to laying in the sun round here...again. "Sandy" Claus better invest in a tank top this year!!!!
  • Chris Mcneil

    yeah buddy...lol...hope everything is going good for ya..try and keep it safe back your way and have a merry christmas..
  • Rik Helldatshot

    Been gettin the bugs out of computer the pass 48hrs maybe I'm ok now ! MISSED YA'LL !
  • Joel Swanson

    I wondered what happened to you?
    Today it's sunny & cold, no more snow or ice for another day or so. Had to push one of my cars out of a snowbank yesterday with the Jeep. I live on the edge of town. Nothing but open fields, so we can get big drifts, sometimes.
    Glad to have you back on the www !
    Take Care Rik.....
  • Joel Swanson

    Why do you think I own a Jeep? I take the back roads to work when it snows instead of the highway ;-)
    Sometime you'll have to travel from the south and spend sometime in our winter wonderland.
    Stay Young Rik!!!!
  • Firefighter Tyler Supplee

    I agree with Joel!Ohh yah I'm stayin' outta trouble...hey have a good christmas...just another week till Christmas!And alot of calls...I mean snow!haha it's sleeting here and it looks like 3 inches of snow...
  • Jenny

    Hey Rik, I wish I could go to Daytona. Some warm weather would be great about now. It was negative 10 yesterday am. Talked to a friend in alaska last night. It was in the thirties, that's just not fair. Our yearly vacation is sturgis. We go with a few others on the dept who have bikes. get rained on a lot, but still have fun. Tell your LDO I am jealous. Take care and be safe
  • SMOKEnPipesJim

    I havent been on here Rik much been making ever attemppt to become a microsoft tech and figure out an issue I've been having...which only affects One thing.. anyway , Yeeah we got some "crap" yesterday though it was as much freezing sleet for the first few hours , the upper partof the state got around 6 - 8 average I guess we got 5-6... lets see what happens this weekend sposed to get a Noreaster, though I've heard they are downplaying how bad its supposed to get.. They are saying the Low pressure system will cause the snow event to be north and west of us and rain and freezing rain for us..if it tracks 5 feet to the right we are screwed....lol For the 1st storm of the seasonthet said the state police responded to over 250 incidents in the 14 hours the interstates were hell....lol I heard the worst incident was a car getting off the Highway couldnt stop, ran into the barrrier at the pumps at a gas station, glanced offand into the station and caught fire, NO one hurt, But the FM's office has decided until they erect a full guard rail the dont Get a COO..lol this station is at the foot of a short off ramp in a fairly urban neighborhood mind you... and this was the 2nd timethis happened without Major issues, guess they figure 3 strikes won't be good....lol ... temps in the upper 20's and teens inland tonight today was in the 40's ,yesterday it was 28-36 ... we might notget the snow like up in Buffalo or Alaska lol But its always interesting...lol
  • Jeff


    Just wanted to say have a safe and Merry Christmas and a great New Year.