Firefighter I and II. Advanced firefighting cours, PPA class, Haz-Mat, Teachnical rescue, First aid as first responder. Wather rescue.
Fire prevention I, with focus on doing inspections in occupied buldings and homes.
About Me:
23 year old kid from city of Oslo, Norway. Love my life and I'm very happy of attchiving my biggest dream come thru, becoming a full time firefighter. I spend alot time with friends and family, enjoying time in the forrest either camping or fishing. Hockey and sport is also a big part of my life, as much as the job itself.
Every day is different and you work with people who share the same interest's and passion, that's what makes this job the best job in the world.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The people I work with..
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Firefighter is missing, we must be preperd and be able to quickly and effecty change the focus from firefighing to search of our own firefighter, without using to much time to find out what and how to do it. Exersice on this so everyone on the scene know's what's going on and what each one has to do. Don't make caos!
Glad all is going well and congratulations on landing a job Oslo. Yes, both squad 3 and squad 1 assisted. we also sent a couple of rigs to cover the vacant Minneapolis stations. Fairly busy 24 hours.
PS don't apologize for your English, I wish we were not so arrogant at times and would be a little more bilingual.....
Stay safe, Mark
For å si det sånn så er det vanvittig bra lokaliteter, men oppholdsrommet/stuen kunne vært bedre. Treningsfasilitetene er som et hvilket som helst helsestudio! Så totalt sett så er jeg veldig fornøyd. Du får ta en tur innom hvis du er på disse kanter! Vi får en delegasjon hit fra Oslo under NM i håndball, neste helg.
Mark Affolter
Aug 8, 2007
Mark Affolter
PS don't apologize for your English, I wish we were not so arrogant at times and would be a little more bilingual.....
Stay safe, Mark
Aug 8, 2007
Morten Garfield
Sep 17, 2007
Morten Garfield
Sep 21, 2007